2: Felix...?
"Come on Piglet, time to come upstairs. Got horse camp in the morning, and you know how much Dad hates it when you don't get up early enough. It's already 9:00."
"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming, just... One more episode." Popping a piece of a broken pretzel into my mouth, I waved a hand at my older brother, not looking away from the tv.
The teenager shakes his head, propping himself up against one of the couch arms. "I don't know how you watch this stuff at night. I mean, this supernatural stuff creeps me out as it is, and you watch it all the time."
Letting out a tiny shriek, I covered my eyes and turned down the volume by 10 notches, not wanting to see the spirit appear in front of the main character's car.
"And... It's over. Turn it back up, squeaky." Felix raised an eyebrow, observing me calmly turn the volume back up in time to see the heroes kick butt.
"I still get freaked out. But I know that in the end, no matter how terrifying the episode ends up being, Kam and Sean are going to win. There's no reason to get myself worked up over it if they'll always save the day. The directors can't kill the main characters anyway in the show, there would be a freaking riot." I concluded, stuffing another round of food into my mouth.
"Ha, well. Ever read Divergent?" He scoffed, and I chucked a pillow at him, which he dodged with a smirk.
"Shut up, I haven't recovered emotionally from that, you jerk."
Felix knocked me on the back of the head hard enough to hurt, and I glared at him. "Get some sleep, Piglet. Don't wanna piss off Dad, alright?"
I saluted him lazily, turning my attention back to my favorite show.
"Have fun with the rest of that episode. Hope nothing happen- OH MY GOSH, WHO IS THAT?"
Startled, I looked over to where he was pointing, expecting to see a face peering into the basement window. Maybe a psycho killer, a ghost, a vengeful spirit?
Instead, he began to laugh, his dirty blonde hair bobbing along in time with the deep sound.
"YOU SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME!" Throwing the remote straight at his stomach, it hit its target with a satisfying oomph sound out of Felix's mouth, cutting his laughter short.
"OW, man! Fel, that hurts!"
Tossing my loose, long brown hair over my shoulder, I smiled coyly, ignoring him.
"Whatever, it was funny anyway. Totally freaked you out." My brother began to march up our steps, then called down, "Hey, be careful. It might come back."
Groaning in frustration and a bit of fear, I quickly turned off the tv and bolted up the stairs, chasing the sound of Felix's chortling with continuous threats to lock him in my closet.
Clutching the wheel with one hand, the frantic eyed boy swerved in a desperate attempt to avoid the truck barreling towards them- to no avail. Spinning, spinning, faster and faster, no impact-
FELIX! ABBY! Shuddering with a burning sensation in my chest, I was awake again. The beeping of the monitors, the hospital bed, the clinging, plastic sheets on my abdomen, it all came back to me. So did the incident, the memory branding itself into my mind.
Trying to call out was physically painful. My throat felt like rough sandpaper whenever I tried to swallow, and my cracked lips fared no better. I opened my mouth to try, but there was no need to draw attention to myself this time.
A couple of nurses were already pulling back the sheets to check on the tubes in my arms and chest, brushing hair out of my face and muttering soothing words of encouragement as they worked. They had obviously seen the change of my breathing from the machine, and had come to the conclusion that I was aware of my surroundings, once again. Great.
The drugs were still sending me into a haze, but it definitely wasn't as bad as when I'd first woken up. Which had been how long ago? Oh crap, I need answers.
Unhinging my rusty mouth like a robot that needed oil, I managed to utter a few quiet words. But they weren't loud enough, as the nurses didn't seem to notice or didn't really care.
"She up again?" Fane and Flynn's identical faces appeared in my view, their hazel eyes examining me closely. I gazed at each of them, only seeing Felix, their third puzzle piece that was missing from the triplet team. He wasn't here; Which was why I needed answers.
Feebly lifting up a hand, pushing a nurse's warm fingers out of the way, I pointed at my mouth, hoping they would understand.
Each of the boys smiled, looking at each other with joy. "She can move, oh man, she can move. She's gonna be okay. Oh man..."
The urge to roll my eyes was overwhelming. Firmly pointing at my mouth, I mimed drinking a glass of water. Come on, guys, now is not the time to be idiots.
Blinking away tears, Fane cocked his head, looking confused. Then realization lit up his eyes, and he leaned over me, nudging a nurse who was busy writing something down on a clipboard. She looked up at him with pity, but he ignored it.
"Excuse me, but Felicity seems to be needing something to drink. Is there any way she could have a glass of water, or maybe something else that could help?" His voice was cracked with exhaustion, I could hear it. Despair was wound into it as well, and it hurt me to think about how long I might've been fighting for my life. Weeks? Months? Were Felix and Abby doing the same in another room, across the hall? Trying to keep themselves grounded? Trying to remember who they were?
The nurse regarded him, then glanced down at me. I took the chance to make my hand motion, and she lifted her eyebrows with surprise at my movements.
"Of course." Once she had left, Flynn gripped my hand tightly, avoiding the tubes coming out of my wrists.
"Gosh, Fel. We thought... We... We're wimps. Every single one of us. We thought we'd lost you. I almost gave in." He stammered, pressing my knuckles against his lips.
"When we got the call- Man." Fane added, smiling wanly.
The nurse returned with the water, gently handing it to Fane. He took it, not even bothering to wipe away the tears, and bent down to shakily put the glass against my lips. The cool, refreshing liquid seeped into my throat, and I greedily gulped it down.
I was tired already, but I had things to be done.
"How are-" I stopped abruptly to cough, "they?"
"Abby, Felix. How-" Dang this throat! "are they doing?"
The pair leaned out of my vision for a second, and their faces were replaced by the cold, speckled ceiling once again. I tried to sit up from my laying position, but they were back a few moments later, along with Mom, Dad, and someone else I didn't know. He looked familiar, but there was no time to dwell on that now.
Mom brushed my brown locks out of my face, framing my head in a halo of hair, as she calls it. Even Dad bent down to my eye level, scruff coating his chin. However, Fane, Flynn, and the familiar stranger were turned away from me, their shoulders shaking gently.
Fear struck me cold, and I widened my eyes. Something was wrong.
"Abby. Felix. Where are they?" I repeated, straining to get my words out past the pain in my chest.
Mom opened her mouth, then turned away towards the boys, struggling to keep it together. Instead, Dad took charge.
"Honey, Abby is- fine. She's at home, recovering from a slight concussion and a few broken ribs. Felix... Sweetheart, the crash you were in was very, very severe. The- the ice on the road... A truck slammed into the car you were riding home in with Abby, from the airport. Felix was driving, and the truck happened to hit the driver's side. We didn't think you would make it."
Listening to my father review what I already knew had gone down that late night was too hard to bear. Even though I already knew the answer to my own question, I managed to choke out, "Felix?"
Dad began to cry, clutching my hand like his life depended on it. "Your older brother didn't make it, sweetheart. Felix didn't make it."
Everything slowed to a dull roar. My heart thumping was audible to my ears, the blood rushing in my head. No. No. NO. Cathump. Cathump.
"Her heartbeat is racing again, the drugs are kicking in." A nurse stated, and I blinked slowly, fighting the pain and darkness with all of my might. No, not now. I couldn't go now. Felix. FELIX! HE'S NOT GONE, HE CAN'T BE GONE.
I bucked my heels, frantic to escape the blurring of my senses. "No, no, please. Felix!" My voice came out as a rasp, and Dad choked on a sob.
"Honey, Felicity, calm down, please." He begged, struggling to keep my feet plastered to the bed. A tube on one if my wrists ripped off, sending a small steam of blood to flow down my arm. The sight of it sent me into a flurry of panic, and I began to screech.
My eyes were too dry, this was all too wrong. Maybe I was dreaming. Felix couldn't be gone. He was going go college next year, going to be an engineer, work on cars his whole life, his DREAM. It was too hard to imagine him gone. I didn't want to. I couldn't afford to think like that.
Fane and Flynn joined in on the end of the bed, their faces screwed into expressions of unimaginable pain. Their third piece, missing, forever.
My big brother, missing, forever.
I am Felicity Kept. I wish that my brother was here with me. But wishes don't always come true, do they? I am Felicity Kept. It's my fault my brother is dead- I remember everything.
Hello, little chickadees! Thank you for reading this, it means a lot to me. This kind of came in a dream, but I added on to it. Felicity's story will form as we go along, and you'll get to understand what actually happened that night. By the way, did you get my reference at the beginning? Kam and Sean? Changed the first letters of their names...? SUPERNATURAL FANS, WHERE ARE YOU?! Anyway. :D Hugs for all!
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