Picking up the Broken Pieces
Izuku's eyes opened tiredly. His head felt fuzzy, as he scanned the room. He was in a hospital bed, one of his hands was handcuffed to the stand of the bed.
He pushed his body up and bit his lip, I didn't die.
He grabbed a fistful of the bedsheet, and squeezed it hard in anger.
He took a shaky breath and released the bed sheet, thankfully he was alone. He needed time to breathe, time to think.
He took long, deep breaths to try and calm his shaky hands, and trembling body.
"Why did it have to happen like this?" Izuku said weakly to himself, "I just wanted to be a hero, and save people, so why?"
His head snapped to the side as he heard the door open, his eyes immediately filled with tears.
"Mom..." his voice cracked.
"Izuku," she said softly, rushing in and enveloping him in a tight hug.
"I'm so sorry," tears came like waterfalls down his face.
"Why did you do it?" She pulled away from him, her face eerily calm.
"I-I'm a bad person." He looked away and clutched the bed sheets again.
"No, no you're not, Izuku-"
"You don't understand, Mom, I HURT people, at-at least I tried too- I-I"
"No-No I don't deserve to be alive, I-"
"IZUKU," Inko shrieked, "Don't you ever say that."
Izuku immediately broke down and started crying, Inko reached over and comforted him.
Aizawa and Toshinori stood outside the door quietly, listening to the heartbreaking scene.
"Izuku," Inko looked at her son with comforting eyes, "Please, talk to me."
Izuku took a shaky breath and spoke, "C-Can you turn around?"
Inko titled her head in question.
"I-I just can't... look you in the eyes."
She nodded and turned around.
"I-It began with the... nightmares," he started, "I never really told you, mom, but I was... bullied a lot in middle school-"
"Izuku-" she tried to intervene.
"Please, don't speak." He took another breath, "It got worse each night, it brought back so many things that I hate about myself." His voice started breaking again, but he kept going, "It felt hopeless, everything I did. And t-then I got kidnapped-"
"You what!?" Inko jumped from her seat, "I'm sorry, but when did that happen and why wasn't I informed!?"
Izuku blinked, "Oh. I guess... somehow the timeline got a restart? I'm talking about... the timeline before this? I don't know if I'm making sense."
Inko slowly sat back down, "...Continue."
On the other side of the door Aizawa and Toshinori flinched at the coming pain Inko would feel as she remembered.
"Shigiraki... Hurt me. The words he was telling me were burned into my brain like the blades that burned my skin."
Inko flinched But remained silent.
"I suddenly... wanted all the pain to stop. I thought that... if I... killed them... it would somehow make me feel better."
Inko suddenly clutched her head and squeaked.
Izuku's eyes widened as he tried to get up from the bed, but the handcuffs held him down.
After a few seconds, Inko brought her hands down and exhaled. "Izuku... I remember now."
She got up and hugged him again, but went back to her chair quickly, "Please, don't let me stop you." She said quietly.
Izuku looked at her worriedly, but he kept going, "S-So when the league brought me back, all I could think about was ending... the pain and hatred I was feeling." His voice was so thick with emotion, "So when-" he started choking on his sobs, "I actually killed Uraraka- I-" Izuku started crying again, he screamed and his entire body trembled, "I didn't feel better," he yelled, "I realized the only way to end my pain, was to end my FUCKING LIFE."
He covered his face in his hands, "even now... EVEN NOW- I-I don't want to be here anymore." His voice weakened, "Everyone else would be a lot better without me. All I do is screw things up, so-so... let me die."
A few minutes passed of Izuku crying loudly into the sheets of the bed.
Aizawa and Toshinori finally walked into the room, each with a few tears staining their faces.
"Young Midoriya... you're going to be okay." Toshinori spoke very softly.
Izuku sat up slowly and stared out the window, "Y-You can take One for All back-k, if that's what you want." His voice broke in a thousand places, "G-Give it to-o someone who deserves it."
"Young man, I would never dream of it. We're going to help you, and you'll become the greatest hero." Toshinori smiled.
"How do you know I can get better?"
"Midoriya, I've never met someone with a will as strong as yours." Aizawa cut in, "We can and will get through this."
"...you-you don't know that." Izuku closed his eyes.
"I do." Toshinori stepped forward and pulled out his phone, "I'll tell them to come in now." He sent a quick text.
Aizawa's eyes widened, "We never talked about this? Who's them? What are you doing?" He hissed.
"Thats because he just came to me before I came here."
Inko looked at them worriedly, "What does that mean? Who's coming?"
"Please, don't worry." Toshinori assured.
"I am here!" A voice at the door called, and a man walked in, "Get it, cause that's All Might's catchphrase"
Aizawa spoke, "Who the hell is this?"
"This is the man who can send people back in time." Toshinori smiled.
"What!?" Inko cried.
Izuku whipped around and stared at the man with wide eyes.
"He helped me before, and he came to me again."
"You guys keep screwing up!" The man laughed. He obviously wasn't reading the dark mood of the room.
Two more people entered the room.
"What the hell are they doing here?!" Aizawa snapped, "What are you thinking?"
"Hello, Young Todoroki, Bakugo. I thought I also asked that Iida and Kirishima come?"
Todoroki looked at him seriously, "We... want to spare them the pain... so we told them you changed the time."
"Toshinori, you're not seriously sending them back in time again?!"
Inko started sniffling and she ran over to the two boys, wrapping her arms around them, "Thank you for helping him!" She cried.
Once she broke away from the hug, Todoroki and Bakugo came closer to Izuku.
"S-Stay away." Izuku said weakly, "Why do you care so much?" He looked like he was on the verge of tears, "I don't mean anything."
Bakugo kept coming closer and Izuku's eyes grew wider in fear, Izuku covered his face with his hands.
He didn't expect Bakugo's arms to wrap around him in a hug.
"I'm sorry. For everything I did."
Izuku froze, "K-Kacchan.."
"Me and Todoroki are going to go back in time and fix our mistakes, again." He grumbled as he pulled away.
"Midoriya, the whole class cares about you, any of us would help you." Todoroki smiled lightly.
"So let's get this over with." Bakugo turned towards Toshinori and Aizawa.
"I'm going too." Aizawa interrupted, "When we go back I'm going to put him under house arrest."
Inko looked at the two students, "Are you sure you want to go back? You wouldn't have to remember any of this." She questioned.
"It's my punishment." Bakugo looked at the ground, "It's my fault he has all of the bad memories in the first place."
"I can't leave Midoriya alone after he helped me with my problems." Todoroki responded.
Izuku looked at both of them, his eyes filling with more tears, "I don't... understand..."
Inko blinked, "What don't you understand?"
"Why... you all care so much?"
"Izuku... it's because we love you" she smiled brightly, "I love you, your friends love you, your teachers love you, because you are amazing."
Izuku stared at them, like it was the most foreign concept he'd ever heard. But he immediately understood.
There really were people out there who cared about him.
He didn't realize the number of people who cared about him had increased from just his mother.
All Might, Uraraka, Iida, Todoroki, Kirishima, almost everyone in class 1A, his teachers, Shinso, Hatsume, and maybe even Kacchan cared.
Izuku covered his face with his hands and sobbed, "Thank you... Thank you..." he repeated.
Bakugo and Todoroki nodded, and they turned towards the man with the time traveling quirk.
"Let's do this." Aizawa smiled with determination.
Hello there, I just want to make clear, that there won't be any endgame ships in this story because I want everyone to enjoy it! But tell me your ships I'm curious!
Also, this story might actually be nearing the end unless I decide to do differently, just thought I'd let you all know (:
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