i am human
i wrote this snippet for a writing competition for our sister-school in Poland, in 2018. the trope was "i am human"
My name is Kyra.
I'm just a girl. From Hungary, Europe, the Eastern Hemisphere, the Earth, the Solar System, the Universe, the mind of God.
We think that we are the central of the Universe. Just like the people did, when they believed that the Sun circle around the Earth. But then, their perspective changed. An outside affect changed them. And they saw the truth, about us, the Earth. That we need the Sun, not backwards. We need its heath and its light. We are the ones moving. If the Sun won't be there, we would be dark, and alone. And that'd hurt. A lot.
But the Sun and the Earth itself, was just the beginning. We made the Earth into what it is now. We ruined it, we took away nearly everything from it. We have to give back as much as we take away, maybe more. Because the Earth needs to move. So we can move, we can change.
What is life exactly? Life is series of moments. Series of changes. The change of the seasons. The change of persons. The change of yourself.
Controlling, fate, time, death and love. Everybody wants to control these things. But one person can not control all of these things. Because there is a way, a way how everything should happen. There is a date when certain things should happen. I believe, every single thing has a reason, why it happens in a certain time.
Everything has a reason.
And us, the people who lives in the planet, we have to work for the... big power, what conrols everything. What big power is that? Different, for each person. God. Allah. Buddha.
Everyone needs to work under someone's hand, that everything go as it should be.
But... some people have lesser time.
And then... they will be forgotten. Everybody will be forgotten, someday. There will be a huge catastorphe, just when the dinosaurs died. And nobody will remember what we did. But till then... I want to a person whom the younger self can be proud of.
We all have a little child inside of us. Our little self. Who wanted to be a princess, or olympics athelete, or dancer, or Hannah Montana. We have to think about one question, when we made a choice. What would my old self think about this? She/he would be proud. Or ashamed?
I think it is important.
Because now, in the 21st century, everybody is just black and white. Everybody is the same in the western countries. Everybody wears the same clothes, has the same hairstyles. There is a „rule" what says everybody needs to be skinny and fit and heterosexual.
Everything is just black and white. Everything.
Personalities. Politics. Ideologies.
But the world is not just black and white. There are colors. Many many colors. And they makes us who we are. Red and it's anger. Blue and it's sadness. Yellow and it's sunshine. And their mix. The mix is what life is about, really. Green. When there is sunshine, somewhere inside of you, there is sadness too. Nothing comes alone. And the coin has two sides.
Girls follows what everyone else thinks is exciting. They don't have an own opinion. They become insecure and desperate. Because others opinions matters more than their own. And this is not how it supposed to be.
Teenagers in the western countries don't realize that they are so lucky, to live in such a free and accepting world.
Saying you should accept yourself, and respect yourself, before others is easy. Doing it is hard. But not impossible.
I'm not a perfect person. And I'm certainly not a saint. But every single day I try to remember what my mother is always saying. If you want to be a better person, act like it. You shouldn't be mean or rude. You must talk kindly to every single person. Because it's a basic requirement, and it's a right. It's much remunerative, than being... you know. Eveybody is fighting a battle that you know nothing about. That's why you have to be kind. Always. And you will be a better person. And you will get back so much more. I think that's why I believe in karma. If you do something good, good things will happen to you, and backwards.
It's not easy. Because we are people and we don't like talk nicely to those people who are talk about bad things behind our back. But exactly that's the reason we must. There is a saying, I think in the Bible: If a stone was thrown at you, throw back some bread in return.
You probably can't figure out why I'm talking about all of this.
I was at the street million times, with my classmates. Boys especially. And they laugh when a person who is just a little different from the normal, walks next to us. And they starting to whisper about that person, who is sick, or overweight, or dress differently from the crowd, or - an ugly word - gay.
Why they should laugh? Because he or she is different? Most people fear from change. They are afraid so much, that they are forgetting what makes a people human. And it's the saddest of all. While you hating, you lose a part from you. And you lose yourself, piece by piece, more and more.
This is the 21st century, people! Get over it!
The people's most basic right is to be themselves. And dare to be themselves, first. And everybody should accept this. It's can not be denied from anyone. Because it's like... like they are forbit your name.
I think, these two sentence... these are the secrets of life.
We need each other, to change, to teach.
You know, a friend of mine lives in Brazil. She told me, she wrote this test in history class. There was a question about Hungary. I was curious, so I asked the question. And... I was not too impressed. More likely, I was ashamed. Because the question was: When and why did Hungary built a wall on borderline of Serbia and Hungary? And I started to think about this whole situation. Probably the entire world thinks that we are animals, because we did that.
I started to think about a big What if? question. What if there will be a time when we, hungarians, have to run from our country? Of course, we will expect that other countries will let us in. Because we are refugees. Well, not. People will point at us with guns, and they will say that we should go back home. But we have no home anymore.
I know it's risky, let in everybody. I know that we can't check everybody. But after all, we have to stay human.
I AM NOT PERFECT. Neither of us are. I have mistakes, not one, not two. Everybody does. I am a human being, just like anybody else. I am rude, sometimes, and bad-tempered. Many times, I don't think, before I speak. Many times, I say things, I regret later.
You have to count till 10.
1... This is a person my mom would be proud about?
2... Which wolf gonna win, inside of me?
3... Watch out, you will give the bad wolf some food. Are you sure, you want this?
4... No, I don't. Years later, I want to be a better person than this.
5... I am bad at science, but I want to help to find the cure of cancer. Maybe, I want to be a president some day.
6... But, you have to promise some things, okay?
7... I will always show my love.
8... I will always try to help someone in need.
9... I will always forgive.
10... I will always be HUMAN.
Remember this. And ask yourself. This is the person you want to be?
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