"wait, I hope you know that I'm only 16 and that I have been training to only be in the Karah-Leagues, right" Jake paused as he started to smirk
"Oh I see, you see potential in me, to be in this...war? thing" he giggled as he waited for Makorav's answer. Makorav was about to speak but then got interrupted by a man screaming at us from across the hall.
"number 28 is out and we don't know where the she is, evacuate the academy!" he rushed around trying to get everyones attention. Makorav told the guards to evacuate the school and told us to follow them.
"Attention all students must evacuate the academy and stay in the safe centre, Stage demon is in the building" the monitor repeated in the background"
I could here peoples screams as I saw them rushing outside through the window of the top floor.
"Stage demon?" I question
Someone whacked me from the back of my head
"Fool! You have been here longer then 2years and you don't know what a stage demon is" the redhead called erza paused and stoped panicking before continuing " a stage demon describes how powerful the threat is to us as a stage mythical being the highest and stage normality being the lowest...understand" she finished as she glared at me
"Yes mam" I replied hiding behind gray
"Aww look pinkes sc-" jake got cut off by erza holding a knife to his neck-
Wait where the hell did that come from!
"Children we don't have time to bicker you must evacuate as I must find 28" he talked to himself before shoving us all down into a lift
" this should take you outside, go into the safe center with everyone else" we all nodded and the doors of the elevator closed.
when we get into the safe centre
"Natsu your okay" a girl with white hair screamed at me while trying to push throw the crowed
"Yeah why wouldn't i be lis" i replied, pushing myself out of the hug
"I know this isn't the right time but I wanted to know if you would let me become your kamara....you where asking me and now I'm ready" she said shyly
Yeah for 3 years I've been asking idiot.....
Your probably wondering if she's a kamara why is she in the academy and is not contaminated, it's because she's not a threat to us unlike 28 and the others she's stage normality no where near a demon or mythical others here are like her but most are probably not scared of 28 and are just walking around school
"I-" I got cut off by one of the walls of the safe centre being broken into crumbs
Screams of terror filled the room
"It's number 28, she's gonna kill us!!"voices shouted around me
" natsu maybe if we become partners we might have a chance of beating her" Lisanna told me as held onto my arm
I don't know what she's thinking but she's only stage normality she doesn't stand a chance
Before I new it everyone was running to the overside of the safe centre and I was the only one left by the broken wall...but
Number 28 was right in front of me
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