chapter 1
its been two years since m dad went to jail because he had attacked a guard, who found out that he had another baby and zoe was 3 at the time. Mom told us that we were going to terra nova and we got all exited, and that we where going next week, so we started packing. As we where doing that, she had gone to the prison and told our dad about it. And as he heard about it, he planned to escape. Which was a success, and soo he re-united with my mother when we went through the portal, which I did see him but I couldn't say 'hi' because a guard need I for something and we all knew why. After we passed the portal I as out of oxygen and the nurse ran to me and put an oxygen mask on me, I soon breathed fine, looking over to where the portal was, I saw my dad run through it. I scanned his body, seeing a gun on his hand, and soon a nurse saw I too and panicked, alerting the body guards that where there, but it was to blurry for me to see and I passed out.
I had woken up the next day, and my little sister, zoe, had told me she saw a dinosaur, and so did the family, since the family said they have seen the dinosaurs, I believed them. "I'm gonna go and walk around." I smiled at my family members and went out of the house after I ate this weird food, but I can't whine, I'm in a new place. I looked at my new phone that was given to me and experimented with it. Well, until I bumped into another girl, who dropped her things. "I'm so sorry! Here let me help you!" I apologized and helped her pick her things up. "it's fine, don't worry about it." The girl that I bumped into helped me pick up her things. "I'm really sorry about that, anyway, my name's Kitty." I smiled at her. "I'm Nash." The girl smiled. We shook hands and talked about many things that we had in common, it was fun, until these boys walked by. They started to talk about her and bullying her, Which made me pissed. "Stop that!" I spoke, if she wasn't gonna stand up to herself then ill so something about it.
"And who the fuck are you to tell what to do?" One of the boys asked. He was tall and a little Fat, but the type that works out kind of fat. "latterly some with a brighter future then you." I put on my sunglasses as everyone around us went 'OHHHHHHH!!! IN YOUR FACE!'. "at least i'm not ugly." The boy responded. "at least i'm not fat." I snapped back. And that's how it went, back and forth for a few minutes until he gave up and left with his friends. Needless to say it felt good to tell of a bully. Soon, a girl ran over to me. "wow! you're so cool! you know how hard it is to make them go away?" The girl smiled. "That was easy to be honest." I smiled back at the girl, and I noticed something. She had a different colored eye. one was blue and the other red, like me, but the red eye was with a darker blue then my other eye, 'Do we have the same disease?' I thought to myself, the reason I thought this was a disease was because the doctors told me it was.
"what's your name?" I asked the girl. she was taller then I was, like everyone was because I'm short as fudge. "My name's Angel." The girl smiled. "cool!" I smiled at her and looked at Nash. "is there a high school?" I asked, looking around the town, maybe there was one but small? "yes, but you have option to go or now, you could go straight to a job but if you do go to high school you get paid more." Nash explained. "oh." I thought of it long and hard. just kidding I just spend like 5 seconds and said yes. "good! will see you there next Monday!" Angel smiled and waved goodbye, so did Nash and they went there own way. "that was weird." I sighed. "oh well." I smiled and followed the pathway to where ever it took me, if the path split, I flipped a coin, if it landed in heads I went right and f it landed in tails I want left.
I sighed, this was a new life and I was finally gonna live in peace.
Boi how wrong I was.
Thanks for reading~!!!!!!!
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