❁Epilouge- Happily ever after, or is it? (Part 1)❁
Recently, a lot have things have changed, like, a lot, so many things changed, but anyways, onto the chapter.
D.B burst through the yellow doors once again, with a cheery smile on his face as he confidently gripped the microphone, it was like any other show day, except, this day was different, it was a special day, a really special one, one that was both unexpected and rumored to happen, and I can't believe that I was there to see it happen, like, holy shit.
He skedaddled towards the stage with glee in his eyes and mouth, you know what, he was just radiating with glee, which I can definitely tell. He straightens his bowtie again and goes on with the show, "Welcome to Shovelware's Brain Game, I hope you all brought your brains!" he boomed, which cued the audience to cheer and laugh
The show went on like normal, except it wasn't, contestants were sweating and struggling to choose categories and answers, and the audience was mumbling and questioning about some suspicious golden ticket they found on their designated seats, the announcer was way more cheerful than usual, Boardy kept on winking at the camera like he was hinting something, but failing to do so and just looking like he had dust in his eye)how does that even work?), and last but not least, the banana nephews were giggling and whispering with each other, but I couldn't make out what they said, also, the nephews have recently been replaced by a new casting crew, a chunk of rice with curry sauce on their half as the stage assistant (to clear up confusion, Pear retired from this job to go be a writer and critic like he's always wanted to be, no like, a professional critic that analyzes stuff properly, which is cool!!), a robot machinelike object as the one who pulled the curtain, and a Boba tea as the camera person.
Ok, let us go a bit off topic since I'm lazy to write this stuff in my blog now, so, I heard the banana nephews are going to school (that must suck) instead of helping D.B, but I also heard that they will go back to helping him at their summer breaks and school holidays, which is awesome and I'm honestly so happy and intrigued on how much things are happening....actually I'm like very tired and exhausted right now, I just realized I included myself and my perspective in this book so much it's weird, what am I? The reader of this book?? The main character?? No way. (Sushi that sounded so weird why did you type that)
After a few more rounds, the dancing banana went up to the middle of the stage and stared at the audience, whom were confused since the current round was not supposed to end this early, but the confusion blew away like the wind blowing out buntmallows fire haha (what, sushi are you okay why are you writing like this, bo seriously are you okay you have been laughing in your room for 20 hours straight are you okay?).
Hey guys! Sushi here, I'm not okay. Sike got you! Next part soon sorry for the late updates I just got a lot going on!
Bitch what the fuck
Hey guys, sorry if I didn't update this book and practically disappeared, it's just that there's so much things to do and life has been so draining and stuff, but thats okay part 2 is coming soon now I can go back to being dead 🧚♀️🧚♀️🧚♀️🧚♀️
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