A new day, a new thing to learn. (Bokuto)
Bokuto has never been really good with recognizing his own feelings, and his mother was very different from him, almost always occupied.
That didn't mean she doesn't love him, she is just a little bit obsessed with her job, so when Bokuto needs to ask her something about feelings, she is also too oblivious to give him an answer.
Basically, their family has a big problem with understanding their own sentiments.
Knowing this, we can assume that when Bokuto asked her about the meaning of butterflies in his stomach, she didn't know how to give him an answer.
[Bokuto]- Mom! What does it mean to have butterflies in my tummy? Did I eat some butterflies when I was little?
[Mom]- Bokuto, I can't answer right now. Look for it on the internet, and don't be silly! You haven't eaten a bug in your life!
[Bokuto]- Ok! Thank you! I'll let you know if I find the meaning!
And with that, he went to his room to googling it. He found out a lot of curious facts about butterflies and the definition he was searching for.
Apparently, he was in love.
After reading that, the first thing that occurred to him was to call his bestie to tell him.
[Kuroo]- What is it now Bokuto?
[Bokuto]- Dude! So I was searching for some sensation of butterflies and guess what, I'm in love!
[Kuroo]- Really!? That's dope! And who is the lucky girl?
[Bokuto]- I hadn't stopped to think about it. I don't know, I don't even know if it's a girl!
[Kuroo]- Bro! Then how do you know you're in love?
[Bokuto]- I DON'T KNOW! I just know that every time we have training, I will feel happier and have lots of butterflies in my belly.
[Kuroo]- Maybe it could be someone from the team or one of your managers._ He said while he was thinking, "It's probably Akashi. I mean, both of them look at each other as they were the love of their lives. They are so oblivious."
[Bokuto]- OMG! You are right! Should I try to get very close to each person tomorrow until I know who the strongest butterflies are from?
[Kuroo]- Actually, that is a good idea, bro!
[Bokuto]- Thank you, bro!
[Kuroo]- Nothing, bro. Well, I need to go. Time to make Kenma sleep and then go to sleep myself. Cya bro!
[Bokuto]- Cya! Good night!
The day before it all started. (Akashi)
Akashi was in the gym as usual when someone caught him being a simp over Bokuto while he was questioning his life choices, like, why did he fell in love with that oblivious man? (He didn't realize he was being oblivious too.)
So after practice, when he was called out by a cute girl he was more than surprised.
[Coach]- Akashi! Some girl wants to talk with you, she's waiting outside!
[Akashi]- Ok! Thanks for telling me1
All the boys bugged him about that, making silly jokes as "go get her man!"
Akashi wasn't comfortable because of what they were insinuating, but he didn't take it seriously.
After changing his clothes, he went to meet the girl outside, finding out she was a girl from his club art.
The girl was, in fact, cute. She has long brown hair with some highlights in different shades of pink all over it, her outfit was cool, yet, a bit boyish, but it fit her. She was carrying a skateboard in her right hand and a bag with lots of cute pins. She was shorter than the boy but a lot more confident, yet her aura that screamed "I'm being cautious."
[Akashi]- Hey Lia, What did you need?
[Lia]- This will sound really strange, but I need to ask you because of something... Are you gay?
[Akashi]- W-What are you talking about? Of course, I'm not gay, I mean, gays are freaks, aren't they?
[Lia]- No need to lie, look. _ She showed him a pin with the LGBTQ flag.
[Akashi]_ shigths_ Ok, you caught me, I am, god saying that I'm a freak is really strange. How did you notice?
[Lia]- Gay people identify other gay people, also, you were ogling your captain.
[Akashi]- Oh god! Was I that obvious?
[Lia]- For me, yes, for your team, Nah, you're safe.
[Akashi]- Thank god. By the way, why were you looking at our practice?
[Lia]- You're not the only one who is in love darling, I like your manager, Yui.
[Akashi]- She has a boyfriend...
[Lia]- Yeah, I know, that hurts a little, yet I still wanna try and conquer her but don't worry I won't let my hopes grow.
[Akashi]- Well, now that we know all of this, what are you planning? Because I doubt you have talked to me just to know if I'm gay or not.
[Lia]- You're a very observant boy, aren't you? _laughs_ Yeah, I got a plan. You, me, fake date, maybe we can get them jealous by doing that, and by doing that, we can also be each other source of support so we can vent all of our misfortune. So... What do you say? _she extended her hand_ Deal?
[Akashi]_He looked to the hand, unsure, but after a couple of seconds, he took her hand determinedly_ Deal.
They both smiled and the girl pulled him into a hug.
[Lia]- You're the first person who I came out of the closet, don't jinx it.
[Akashi]- Don't worry little bean, I won't._ He said as he pulled away from the hug and winked at her.
They both laugh and smile at each other before saying goodbye and going home.
The day before it all started. (Bokuto)
This day, Bokuto did as he planned the day before. He went one by one searching for the person who revolutionizes his butterflies until one person was left, his lovely setter.
He went to him, trying to hug him by surprise, something that he achieved, getting all flustered and feeling high, in cloud nine.
He would have never guessed that he was in love with one of the most significant people in his life.
After practice, he went home quickly, oblivious to what was happening around him and calling Kuroo once he reached his room.
[Bokuto]- Bro! I am in love with Akashi! OMG, what can I do? He's gonna hate if he finds out!
[Kuroo]- Bokuto! Chill! I already knew he was the one you're in love with. Is pretty obvious. Also, I think he loves you back.
[Bokuto]- I don't think so bro, we don't know if he's gay! What if he's homophobic!
[Kuroo]- Bro, chill! He is not homophobic. You saw a gay Serie together last month!
[Bokuto]- OMG! You're right! He isn't homophobic!
[Kuroo]- Now that you're not panicking, try to ask him tomorrow about his sexuality.
[Bokuto]- Ok, bro. Thanks for always having my back.
[Kuroo]- Nothing dude. Goodnight.
[Bokuto]- Night!
Just like that, they both went to sleep waiting for the next day to arrive.
The day it all started
Bokuto was trying to locate Akashi to ask him about his sexuality. But when he found him, he saw him kissing a girl on the cheek. Who was she? Was she his girlfriend? Did that mean he didn't have any opportunity?
[Bokuto]- Hey, hey, hey! Akashi! Who was her? Is she your girlfriend?
[Akashi]- Good morning Bokuto-san. Yes, she is my girlfriend.
Bokuto felt his heart broke into hundreds of tiny cristal pieces anyway, he managed to keep his smile.
[Bokuto]- I-I'm so happy for you!
(Insert happy from Olivia)
[Akashi]- Thanks, Bokuto. Well, I need to go to classes.
Bokuto waved his hand as a goodbye and ran to the bathrooms texting Kuroo.
/Bokuto/- Bro, I need to call you. I'm not ok.
/Kuroo/- Bro, I'm in class already, can't you wait until the break?
/Bokuto/- Ok bro, until the break.
With that, Bokuto turned off his mobile and went to class. Saying that he went to the bathroom, the teacher let him in.
After the third period, the break came, and Bokuto ran to the rooftop where no one usually goes.
Upcoming call....
[Kuroo]- Hey bro, what happened?
[Bokuto]- Bro, Akashi has a girlfriend. I told you he wasn't gay.
[Kuroo]- Bro, he can be bisexual, and I don't care he has a girlfriend. He is head over heel in love with you. Just try to confess already.
[Bokuto]- He. Has. A. Girlfriend.
[Kuroo]- I. Don't. Care. Confess. Already. Just trust me in this one Bo, I know he loves you even if he hasn't realized that yet.
[Bokuto]- I can't confess directly... Maybe I could try making a letter confession?
[Kuroo]- That's actually cool. Maybe instead of doing just one letter, you can do multiple, leaving tiny tracks.
[Bokuto]- And maybe I can confess to him right before prom?
[Kuroo]- You will lose a year, but hey! That's a good idea!
[Bokuto]- Yeah, and if he doesn't love me, I can think we separate ways because of me going to university.
[Kuroo]- Well, the break is almost over. I need to hang up. Cya!
[Bokuto]- Cya!
Hanging up the phone, they went to their usual spots for lunch. Bokuto didn't found Akashi there, but he was determined to make the boy his.
A.N: I wasn't planning on doing this resume, but I thought it could be interesting to read instead of just reading something super summarized.
Calla lilies, the flowers at the beginning of the chapter, as the narcissus, symbolize new beginnings (even though they have also some other meanings.) They are good to give in celebrations like weddings.
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