Get to know me
Not just my fan girl me😂. I was tagged my Millsiefamofficial And I tag rmills645 and MMiaRosey
Here ya go!
Middle name
Favorite color
Yellow, magenta,( a dark pink) , and sky blue. But those are my main💛💙💗
Who was your first best friend
Umm...well I have a friend named Brianna that I knew since 3 but we still talk but it's like yea but my real ( FIRST) best friend is my friend Gigi. And if u are reading this then "HEY! 😂✌️"
How tall are you
5'2 🔥
Cats or dogs?
Funniest moment through school
Every day there seems to be something funny 😹
How many countries have you visited?
Only PA (cause I live like 10 minutes from there, NJ girl👊✌️🔥😜) and NY (only been there like 2-3 times in my life)
What is your favorite/ worst subjects in school ?
I really don't have a fave or a worst cause all of the are ok. But towards the end I always pick my fav. Cause all of my teachers are THE GOOD teachers👊🙈
What is your favorite drink?
Watermelon and strawberry smoothie 💗🍉🍓
What is your favorite animal?
MONKEY!!!!!!! 😆😆✌️✌🔥🔥🔥🔥🙊🙊🙈🙈🐵🙊🙈🐒🙉🙉🙉🐒
Tea or coffee?
Depends but I like them both🤘
What would you name your children?
A girl maybe Rosii or Rosallena. Possibly Jamie
Boy .....😏
Max, Harvey, Niall, Liam or Samka 😅✌️ (idk for Samka. I just made it up cause I want Sam to be a unique name so a ka at the end of Sam 😝😂😆👊🤘)
What sports do you play/ have played?
I used to play soccer, dance( like when I was 3 but only for like a little bit cause I kept crying) and gymnastics ( which I wish I was still doing . But my grandparents wanted to find a cheaper one cause it was getting too much and distance (by 30 min) ) 🔥⚽️⚽️ but I still like all of those sport and would not mind doing it again!😅👊😆😜🤘
What is your favorite book?
I read fan fics ✌️. But one of my top faves for directioners is Shy, it's not too late, and psychopath sitter
Millsie ( SO FAR! ) tutor, bakery love, my stepbrother, the twins...... Ect.
Who are some of your favorite you tubers?
Max and Harvey ( DUH!) Shane Dawson and Yea 😂 cause I like all of them
What is your favorite movie?
This Is Us 😆😂✌️😭❤️🇮🇪🇬🇧😍👊 (1D❤️)
Are you single or taken?
Single! And probably forever 😅👊🔥
Celebrity crush?
Max and Harvey and 1D
Do you speak any different languages and how well?
Well I am learning Spanish and only know liek the easy terms. But when someone is like motion something in Spanish i probably could understand them.
Or you have any siblings?
Yea I have 1 brother and soon a half sibling 🙊😆💙
How would you describe your fashion sense?
It depends if I really want to try to look good or not
What is your favorite restaurant?
Restaurants that is by or in the city always seem to have the best restaurants ( for me) 🐵
Pc or Mac?
Idk so I'm just gonna say neither
What phone do you have? ( IOS or Android)
iOS 🙈👊🔥📱
Sorry for those long answers people's 😅✌️😬💗🙉🤘
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