Chapter 19
⚠️Verbal sexual harassment, physically fight, cussing, F slur, S slur, yelling, crying, dude being drunk, bl**d⚠️
"Dad is home and drunk. He wants you and Ms.Grey to go to his room when you get here so stay away from his room. I wanted to warn you before you came back." Austin said getting silence in responce...
"Mom?" Austin asked after an agonizing minute of silence.
"Sorry Hon, we will be home soon. Thank you for the warning." She said making Austin sigh in relief.
"Alright, I will see you soon." Austin said before his mother hung up.
"So?" Bae asked as he got up to hug Austin.
"They are on their way here now. We should just pretend that he isn't here and if he tries anything then I won't hesitate to punch the bitch." Austin said as he looked at the DVD case.
"Well I can't have you hurting yourself so I will also probably fight the bitch too." Bae said before kissing the tip of Austin's nose making him scrunch it up cutely.
"I don't want you getting hurt though." Austin pouted as he hugged Bae closer to himself.
"I won't get hurt easily love, it takes a lot to harm me." Bae reasured as he rubbed Austin's back.
"Okay..." Austin trailed off as he nuzzled his head into Bae's shoulder.
"What movie do you want to watch?" Bae asked as he walked them back over to the couch.
"I don't care, I'll probably just sleep though it." Austin replied truthful as he nuzzled closer to Bae.
"Aww, we can eat quickly and then just go to sleep if you want." Bae suggested making Austin nod.
"Sounds good." He said sleeply.
Just then the door opened and Ms.Hall and Ms.Grey walked into the house.
"Here is everyone's food, did you boys pick out a movie?" Ms.Hall asked as they brought the food over to the coffee table.
"No we didn't because we are just going to eat and then sleep, Austin is tired." Bae explained as Austin nodded in agreement.
"Alri-" Ms.Hall was cut off by a loud BANG from upstairs.
"Fuck." Bae muttered as Austin jumped and went slightly ridged.
⚠️The warnings take place now⚠️
"Sally? Is that you dear?" Brian (Mr.Hall) asked as he stumbled down the stairs.
Sally (Ms.Hall) grimaced at the obvious slur in his voice. He was clearly wasted.
"Yes it is, go ahead and stay up there Hon. You need rest." Sally yelled back up to him.
She got a grunt in response before he could be seen in the livingroom.
"And who are you pretty lady?" Brian asked as he looked at Stella.
Stella instantly felt very uncomfortable and moved over to Bae. "I am his mother, also please don't look at me like that." She replied as she side hugged Bae.
He stepped infront of her and Austin in a protective manner as Austin tried to get his mother closer to him.
"Look at you like what doll?" Brian asked making Stella gag at his tone.
"Don't call her that." Bae bacily growled as he glared at Brian.
"Don't tell me what I can and can't do in my own house you fag." Brian shot back catching Bae by surprise.
He was not expecting that insult and it hit him hard. His own father had used that on him one too many times.
"Don't call him that!" Austin yelled sounding very pissed.
"Oh so you're defending the fag now? What? Are you one too?" Brian slured as he grabbed Sally's arm, pulling her closer to him.
"Come on hon, we need to get away from them before they give us the gay infection." Brian said as he attempted to drag Ms.Hall away from the others.
That was it. That sent Austin over the edge.
He quickly grabbed his mom's arm and pulled it from his sad excuse of a dad's grip.
"How dare you touch me you slut!" Brian roared before slapping Austin so hard he flew backwards and hit the coffee table.
"Oh you did NOT just hurt him." Bae said before pouncing on Brian.
This took Brian by surprise and so he wasn't ready for the impact.
They went crashing to the floor and Bae ended up in Mount.
"Eww get off of me you fag!" Brian yelled as he tried to get Bae off of him.
Bae had enough of this bitch, he has call himself and his boyfriend fags, he harmed his boyfriend, he verbally harassed his mother, and probably had messed up Austin's mother as well.
Withought a second thought Bae punched Brian square in the nose.
He heard a satisfying crack and knew in an instant that he had broken his nose.
That tired Brian over the edge. With a yell of pain he punched Bae in the liver taking all of the wind out of Bae.
Brian took this opportunity to shove Bae off of him and punch him in the head as well.
"BAE!" Austin yelled as Bae stumbled backwards and hit his head onto the corner of a lamp stand.
Blood was coming out of the back of his head along with his nose. He was out cold.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Austin yelled, anger very prominent throughout every word.
"I can't have that fag turning you gay!" Brian yelled back from his spot on the floor.
Just then they all heard police sirens outside.
Ms.Grey had called the cops while all of this was happening and because there was a cop at the end of the street they had showed up quickly.
"Why the Hell are they here?" Brian asked as he clutched his head. The sirens amplified in sound thanks to the alcohol he had drank.
"Because of you, you evil monster!" Austin cried as he moved to cradle Bae I his arms.
He quickly took his hoodie off and put it under Bae's head, attempting to get it to stop bleeding.
Just then two cops, a man and a woman walked into the room.
Brian tried to stand up but couldn't thanks to intoxicated state. He eventually gave up and just sat on the floor.
"Why are you in my house?" He asked as Ms.Hall and Ms.Grey moved over to Bae and Austin to help them.
"We need an ambulance here." The man said to the walkie-talkie as the lady hooked Brian up in cuffs.
"We are here to arrest you for physical abuse, verbal harassment, and verbal abuse. You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions. Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult an attorney before speaking to the police and to have an attorney present during questioning now or in the future." She stated making Brian grumble.
Even wasted he knew to keep his mouth shut until he had his lawyer.
"I'll take him to the jail, you handle them ok?" The man said making the woman nod and walk over to the four on the ground.
"Hello, my name is officer Jackie. It was a very good thing that you called us and just let us listen to what was happening.
Our operators have recorded the call and it will be used against him in court." Jackie said with a bitter smile when she saw Bae unconscious in a crying Austin's arms.
"Is the ambulance close?" Austin choked out through tears.
Before she could reply they heard a new set of sirens and a group of people came rushing into the house.
They took Bae from Austin's lap and put him onto a stretcher.
Austin quickly got up and followed them outside, the women hot on his heals.
"Can we ride with you? Please?" Austin asked as tears continued to come down.
They took one glance at the three and nodded.
So Austin, Sally, and Stella all came into the ambulance while doctors rushed around them trying to help Bae.
"Is he going to be ok?" Austin asked one of the doctors as Ms.Hall attempted to comfort Ms.Grey.
The doctor hesitated before answering...
1,366 Words! I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!! 💖💖💖
(Also please don't stop reading, the book does have a happy ending I swear 😅)
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