Final Exams part 1
Bakugou, Ashido and Kirishima woke up in a park on a bench where Aizawa saw them and told them to go home making them to go to Bakugo's since it's closer making Kirishima and Ashido to meet his parents making him to feel like he should have a crush on Izuku, but it's to Kirishima and Ashido.
Kaminari's happy that the Counselors helped him keep Bakugo away from his mate as he let's Izuku napping on his lap making Hisashi to smile as Izuael's napping against Shinso's chest who's also asleep as the weather feel nice here than in the Human Realm.
Izuku and Izuael knew they shouldn't answer this call. The caller ID flat out came up as Spam Risk and everybody knows that if you answer one of those, it's an invitation to get a hundred more of them. But honestly? Both was feeling petty. And annoyed.
This was the ninth spam call today and it's getting on their nerves. It's barely third period! So they both decided to answer the call this time. They had a plan making many to hear them answering their phones and putting it on speaker.
"Midtown Mortuary! You stab em, we slab em. How can I assist you today?" Both asked in a fake cheerful voice. The classic Customer Service voice. Their classmates watched on, most of them trying to suppress their own laughter. Everyone's getting sick of the constant interruptions thanks to the scammers.
Izuku and Izuael wasn't the only on in the class who had been receiving the neverendingly calls this week. Honestly, it was a miracle any lessons were able to be taught. The person on the other line's silent. Then there's a quiet voice talk on the other line.
"Wrong number." They muttered before the call disconnected. Izuku and Izuael both put their phones away and where very much now satisfied. Meanwhile their classmates lost the battle of restraining their amusement and just let it all out.
"I am so using that line next time I get a spam call." Kirishima announced to the room. He received many nods of agreement. Aizawa hides his own amusement as he had this recorded and everyone in the teacher lounge started to laugh as those two were too much.
Toshinori remembers getting one on his phone and a small boy's voice used this line making them to be scared as they hanged up after saying 'wrong number' and the boy's proud of himself making him to wonder about this really. Nezu's still needs to know how to undo Toshinori's forgetfulness.
Izuku and Izuael had brought really two thousand different scratch tickets online and they made sure Tenko signed them before they scratched them all making them to win on half of them ten thousand yens and the rest was fifty thousand yens which had fully shocked him.
He had asked the Counselors to ask a couple of Dragon Gods they known personally and none of them had actually gave them the blessing of extreme luck that they're showing making Tenko to think as this is getting confusing until he looks to them who had crossword tickles and a couple of bingo tickles.
They had won sixty thousand yens on all of those crossword tickles and had eighty thousand yens won on the bingo tickles making him to know he's going to be having a headache from this all really as this is so not going to be simple to expect fully.
"Does this mean you're naturally lucky?" Rumi asked slowly to make sure she's correct.
"Let us put it this way."
"Our luck at gambling and pure good fortune's inversely proportional to the luck we'll have at our future."
"And by that I mean Murphy absolutely hates us as much as he does the dragon Kind, onee-sama." Both Izuku and Izuael said and seeing Touya's confusion doubled, Keigo translated having caught the gist.
"They're good luck at gambling's only equaled to extreme crappy luck during any even the Dragons have in the Dragon Realm. Meaning they're as big a trouble magnet as the Dragons while an event happens that's bad." Keigo said.
"Why couldn't they just say so?" Both of the twins giggles as Tenko signed those tickles as well and brings them in making him to explain that his fifteen-years-old twin siblings had brought them for him online as a present for his birthday which's true, but they had used their luck for him.
'They don't need to know about that really.' Tenko thinks as he had a lot of money now making him to know he is a very rich married with a mate making many girls to try and marry him while making him divorce Rumi which he doesn't want really at all.
The Shigaraki twins did it again and this time as donations to U.A making Nezu to love it as he might be able to make U.A a flying fortress in the sky to keep the students safe plus make sure no warping Quirks can get by which Kurogiri offered to help with the testing.
Nezu accepts and got it up making it to be perfect as Izuael and Izuku helped with the fortress part as they out to whole U.A grounds and dormitories up making it to be perfect plus a large teleporter for each class to teleport to homeroom and back to dorms.
Nezu loved it as both managed to get the fortress to go two football fields length up in the sky making it to be perfect and students are safe as well, too. One of the training grounds got turned into the dormitory to make it easier and safer to be closer to school.
Nezu didn't stop it and will make sure parents were asked first while they're at Summer Camp making Hisashi to leave it to Tenko since both of the twins live with him and he accepts with letters sent to let him stop worrying about them which's acceptable.
Both Izuku and Izuael had to go up against their daddy to pass their final exams making them to be shocked as Izuku wonders if they can take this time to fully save their father and get him to remember everything including giving him photographic memory.
'I hope this works really.'
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