louis stood in pitch blackness.
he couldn't tell his left from his right, or his up from his down.
he didn't even know if he could sit down without falling into a black hole or something.
he felt himself blink, but he didn't see anything different everytime he opened and closed his eyes.
it was just pitch black.
he sighed sadly as he felt his legs starting to shake.
finally, after what it felt like hours, the blackness started to light up to a pale, white-ish color.
he looked down, and his feet were planted on a white ground.
his legs then gave up beneath him and he fell on it.
he looked up, and even the sky was white.
he knew he wasn't inside somewhere, but he didn't know exactly where he was.
was in he heaven?
no, no, no, he thought, i can't be dead!
he started breathing heavily, then the pitch blackness started to surround him.
he was once again in pitch darkness, and he was still sitting down.
guess there's no black hole, he thought.
he squinted as a bright, white light shined through a wooden door that appeared out of nowhere.
"i don't want to die! i'm not ready to die! go away!" he yelled, standing up frantically, slamming the wooden door, making it dark again.
he felt hot, rapid tears fall down his cheeks.
i don't want to die, he thought.
he felt a hand on his shoulder.
he turned around quickly and saw harry, a white glow surrounding his figure.
"h-harry? are you d-dead too?" louis asked sadly.
harry shook his head. "oh, no, lou. i'm alive, but i need you. we all need you."
"what? what are you talking about?"
harry put both hands on louis' shoulders, looking at him straight in the eyes.
"louis, your heart is about to stop beating again. you need to wake up." he demanded.
louis looked at him in confusion. "again?"
harry groaned, then snapped his fingers.
the blackness swirled into a hospital room.
perrie was breathing angrily, screaming at a tired, pale harry.
louis looked behind him and glowing harry sighed solemnly at the scene.
"you left him, harry! you left him, and now look where he is! did you know for four days he didn't move from that couch with your stupid pink blanket?!"
louis looked down, ashamed, at the hospital floor.
"perrie," he heard zayn warn calmly, "calm down."
"i won't calm down, zayn," she sneered, "this is all harry's fault."
"perrie, let's go outside for a little bit," he heard zayn say.
he heard a huff, and the sound of heels clicking getting quieter and quieter.
"i'm sorry, mate." he faintly heard zayn say, as louis looked up.
he glanced at himself in the hospital bed.
"i look terrible." he said sadly.
he then looked at harry, who had his head in his hands. "she's right." he heard harry say.
"we don't know for sure, haz." liam assured.
louis turned to glowing harry with widened eyes. "it wasn't his fault! i-i swear! i m-mean y-your fault! or w-whoever's fault it was, it wasn't your or his fault! i j-"
"louis, calm down."
louis took a deep breath.
"you're heart's about to stop beating, lou."
"w-what?" louis then heard that one long beep.
louis' eyes widened, and turned around. "get help!" pale harry yelled, running to dead louis.
"no, louis, you have to stay with us." pleaded harry, "please. i love you." he cried as louis saw one tear drop on his -- well dead him's -- hand.
louis' heart dropped to his feet.
harry still loves me?, he thought happily.
then he grew angry. "why did he leave, then?" he asked, turning to glowing harry.
"i think the real harry needs to tell you that. but right now, if you want to go back to your life, you have to get your soul into that body." glowing harry said, pointing to louis' lifeless one on the bed.
"stand back!" louis heard a male voice say frantically.
"how am i supposed to do that?!" louis asked glowing harry.
glowing harry shrugged and started to become transparent.
"no, stay! you need to help m-"
but glowing harry was already gone.
louis groaned, growing frustrated, as he ran to dead him, the handles of the defibrillator on his chest, his upper half violently coming up off the bed.
"what am i supposed to do?!" he asked himself, pulling at his long hair.
"charging, 800, clear!"
louis stood beside dead him, growing terrified.
"c'mom tommo." harry heard liam whisper.
"i'm trying!" he yelled, then realizing that liam cannot hear him.
perrie walked in, her eyes growing wide.
"oh my gosh, louis!" she screamed.
zayn walked in and his eyes filled with fear, as perrie hid her face into zayn's chest as louis' chest pumped up again.
"we're gonna have to charge to 1000."
louis looked at the doctor. "excuse me?!" he asked, putting a hand on his hip, "isn't that a big no-no?!"
"but doctor-"
"now." she demanded.
the nurse sighed and it started charging.
"c'mon louis," the doctor said, "this is your last chance. come back to us."
"shut up! i know, i don't know how to do this!" he screamed at the doctor, but he didn't seem to affect her.
the doctor sighed. "charging, 1000, clear!"
louis' chest pumped up again, and the room seemed to go silent.
a lightbulb then popped above his head.
he climbed on top of him dead self, and tried it out by putting his leg in.
his leg went into the dead louis' leg.
"it's working!" he exclaimed happily.
he then put his other leg in, then he fell into dead louis, as he heard the doctor starting to announce time of death.
sorry if the last
part doesn't make
any sense. i didn't
know how to explain
it! x
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