The Fox
He new nothing but pain and his name, he was Noah, or at least he hoped that was his name.
Noah was to be turned into wildlife nothing more, just a hunting game.
After all of the domesticated animals had been wiped out the wild ones followed close behind.
Noah, a small fox sat in the cold outside of the huge lab, he could do nothing but pace around in his small cage and look out at the sea of other people who had gone through much worse than him.
He longed to be free, to go home to his mother. He wanted to finish his senior year of high school but never got the opportunity.
He sat listening to the groans and cries of other people around him, he wanted to die.
Noah remembered all the pain he had to endore to become the way he was now.
His legs were broken to be shaped like a fox, he was given needles to make him grow fur throughout his body. Bones were constantly removed so his figure would appear small and sly, his teeth were filed and he would get fox DNA pumped into him daily.
He was still undergoing test to make him a perfect breed but it wasnt has bad as it had used to be. No matter what happened only one thought would go through his head, "Someone here has it worse."
He was right. The small fox was right.
People were forced the have horns start to grow, bones were added to many people.
He closed his eyes and took a breath, new people were always added to the outside, they were all the same. Dressed down to nothing, no clothes. A tag always rested on their hands and as they went people would receive collors of sorts.
The fox opened his eyes and looked to the cage across from his, a young girl in her twentys laid their she cried in pain as she touched the sharp horns that had grown from her head, she was to be a white tailed deer, it read so on her clipboard. If things went like they did in the wild Noah would hunt her when released, he would refuse if it ever came to it. He'd rather starve than eat something that he NEW was once a human being.
All caged up snapped their heads to the doors as they screached open to reveal the white coated men, Noah moved back into the far corner of his cage.
The men walked up to the cage with the girl growing horns, she pleaded for mercy.
"Vocal cords are to be destroyed later, take her in." And with that the men dragged her away like a peice of dead meat, she sobbed out as the doors closed behind them.
Noah touched his throat with his paw, he remembered having to undergo the vocal surgery, he used to have a voice that fload like water, but now all he could do was bark and hiss like a demonic creature.
He laid down and closed his eyes once more as he thought about what his mother would say if she could see him now....
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