fifty four
It was raining again, the gentle tapping of raindrops against the window soothing to Yoongi's ears. Above the sky was dominated by tumbling greys, smokey and silver snuffing out the morning sunlight. Yoongi found himself rubbing his knuckles against his eyes as he let out a yawn, he had taken his sketchpad into his lap and plopped himself down on the couch right underneath the window.
Seeing the drops trickle down brought a sense of calmness within him, a moment of peace as he let out a breath, bringing his pen to his sketchpad as he began to draw the rain-washed city streets.
After a high strung night, Yoongi found himself quietly relaxing in the hotel room. He could still hear the soft breaths of Jimin coming from the bed, the male bundled up in a mound of blankets and pillows as he slept soundly for the first time in weeks. Yoongi's eyes would flicker over to the male every so often, the smallest of smiles working its way across his features as he studied the way Jimin's mess of orange hair sprawled over the pillows.
He didn't dare to wake him earlier, using nearby furniture as support to make his way over to the couch. It wasn't that he couldn't walk... because he kinda could, it was just that his legs felt numb and weak, it would take a lot of time before he would even be able to walk normally again. Yet alone run... or do parkour.
Heaving a sigh, Yoongi brought his pen back to his sketchpad, the lines of the black ink bold and thick against the white. He felt the boredom already beginning to creep in, but there was absolutely nothing he could do. The Jeons still thought he was dead, so until after the Banquet Yoongi had to remain in hiding.
After a moment more of peace, Yoongi's ears perked up at the sound of the door opening up.
He could feel his heart skip a beat as he slammed his pen down against his sketchpad, eyes darting to the source of the noise.
But then his expression softened, "Jungkook?"
The brunette was frozen at the door, damp hair falling messily over his eyes as water periodically dripped down and rolled over his heated skin. His clothing was soaked to the bone, clinging to his skin uncomfortably.
Yoongi rose a brow, eyes trailing down until he noticed the plastic bag full of store goods in Jungkook's hand.
"Oh, Yoongi... I didn't think anyone was gonna be awake yet so-"
"You look like a drowned rat."
Jungkook froze before an unamused expression painted itself across his face, "Why thank you, Taehyung took my only umbrella this morning."
Yoongi gave a shrug, "Sounds like him." he muttered, picking his pen back up as he began to sketch once again.
Half of Yoongi was expecting Jungkook to swing by and then leave without another word, and the other half was silently hoping that Jungkook would actually stay.
Lifting his gaze from his sketchpad he noticed Jungkook's awkward stance, the male fidgeting with the plastic bag in his hands. It seemed like Jungkook too wanted to talk it out, but so far not a word was escaping the male's lips.
After a moment of drawn out silence, there was movement, Jungkook placing the plastic bag against the carpet before turning back towards the door, "So um... I can just leave this with you and i'll-"
"There's a towel in the bathroom." Yoongi deadpanned, subtly rolling his eyes before meeting Jungkook's gaze, "You can stay until the rain lightens up."
Swallowing thickly, Jungkook closed the hotel door, slowly making his way over to the bathroom, "Sure." he murmured, voice coming out quiet but Yoongi managed to hear him none-the-less.
The younger male disappeared into the bathroom to quickly dry off his hair, and in the meantime Yoongi found himself loosing interest in his sketch, shutting the notepad before tossing it aside on the couch. He decided to make himself more comfortable, sinking himself into the lounge a little more as he grabbed the blanket at his feet.
At least he could be comfortable remaining in sweatpants and an oversized hoodie all day... staying indoors didn't seem half-bad.
Just as Yoongi got himself comfortable, Jungkook re-emerged from the bathroom. His movements were still stiff and robotic as he dragged out a wooden chair, not daring to sit on any other furniture in his still soaking wet state.
As he sat down there was a peaceful moment of silence, the soft rain pattering against the window perhaps helping the situation because letting out a soft sigh, Jungkook found his words finally falling past his lips, "I'm sorry."
Yoongi let out a huff, but his expression remained considerate, "I swear to god, if I hear one more apology this week someone's gonna get shot."
Drawing his lower lip between his teeth, Jungkook diverted his gaze, "Seriously though, sorry for getting you messed up in all of this." He paused as his breath hitched, "Because of me you-" He ran his hands stressfully through his hair, "Fuck!... if only you didn't do that coverup-"
"I would do it again."
"I said I'd do it again..." Yoongi spoke, his expression unwavering as he continued to stare Jungkook dead in the eyes, "...and again and again and again." He folded his arms over his chest, "The truth is, I get your situation... and if I can help you get out of it then that's great."
"Why go that far?"
"I feel as though I need to." Yoongi paused, lifting his gaze to the ceiling as he bit back his tongue. He wasn't the type of guy to dig into his own past for the sake of the future, but it was something Jungkook needed to hear.
"Look kiddo, Namjoon was the one who found me... after I did some pretty messed up shit." He confessed, lowering his head to his hands as his shoulders slumped, "I should be behind bars... yet Namjoon is risking everything harbouring someone like me." He remained silent for a moment, soaking up the soft sound of the steady rain before lifting his gaze, "He found me, so if I can't return the favour to him I can at least help someone like you."
Jungkook let out a breath. His sigh was of a softly deflating; it was as if a tension had lifted yet left him with a melancholy instead of relief. It seemed Yoongi had gone through his own life of ordeals, and Jungkook found himself feeling a little less out of place.
With a saddened expression, Jungkook's lips curved into the faintest of smiles, "Thank you Yoongi."
The male shook his head, returning the gesture, "No need."
For the first time Jungkook heard the real sincerity in Yoongi's voice, watching as the male's lips bore a warm smile, leaving Jungkook's mind at ease.
It was a peaceful moment, all until the atmosphere was shattered by the sound of a grunt coming from the bed. Both Yoongi and Jungkook's eyes darted over to where Jimin lay, the orange haired male rolling from his side onto his back as he began to stretch his arms high above his head.
Yoongi let out an amused chuckle, "Looks like the bed-head is finally stirring."
Watching as Jimin began to wake up, Jungkook stood from his seat, "I should leave you to your morning then." He spoke calmly, gesturing out the window to the clearing rain, "I left a bag full of easy food by the door so you guys don't have to leave the hotel." He explained, "All of us are being careful not to visit to often to avoid being trailed, Hoseok's keeping an eye out for you guys."
Yoongi gave a nod, "Give him my thanks then."
"Will do." Jungkook smiled, the male's usual expression returning as he made his way over to the door, swinging it open before giving a gesture of goodbye, "I'll be off then." And as quickly as he had popped by, Jungkook left, the sound of the wooden door closing being the final thing Jimin needed to finally open his eyes.
He squinted, blinking a couple of times before reluctantly sitting up in bed. The tuffs of his fluffy orange hair poked out in all different directions and Yoongi had to bite down on his tongue to stop himself from making a comment.
"Morning." Yoongi spoke flatly, opening his sketchbook back up.
Jimin let out a huff at the lack of eye contact, "Morning." He muttered, leaning back against the headboard as he turned his attention to the window, "It's raining again."
"Mmhmm." Yoongi hummed, keeping his head down as he continued his earlier sketch.
With peaked curiosity, Jimin kicked the duvet off, placing his feet against the soft carpeted floor as he slowly made his way to Yoongi's side. The lounge sunk beneath them both as Jimin took a seat, moving Yoongi's legs carefully onto his lap, "What'cha drawing?"
Yoongi didn't lift his gaze, "The scenery."
Raising a brow, Jimin casted his gaze out the rain-washed window, the world a blurred mosaic in the grey weather, "Pretty~" he smiled, his eyes lingering on the scene a little while longer before his attention was pulled back to Yoongi.
Jimin simply sat there for a moment, smiling, watching. Soaking up as much of this moment as he possibly could. Everything was so calm, and it was clear that Jimin wanted to just spend the rest of his days like this.
Yoongi was the one, and Jimin knew it.
He adored everything, from the way his hair fell frizzily about his pale skin, to the way he could drink up Yoongi's words like a strong wine and enjoy feeling tipsy. Jimin watched Yoongi like he had the stars in his hands and a flowerbed at his feet. He wanted to wrap himself in those arms covered in works of art and never slip away.
It seemed Jimin had been zoning out for a little too long because Yoongi had to clear his throat to get his attention. "Jimin?"
His adams apple bobbed in his throat, "Um... yeah?"
"Do you mind checking if my tattoo's okay?"
Jimin's body relaxed, expression falling into something more empathetic as he watched Yoongi gesture to his torso.
He cursed at himself for forgetting about the fresh tattoo he'd inked on Yoongi's side, the piece holding so much importance to Yoongi, he could practically feel him tense up from afar.
Giving a nod, Jimin moved Yoongi's legs from his lap, standing back to his feet, "Sure." he paused, moving close to the lounge, "I just need you to lay down a bit more so I can-"
"Sure." Yoongi chuckled, feeling Jimin's unease as he lay himself down further across the couch.
With frailty and caution, Jimin couldn't help but have his breath fall short as he lifted Yoongi's hoodie over his head, the bare chested male shivering as the cold pricked at his skin. "This'll only take a moment." Jimin reassured, leaning over Yoongi's form as he drew his fingers against the male's bandaged torso.
Reluctantly, Jimin unwrapped the top half of the cotton, his eyes growing wide at the sight hidden underneath. Purple bruises still lined his skin once so perfect, the male's paleness only making the colour all the more vibrant. He knew that if he kept unravelling the bandage there would be stitches underneath, but he didn't go that far, remembering how Yoongi had insisted he didn't need any help caring for himself after being discharged from hospital.
Letting out a troublesome sigh, Jimin couldn't help but let his eyes momentarily flicker up to Yoongi's face, the small cuts still evident along with the fading hand shaped bruises around his neck.
Clenching his teeth, Jimin drew in a shaky breath as he lowered his gaze back to Yoongi's torso, locating the tattoo. He visibly relaxed, tracing his fingers delicately over the ink in reassurance... the tattoo was still alright.
"It's fine." Jimin smiled sadly, earning a drastic sigh of relief from Yoongi.
Taking the end of the bandage, Jimin began to carefully wrap up Yoongi's torso once more, flinching back once he noticed the male's discomfort. "Does it hurt?"
He shook his head, "You're more gentle then the doctors are, don't fret." he chuckled, watching as Jimin continued to bandage up the wound.
Once all was well, Yoongi sat back up a little, his eyes trailing Jimin as he picked up the hoodie off the floor before sitting back down against the lounge, bringing Yoongi's legs to rest back over his lap.
Without meeting his gaze, Jimin handed over the hoodie, earning a frown from Yoongi as he took it into his grasp, "Jimin?"
That soothing voice of his was enough to gain Jimin's attention, the orange haired male locking eyes with him. And they both fell quiet as they simply stopped to stare.
Pin-drop silence...? How was that remotely possible with Jimin's heart somersaulting with Yoongi sitting so dangerously close to him. Call it bewitched, but Jimin couldn't tear his gaze away from those dark eyes locking him in a trance with such intensity; looking away was unthinkable. Yoongi's feline shaped eyes shifted as his expression fell into something Jimin had never seen from him before, the male moving his legs from Jimin's lap as he leaned forwards.
Like a magnetic pull, something about the atmosphere made Jimin draw close as well. Maybe it was the rain? Or perhaps it was the calmness... Jimin really didn't know, nor did he seem to care as he drew close.
Their eyes never wavered as their noses brushed, their breaths amplified as they paused, "Are you sure you're okay with this?" Jimin spoke, drawing out each word slowly as his eyes flickered down to Yoongi's parted lips.
There wasn't a word from Yoongi, the male instead pressing his forehead against Jimin's as his lips rose into a gentle smile.
The love that showed in Yoongi's eyes was Jimin's last coherent thought as his head hit the pillow of the lounge, eyes growing wide as Yoongi leaned down to place a soft kiss against Jimin's lips. He could feel Yoongi's hands begin to slip under his jumper, his skin tingling where the male's hands roamed and his heart beat so erratically in his chest he thought it might fly out. There were butterflies - no, lions - in his chest, but it felt good.
They pulled apart and opened their eyes, breaths heavy, staring at each other. Jimin's eyes were full of wonder and love, Yoongi's full of curiosity and passion. No words were spoken, but a story worthy of them was communicated.
Yoongi leaned in and softly kissed up and down Jimin's neck. Lifting a hand, Jimin tangled his fingers between Yoongi's hair as their lips finally met once again, tender and warm as they lingered in their position a moment longer.
Then slowly, Yoongi lowered himself to rest against Jimin's chest. Instead of words, slow breaths left his lips and Jimin found himself playing with Yoongi's frizzy hair. It was peaceful, the rain continuing to tap against the window as Jimin's lips rose into a soft smile. He knew that any other day it would be him laying on Yoongi's chest, wrapped in his embrace, but the blonde was too weak and hurt to be close to Jimin like that just yet.
So he savoured this very moment, feeling content that finally Yoongi was comfortable enough to move forwards.
Lifting the blanket that was tossed aside, Jimin threw it over the both of them. And they remained just like that, spending their day in each other's embrace.
{Author Note}
Most of you guys would know I'm a smut free author. It feels completely wrong for me to write scenes like that, but that's not to say I don't include a lot of romance scenes like this... because I do.
Anyways, i'm so happy to finally be getting down with the romanceeee.
You can probably tell from the scenes in my other group BTS fanfics that my top 2 fav couples to write about are Sope and Yoonmin lmao
Ps: I've met so many of you on Animal Crossing this week so if any more of you guys wanna add me as a friend and come party on my island with others my friend code is.... SW-7720-0262-1148 (DM me on wattpad and I'll invite you over ;))
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