///Oh my God I'm so sorry for not updating in so long!! I promise this won't be like last time. I'm trying to keep up with each of my stories, which can be difficult with high school going on as well. I will especially be busy tomorrow with my Choir stuff. But thank you for reading this. I just thought of it today and just- read below. Enjoy! Side- note my homecoming for this year is coming up and I'm super excited as my boyfriend asked me to go with him. He's so sweet... anyways on with the story!//
Dean looked at himself in the mirror all suited up. He looked more of a man now that he was just starting senior year and looked quite eatable. He was handsome and charming. He had a thing for girls but now he wasn't so sure. He had met his ideal crush of a year now ongoing, Castiel Novak.
He was just- different, you could say. He wasn't the shy or quiet one. He was definitely outgoing but awkward occasionally. Dean would always see him in the lunch at lunch periods and his glorious eyes. They were a light neon electrifying blue. Dean would think he could get lost time to time if he actually had the chance to get a stare of those eyes. Castiel would look his way but wouldn't talk to him or anything. It was weird. For being so sociable that he wouldn't talk to the almighty Dean Winchester.
Dean ran a hand through his hair. Trying to get a girl was least of his worries. He, now, wanted Castiel. Dean would define himself as bisexual if it came to technical terms. He took a deep breath and looked in the mirror one more time. "I'm pretty sure you're ready." A young cracked voice said. Dean turned to see a the young Winchester, Sam. He was about fourteen years old as he appeared to be eight. He had hair that grew up to his ears that Dean would dream about cutting if he had scissors. Sam was decent for his looks. He was not like Dean at all. He was quiet and smarter than his own brother. Some nights, Sam would stay up to do Dean's homework apart from his.
Sam had his arms crossed and was leaned against Dean's door with a smug look with his eyebrows raised. "So... you gonna go or stand there like a log?" Sam said. Dean huffed and grabbed his flip phone. Their father, John, had been gone for almost a year now and it was a lightweight feeling on Dean's shoulders. He was never harassed for what he did or slapped upon. With Sam and him only, it was just perfect. The Winchester brother's on their own were fine. Not that Dean would like to be on his own but you got to take chances and John didn't want to be that ideal father figure to Dean. He made that choice and walked out the door one night, leaving them at Bobby's house, to do what he called "hunting".
Dean put his phone in his pocket and looked at Sam. Sam had invited his friend over, named Kevin, at Bobby's. He was sat on the couch currently, writing an essay while Dean had gotten ready. Dean pointed a finger at Sam, "Be good for Bobby, Sam. Especially taking care of your friend over there." He said. Sam nodded with an eye roll. He had had countless talks or overheard conversations with him and Bobby or just the two of them. "Did you guys eat already?" Dean asked as he noticed his tie was crooked for the third time. He started to retie it when Sam grabbed his hands and started doing it himself, fixing it.
"Not yet. Bobby was saying about ordering pizza. He says he's all out of food." Sam explained.
"Doesn't surprise me." Dean said as he straightened his jacket out. He put his hands out. "Do I look okay?" Sam sighed and took Dean over to the front door.
"Just get going Dean or you'll actually miss the damn thing." Sam said, pushing him out. Dean huffed again and took out his car keys, strolling over to his car which he named Baby. He opened the door with shaky hands and sat in the front seat. He checked the rear view mirror at his glistening green eyes. He turned on the ignition, letting it run a bit, hearing the sweet noise of the engine roar. He sighed happily and ready and put the car in gear, backing out the driveway and onto the road.
He sang along to his sweet tunes as Hot Blooded by Foreigner played. "Well, I'm hot blooded, check it and see. I got a fever of a hundred and three. Come on baby, do you do more than dance? I'm hot blooded, I'm hot blooded." He sang as he pulled into the school's driveway. It was a Saturday evening around seven p.m. It seemed there were a lot more kids than he thought. What if he doesn't come, Dean thought. Dean shook his head and got out the car after turning off the engine. He shut the door and saw what he thought was Castiel and squinted.
He walked across the walkaway and into the school before the door could close. He saw the hallways plastered with decorations and all over the lockers. He followed the path to where the music blared louder and louder. Smells like Teen Spirit by Nirvana played and people danced to it. Dean smiled as he walked in through the chorus. He looked around for the one and only Castiel and turned up to find no one. He sighed and went over to the punch bowl. There were pictures put up on bulletin boards, showing each and everyone of them through the four years so far. He looked over them, hands in his pocket. He saw one where Castiel was looking at him in the picture of him and his friends. He blushed and cleared his throat, looking around.
No one looked at him and he internally sighed in relief. He suddenly felt hands on his shoulders, which startled him. He jumped a bit, earning a laugh from whoever was behind him. He turned around to see his good pal, Benny. He slapped his arm lightly, "Dude, you freaking scared the crap out of me!" Dean said. Benny only laughed again.
"Brother, you need to learn that I'm the only friend who does this! Anyways, did you manage to find a date to dance? Lisa seems to be all over you." Benny pointed a finger behind him. Dean followed it, seeing Lisa staring at them, giving Dean a flirtatious smile and wave before giggling with her friends. Dean looked back at Benny with an annoyed look.
"I actually have my eye on someone..." Dean said slowly. He had been trying to figure out how to tell Benny his undying crush on Castiel for so long. Benny waited, staring awaitingly at Dean. "It's just... what I'm trying to say... it's not Lisa." Dean took that first step and looked at Benny again worriedly. Benny seemed puzzled and trying to analyze Dean's words. He ticked his tongue at Dean.
"So... is it another girl?" Benny asked.
"Not... exactly." Dean managed to say. Benny's eyes widened and he pulled Dean aside from the crowd and into the hallway.
"A... guy? Dude. Dude." Benny repeated. "You're gay?" He said with a raised eyebrow. Dean almost face palmed.
"No. No! I like a guy not all guys. It's just he seems special to me..." Dean explained. Benny sighed and drank more of his pop in his red solo cup.
"So, who is it?" Benny urged. "I mean- have we met him before or does he go to a different school? Give me some details man and I can't believe you didn't tell me before!" He smacked his arm lightly. Dean ran a hand through his hair.
"I- I don't think I should tell you, man." Dean said, rubbing the back of his neck. Benny groaned.
"Well you don't get the chance. Tell me now Winchester or I swear-"
"Castiel! Okay! Castiel Novak. The kid with the amazing blue eyes." Dean blurted, throwing his arms up. He huffed and turned away. "Now you don't speak a word to no one about this shit. Okay? Okay. I'm gonna go find Cas." He said, starting to walk away. Benny grabbed his arm. Dean looked back at his best friend.
"Look, I'm sorry, Dean. But... let me help you find him." Dean glared at him, shrugging his gripping hand off him. "At least! Please. Dean." Benny said.
"Fine. But you're still an asshole." He said, walking away. Benny followed him with a smug smile.
"I know." He said. He finished up the rest of his Pepsi and looked around the room with Dean. There were more than forty kids here and it was crowded/packed. He clapped his hands together, "Where should we start!" He said. Dean looked at him amusingly. He just walked farther away once again, searching for the beloved Castiel.
"Cas?" Dean said as he saw a kid in the corner by himself. The kid looked at him and tilted his head.
"Dean Winchester?" He said in a deep, gravelly tone as if he just woke up. It made Dean turned on. "What do you need?" He asked, staring at him. Dean thought being this much closer to him made his features stand out. In this case, the kid was wearing a trench coat with a suit underneath.
"That must be awful wearing that coat. You should take it off, Cas." Dean said. He saw Castiel smile and blush a bit. It was honestly cute in Dean's opinion, seeing him a bit flustered. Castiel shrugged off his coat and put it on top of a chair, it laying there neatly. He looked good in a suit. His curves and waist showed how skinny he really was and especially his muscles. Dean would ask about them but didn't want to make the conversation as awkward as it already were. He chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "W-Would you like to dance w-with me?" Dean stuttered.
He held out a hand to Castiel. Castiel stared at Dean with wide eyes, looking between him and his outstretched hand. "I- I didn't think you would have thought of me this fondly." Castiel said after taking Dean's hand. Their hands matched like missing puzzle pieces. Dean's firm hand with Castiel's soft ones. Dean smiled at him.
"Oh I appreciate you and worship you and your beauty." Dean said and chuckled. Castiel chuckled as well before being twirled around. He noticed people staring.
"Uh- Dean?" He said, stopping the dance. Dean stared at him confused. "People are watching us." He said and frowned. Dean looked around and indeed they were. Their mouths were slightly open in aghast. Dean sighed then Castiel pushed his hands out of his, running out of the room. Dean's eyes widened. He ran after Castiel. He never meant to make him upset about anything.
"Cas?! Cas!" Dean caught his arm eventually catching up to him. Castiel stopped and looked at Dean. Dean noticed his eyes glistening with tears. "Cas, baby, don't cry." He felt Castiel tense up at the nickname baby. He rubbed his shoulders and gave him a small smile that faded quickly.
"I- I ruined your reputation. I shouldn't have said yes to dancing with you-" He said turning in the process. Dean caught him, turning him back to face him instead.
"Cas, you didn't do anything. I wanted this. I wanted you for Pete's sake. You're all I can think about half the time and it's dreamy. You're dreamy. You standing here right now and dancing with me is all that matters. Not what other people think just what me and you think. Okay?" Dean said slowly. Castiel nodded his head. Dean wiped his tears with his thumb. "I hate seeing you like this honestly. I never would want to make you cry." Castiel stared at him with awe.
"I-I like you Dean." Castiel said. Dean felt his cheeks heat up.
"Uh... I like you too, Cas." Castiel smiled at him. It was pure cuteness and pleasure to know finally his crush liked him back. "Does this now make us a thing?"
"If you want to. I'd like that." Dean smiled and caressed Castiel's cheek.
"Then I want it." He pulled him in for a kiss. Castiel didn't kiss back right away but when he did it was magical.
Let's just say Dean went home with a big smile on his face when he went home. Best homecoming dance ever, he thought.
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