6:Not What I Thought
Rin's eyes snapped opened and he jerked up from his bed with a huge gasp. He was panting and sweating a lot.
Rin looked at his clock and it was 7:15. Then his eyes trailed towards Yukio's bed but he wasn't there.
The door then opened and Yukio walked in. Yukio looked at Rin and said"wow nii-San! Your awake!"
"Yeah... How long was I asleep?"Rin asked. Yukio stayed silent then said
"What kind of question is that?"
"I must have been asleep for a while. So how long was it? 3 days? A week?... A month?"Rin asked
Yukio stared blankly at Rin, then said"...um... Nii-San, you were just asleep... It's been like 8 hours..."
Rin stared at Yukio and blinked a few times, then said"wait... YOU SERIOUS?!!!!! IT FELT SO LONG!!!!!" He jumped out of bed and started toward Yukio and slapped his hands on his shoulders.
"Yeah?" Yukio sweat dropped.
Yukio noticed a necklace around Rin's neck, then pointed at it and asked"hey nii-San? Where did you get that?"
Rin looked down at the pendent, then started to panic. He didn't want to tell Yukio about Ayana just yet. He wanted to talk to Ayana first.
If he could find her again.
"Oh this? Uhhh... This is nothing! I just found it on the floor!"Rin said
"Really?" Yukio said
and Rin replied"yeah!"
Yukio wasn't convinced, but he let it go. He decided to just confront Rin about it later.
"Alright, since your actually awake early today, get ready and we can have breakfast and we'll leave at 8." Yukio said
"Kay" Rin replied
The rest of the day went by, same as usual.
But this time Rin didn't fall asleep in his classes.
He just day dreamed... About Ayana... A lot...
About his regained memories about her. The happy times they had together. The small things they talked about. How they were separated. Their friendship...
Their love... After thinking this, Rin's face went red.
He thought to himself"wait... What is this? Could I still love Ayana? After so long? Well it hasn't felt that long. Probably because I couldn't remember her between those seven years. It feels like it happened yesterday."
So basically, all day, he still got hit in the head by his teachers to pay attention.
After all his classes, Rin would go to the woods and look for Ayana.
But could never find her.
It's been like this for two weeks. "Where could she have gone?"Rin wondered.
Rin looked everywhere for Ayana. All over the woods, even True Cross Academy.
It's like she was never even here. But Rin knew she was here, cause he still had the blue moon necklace.
And he could feel it somehow too. He didn't know how he knew but he just knew.
During cram school, the exwires noticed for a few days, a lot of the exorcists were not to be seen. Rin was standing by Bon, Miwa and Shima's table.
"Where do you think the exorcists went?"Miwa asked no one in particular.
"Maybe a mission?" Shima replied.
"Probably, but it must be serious, if so many have to go. Like 20 people went right?" Bon said.
"Yeah, Including Yukio. He wouldn't tell me where he was going though..."Rin said.
"Um" Sheimi called from her seat"if Yuki-chan is not here, then who's going to be teaching us today?"
Everyone looked around the class. It had been 10 minutes since the bell rang, and no one was here yet...
Then, briefly after a minute, there was a pink puff of smoke that appeared at the front of the class.
No one was surprised. They were just not very happy, about what they were going to see.
After the smoke cleared, the person left standing there was none other than Mephisto Pheles.
"Hello, my lovely exwires!"Mephisto cheered, while posing with one hand on his hip, and the other pointing at the class with his umbrella, then gave a wink.
Everyone sweat dropped. Then Izumo spoke"uhh mr.Faust? Wher-"
Mephisto cut her off saying"yes my lovely Kamiki-San?"
Izumo was really annoyed but continued"where did the exorcists go? And why so many?"
Mephisto replied"ahh that's a good question. As you probably thought, they did go on a mission. And why so many? Well, this demon is a very powerful demon. Very high class."
"Oh so is the demon they're getting the one that's attracting the other demons here?" Bon asked
"That is correct, Suguro-kun."Mephisto answered"and this isn't an ordinary demon. This is a half-demon like Okumura-kun, and their powers are about as powerful as Satan's blue flames."
"Yes Okumura-kun, a half-demon." Mephisto said "but they are a bit different. They chose a different path compared to you."
"What do you mean?" Rin asked
"Instead of being an exorcist and killing demons, they are killing exorcists instead. Well... There haven't been any cases of that in a while so..."
Everyone froze"wait... If the demon is a half-demon, they would look human right?" Bon asked
"That is correct" Mephisto replied
"So can't they sneak into the school and kill anyone?!"
"Yes. That's how the demon does it sometimes."
Everyone's eyes were filled with terror. This whole time, they might have been walking beside a deadly demon in the school. That's a really scary thing! They could have died anytime!
Then Mephisto's phone rang.
"Hello~"Mephisto sang to the phone.
He stayed silent for a while. Listening to what the person on the other line had to say.
Once in a while he would say "yes"or "i see"or"okay"
Then Mephisto said"alright I'm on my way."then he hung up and looked at the class with a serious expression.
"What happened, Mephisto?" Rin asked
"They finally captured the demon."Mephisto stated
"So, shouldn't you be happy?" Shima asked
"Well... Only 10 exorcists returned."said Mephisto
"10?! No way!" Bon exclaimed.
"Half of the exorcists... Are gone?" Shiemi murmured
"Wait... Is Yukio with them?! He came back right?!" Rin asked with a worried look on his face.
"I don't know Okumura-kun... But class is dismissed now, so if any of you would like to come, I'm going to meet up with them" after saying this, Mephisto walked out the door. Rin left straight behind him.
The rest of the exwires hesitated, but followed as well.
Everyone was making their way towards the spot the 10 exorcists and demon was.
Then they heard someone calling behind them."Rin!" Everyone looked back and saw...
"Shura!" Everyone exclaimed.
"Are you guys going to see that demon too?"Shura asked.
"Yeah... I'm worried about Yukio"Rin said as he looked down. Shura put her arm around Rin's shoulder and said"don't worry Rin, I'm sure he's fine."
"We're almost there" Mephisto said
Everyone looked ahead seeing a large door already opened and through it they could see a large field made of concrete.
Before they could even walk through the door, purple flames swooped in front of them and flew across the room. Everyone except Mephisto and Shura yelped and fell backwards.
Shura stood there cautiously and ready to summon her sword. While Mephisto stood calmly with a smirk on his face.
He spoke to himself"ah well this will be interesting"
Shortly after everyone heard a large feminine cry. Then heard another voice call to the group.
"Guys! Are you okay?!"
It was Yukio
"Yuki-chan!"Sheimi stood up and ran over to Yukio.
"We're fine"Shima said, still on the floor.
The purple flames played back in Rin's mind and his eyes widened. Then he murmured"no way"
Bon was sitting right beside Rin and said"I know. That demon has flames like yours."
Then Rin murmured again"it can't be her."
"What?" Bon looked towards Rin, as well as everyone else because they heard what he said as well.
""Her?" Who are you talking about?"Miwa asked on the other side of Rin.
He didn't answer, he just stared wide eyed at nothing.
Then Rin shook his head and jerked his head up, and stood up. Then he walked through the door without looking at anyone.
"Rin! What are you doing?! Your gonna get yourself killed!" Shura yelled as she tried to grab Rin. But Rin didn't listen he just kept walking.
He looked towards the corner of the large room and saw a metal cage that could fit a human in it.
Rin took a closer look, then his eyes widened. Inside the cage he saw her.
She was sitting down. Her wrist were tide above her head to the metal bars with large chains, her ankles were tied in front of her with the same chains and around her neck and tail as well.
Her purple flames were coming and going from her body. And every time she released them, an exorcist that was beside the cage would pull a crank. When they did this, you could see the chains tighten around her, causing Ayana to cry in pain and her flames would die down.
While seeing this, Rin remembered Mephisto's words
"Instead of being an exorcist and killing demons, they are killing exorcists instead."
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