Sitri is a demon-born character created by Ranya-an. However, upon creation, several errors happened that made Sitri unable to have emotions and let him develop several magic abilities and powers he originally was not supposed to have. Due to the potential threat his incalculable development posed, he was eventually sealed away in a book and hidden in Solaris Library. He wields Dimensional Magic and thus enabled the Raucos via a sealed Dimension Gateway spell to leave Rauco whenever pleased. He appears in Hunted and takes the protagonist role in Awakening of the Blood Moon, where he was selected by Kami for the role of God Slayer.
Name: Sitri
Human Name: /
Nickname: /
Race: Demon
Former Race: /
Birthday: Dec 24
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Physical Age: 14
Actual Age: 17
Height: 1.58m or 5'2
Place of Birth: Ravarynn (Rauco)
Affiliation: Rauco
Relatives: Ranya-an (creator, deceased)
Magic: Dimensional Magic
Hair Color: white
Eye Color: red
Original Eye Color: /
Mana Level: 134.887 mp
Prominent Characteristics: scar on left cheek; silver horns; wears a red scarf
Phobias: Ophidiophobia (fear of snakes), Coulrophobia (fear of clowns)
Status: Alive
Sitri is a rather dainty and slender young boy with messy, snow white hair and a sidewards parting (right) and a slight fringe covering parts of his forehead. He has red eyes, a lightning-shaped scar on his left cheek ending below his eye and pointed ears, silver horns emerging from behind them. They are slightly arched and go straight up. He wears a red scarf that he got from Ranya-an as a gift, a black, thin and long-sleeved overall and a brown waist coat. He has a belt with three tiny bags around his waist and wears black pants and boots. A brown bandage is wrapped around his right arm.
At the very beginning, Sitri was not able to have or show emotions due to an error in his creation process, so he turned out to be emotionless, obedient and non-questioning. However, he was able to sense emotions due to his Empathy ability, and he tried understanding them as well as he could. He also wanted to seem normal, which is why he tried communicating via body contact and language. He always wanted to make his creator, Ranya-an, happy with what he does and make her proud and appreciate him, even though his face always looked like it was frozen. He stated himself that he was feeling cold, and that he wanted to feel warm one day.
After his Empathy Link with Lucifer, Sitri finally could develop emotions. It's due to the empathy link he got attached to Lucifer rather quickly. He turned into a sunshine almost always smiling and he loves animals due to being able to understand their language. He still loves affection and body contact, he's very curious and extremely warm-hearted, very kind and innocent, albeit quite naive, as well. Due to his fairly young age and a long time sealed away in a void, he ends up being easily confused by some terms he never heard of. For example, he didn't know what blood was; referring to it as "red water", before Lucifer explained it to him. He's eager to help those he calls his friends and extremely loyal. His cheerfulness is almost contagious and he is easily startled by things he didn't expect. He panics quite quickly and is very trusting, but he can be very brave and endure great amounts of pain. He does, however, also have a more mature side which appears when he's fighting, a side where he is more serious than usual, determined and extremely focused.
Sitri was created by Ranya-an via Neo Procrea (Life Creation Magic) in process of her experiment and study on the creation of more complex life forms. She aimed at creating a higher form of life and equip it with one of the six infinity forces, Dimensional Magic. However, during the creation phase, an error occured that not only deprived Sitri of the ability to have and express emotions, but also made his magic power get out of control very slowly, causing him to develop powers he was not supposed to have. As these powers became too scary for Ranya-an, she decided to delete him, but hesitated as he had grown to be something like her own child. So eventually, she sealed him away in a book and hid it in the library of Solaris. She was killed her own creation Amarog, who used Zepharo's body as a vessel, a year later and all of them died with her, except for Sitri, who survived in a lonely void in space.
To Ranya-an: Due to his emotionlessness at the time, Sitri wasn't really able to bond with her on an emotional basis. To her, she was more like his master, someone he took orders from and carried them out. Ranya, in turn, felt like he was her own kid and even gifted him a red scarf to feel warm, which is why she hesitated with deleting him like other creations she made. In the end, she sealed him away, knowing through him her own creation were plotting to murder her, so he would survive when she dies, because all of the things she created would turn into dust with her.
To Lucifer: Because of the Empathy Link, Sitri got attached to Lucifer. It is like a father/mother-son-relationship. Sitri has privileges, like being allowed to call Lucifer "Lucy", which not even his brother Satan is permitted to do.
To Satan: Satan is somewhat jealous of Sitri being showered in affection by his brother because he craves that sort of treatment as well. Nonetheless, he views Sitri as part of his family, like a little brother, while Sitri rather views him like some sort of uncle.
To Ato & Rinto: Ato and Rinto are Sitri's male cats, both american shorthairs. While Ato is a black cat with white paws, snout and stomach, Rinto is a brown-gray tabby with black stripes and blue eyes. He found Rinto injured on the streets and found out his cat friend Ato was taken into a shelter, where he then adopted him from (with Lucifer's help). Sitri absolutely adores his two cats, which he feeds and takes care off alone most of the time, due to being able to understand their needs and language. Ato and Rinto often act as Sitri's eyes and ears in Aphadrim, as literal undercover spies. Rinto is the more direct and shameless one of both, but loves nothing more than pats and cuddles, while Ato is the soft and friendly one of the two who likes sitting on higher ground.
To Ereshiki: Although being intended to kill him, Sitri spared the Death God Ereshiki and ended his pain by Empathy Link. Ereshiki hence has a soft spot for Sitri, even though he usually doesn't like anybody.
Magic and Abilities:
Sitri has a variety of different magic abilities, but his main magic power is Dimension Magic, or Dimensional Magic, one of the six infinity forces that enables him to cross and distort the dimensions. Due to being selected as the God Slayer, Sitri temporarily gains control over Kami's power, as well.
-Empathy, the ability to sense and recognize the emotions of any living creature around. The user can also share their own emotions with a chosen person, influence or suppress their emotions. It also allows to enter an Empathy Link with another person, which connects their feelings for as long as the link lasts. Also, this ability allows the alternate to tap into other people's repressed emotions and absorb them, freeing said emotions.
-Zoolingualism, the ability of understanding the language of any animal and communicating with them like communicating with other humans/demons.
-Soul Call, which allows the user to call out someone's name and built up a connection with this person, enabling them to find the user's location by intuition. Soul Call is usually practised when the user is in danger, which means they can call someone for help.
-Perception Share, the ability of sharing one's five senses with another person, enabling them to perceive the exact same things as the user. This is tactically viable when the user and the target are at different locations, but yet close by enough for the skill to work.
-Mana Manipulation, the ability of controlling the own mana and shape it into different forms, usable for attack.
Dimension Magic Spells:
-Dimension Cut, a spell allowing the user to draw a "border" to another dimension between themselves and another person like a barrier. Whoever crosses said border will end up in the dimension the border belongs to.
-Attack Sendaway, a spell that works similar to the Space Magic Spell "Attack Teleport". The used can send magic attacks into another dimension.
-Interdimensional Exchange, a spell allowing the user to "import" objects from another dimension into the one they're currently in, including magic attacks and weapons, but also easier objects like food.
-Dimension Switch, a spell allowing the user to set parts of their own body into another dimension for a split second, creating the illusion of being diaphanous to any incoming attack, making themselves immune to it. They can stay diaphanous for five minutes max, but are incapable of dealing harm to their opponent themselves during the time of usage.
-Dimension Gateway, a spell allowing the user to cross dimensional borders with ease.
-Meido, an immensely strong offensive technique that opens a crescent-shaped gap to the void between the dimensions (also known as Lacuil), sending anyone who is hit with it directly or touches it to said void itself, killing them without actually harming them since nothing can exist in the void. The spell can be improved to an actual stream of blades, ripping everything in their path apart.
-Interdimensional Locating, a spell allowing the user to control the magnetic field in one dimension and use it to locate certain people inside it, even from a totally different dimension.
-Shadow Force, a spell that makes the user go into a different dimension and attack from it out of nowhere.
"There is always a thing to smile about, even if that thing's just tiny. Sometimes, the tiniest things have the greatest value." -to Lucifer
"Being happy is something each of us determines. It's not something you find outside of yourself, it's within you and your choice. It's letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like and celebrating it for everything it is! Don't let the silly little things keep you away from your own happiness... Your past is just a story and it has no power over you!" -to Lucifer
"For when the dawn breaks, the red moon has arisen. From this day on, fate is set and death may await us at the end of the path. When night is covering, one of us shall be left standing. Strength comes in respond to a need, not to a desire or greed. The conflict MUST end here!" -to Ereshiki
-Sitri, Lucifer and Satan all three are created demons.
-Sitri is one of six infinity force users.
-Sitri was sealed away in a book for at least three years.
-Sitri is the only Rauco demon who has pets.
-Sitri was the first demon-blood god slayer in history.
-Sitri is the only one Tir'an granted unlimited access to his weapons.
-Sitri's flower is the Gardenia, which represents sweetness, joy, purity and innocence. Since Sitri is young and naive, this flower describes his personality very well.
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