are you ok???-he said
As soon as I opened my eyes I saw him sitting beside me on one of i. p. d. beds , and while trying to get up I noticed my hand, he was holding it firmly
my hand
oh ,sorry-he said while immediately leaving it
for how much time I was unconscious??
for 2 hours ,it was because of the smoke ,doctor told me
Are you ok? or want me to call someone?
am fine, just give me some water
He passed the water bottle kept beside the bed after opening it and after drinking I asked him what he was doing here like he didnt told me that he was going to come
now it doesnt matter why i came ,what am going to say will matter
I LIKE YOU ,I cant hide it anymore
what?? like I dont know maybe I had idea about this because of his gaze ,words, actions but today like this ,is he going to confess??? I was literally perplexed when he started
today let me say ,
I have liked you since childhood initially I thought my feelings would go away when we parted our ways but with each passing day my feelings kept on increasing ,I never wanted to bother you but when I saw you again I couldnt control myself and ended up hugging you,
after all this years somehow you changed but by looking into your eyes I can definitely tell your inner self is same .
I was trying to understand and take it slow but today when you collapsed it felt as if my world collapsed into my arms ,I was so mas at myself for not even letting you know that I like you,
that you are not alone ,
that whatever made you suffer you can share with me
there is no surety of tomorrow so I mustered up the courage to tell you that I LIKE YOU.
For sometime there was absolute silence neither of us spoke but then I broke the ice what will you do if I start avoiding you or stop talking to you??
I dont know . I know I ruined everything but right now I just wanted to tell you ,right now am not asking for an answer so dont strain yourself
I know it will be awkward but just tell me do you need anything or want me to drop you at your home??
no need I will go on my own and also I want nothing and am fine ,you can go
then I will send your friends inside they are outside only
I nodded ,and then he was about to leave the room but came to me again and from one of coat's packet took out something
Yes blue rose the one i wanted to touch ,see and smell all my life
He placed it on the table and left .
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