Part 2
Logan had everything ordered for her and once her outside play spaces and her toys come it was going to be a build everything in two weekends extravaganza for him cause she was worth every penny in his eyes
"Now to get you a pediatrician, dentist and an eye doctor" he tells her as he was going to call around to see who had openings for new patients and if they did, he was going to get her in to see the pediatrician and he was going to take her to his dentist that he goes to cause he was great with kids, and they are hardly ever scared of him and his tools
Logan calls his doctor and his dentist and he was able to get her in to see them in two weeks as well and he had to take her to get her eyes checked as well and the eye doctor had a appointment open next week so he was going to take her to get her eyes checked as well cause he was really worried about her eyes right now cause her eyes are looking a little weird for him and that worried him as well, so he had to wait a while and that was fine with him
"Okay that is done now to bond with my little princess" he says as he was going to go and play with her in her playpen cause some of the toys that he had gotten for her came so he gave her something to play with as he was calling the people he needed to call as well
Logan loved being with her and she loved when she got to cuddle with her daddy as well those times were special to him
"I think daddy will read to you then it will be time for night-night" he says to her as he was going to read to her since he loved reading to her before she went down for her nap
Logan read her a good story and he even made it dramatic for her by doing sound effects and making his voice change for her and she laughed cause she found daddy funny and she snuggled closer to him too cause she loved her new daddy a lot better then her old parents cause her old parents left her for dead as well
"Well how about a song?" he asks her cause she was not asleep yet so he was going to sing to her as well and hopefully she will go to sleep
She nods as she looks at him cause she wanted to hear daddy singing to her to make it all better for her as well
"Okay one song for my girl" he says as he was looking at her as he was going to sing to her to help her sleep
Logan did two songs and she was out
"Night sweetheart I love you" he says as he tucks her in and gives her stuff animal to hug as she was sleeping soundly in her crib
Logan turned on her sound machine and her light to help her cause she was going to be scared of the dark and he was going to leave the door open in case she wakes up and she needs him during the night cause he was going to be with her no matter what happens at all cause she was going to need him to make it all better as well
"I am going to have a quick drink before bed" he says as he was going to go to his bar and have a quick drink before he goes to bed with her cause it was going to be a really long night with her as well cause she was going to be in a brand new space other then the cabin she was in before this, and she was not going to be a really happy camper at all either too she was going to be a grouchy camper that night and Logan was going to be rocking her as well through the night too cause she will want to cuddle a lot and Logan was going to make sure she was cuddle to her heart content
Logan had one quick drink cause he knew he was going to need it to get him through this one night and he hoped that she was going to have a regular night after this as well too but he was not counting on that as well she was going to have rocky waters to get through before she starts to have a normal night in her new house and with her new daddy as well too
"Okay hopefully the night isn't too bad with her and it is just smooth sailing and no bumps in the road at all" he says as he was going to go and check on her to see if she was still asleep and he was hoping that she was still asleep right now and he could go to bed as well and get a good nights sleep before she woke up
The little girl was still asleep in her crib so Logan was going to go to bed as well and get a good nights rest before she woke up at whatever time she was going to wake up as well and he hoped that she will sleep through the night but that was a definite maybe on that part right now
"I'm going to go to bed and hopefully she sleeps straight through the night but I highly doubt that right now cause she is in a brand new place and she might be scared as well, but on the other hand she could get very comfortable and sleep peacefully through the night" he says as he was heading to his bed and he was just going to chill for the rest of the night as well cause this was brand new territory for him and for her as well and he was hoping that this was going to go good as well cause he wanted it to go smoothly as well her first night in a brand new place as well, but it could be rough as well on her cause she was used to sleeping tied to a tree no covers and no pillow for her head and no mattress for her tiny body as well to lay on
Logan does a quick check on her and she was tossing and turning already in her sleep so Logan knew he had to rock her back to sleep and hopefully she sleeps the rest of the night too but there was a chance that she was not going to be sleeping through the night quite yet and it was going to take her some time to get adjusted to everything and her new home and sleeping in a brand new place as well which was not going to be super easy from the getgo either she was going to have rough nights for sometime as well and once she felt comfortable she was going to sleep through the night a little bit more as the days, weeks and months go on as well and then he will be able to get back to his sleeping schedule but with her included in it cause he had to observe quiet hour when she was asleep so he could not make much noise when she was asleep so the noises he makes will have to be minimal for the time being as well until she outgrew the nap phrase of her life which won't be for too much longer hopefully then she will only nap one time during the day then won't be a nap at all only when she wants to take one when she was older as well and he was going to be totally okay with that full force
"Sweetie it's okay daddy is right here and he is not going to leave you at all, and he is going to scare away all of those monsters away from my little girl" he says as he picks her up and he was going to comfort her and rock her to sleep somehow That way she could sleep a little bit better if daddy was with her making her feel safe and secure and she will fall asleep once more fingers crossed and he could get done sleep as well cause it was going to be a very long night with her waking up and needing attention and of course love as well and he was going to be there the best way he knew how
Logan hums to her as he was walking with her and she was falling asleep once more so Logan was going to take her to his room for the night that way the both of them could sleep and get a good night rest as well that way they can start the morning off right hopefully if she was in a decent mood in the morning if she sleeps well and he knew that was not going to happen at all either cause she was going to be up off and on through the night cause she was really scared right now of where she was and who she was with as well too cause she was not in her old place with the animals around her but she was in a house nice and warm and with a daddy
more when the internet isn't going out on me or something or i close either or I close the night before and beat from working back to back too or do a case cleaning sometimes or still dealing with upcoming audits as well and now sickness too thrown into the mix sadly as well as audits too or have to go back and forth between stores or come into a disaster or it's inventory week too at the one store and I have to go through the department as well too to get ready for it which is a pain in the royal neck
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy holidays and happy New Year
on hold due to my work schedule
More will come on my next day off that I have from work cause I'm close to 2000 words here and I would like to have the views be up a little bit more then what they are so the new chapter can go up in time as well too when the day isn't busy or I get called into work either down here or up north like a do from time to time as well due to no help up there as well either sadly and we went back to no help here either once again at the main store so this week is going to be really interesting with only two people working three days this week and we have open interviews this week as well maybe we might get someone hired into the department but we shall wait and see the outcome and pray I get another day off but pray the day won't be busy and I'm not exhausted from the Mother's Day rush and the truck being late and berries spilled cause our warehouse stinks at loading truck and recovering from working the other store alone and everything else too as well and ties and low views too
New chapter in time when there aren't any ties at all either in my stories sadly and there still is from time to time and still are again
Merry Christmas
Happy new year everyone
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