chapter six
─── dinner parties
𝔐oments after arriving at the Hewn City, I had managed to give my guard the slip. Now, Azriel was in an unfamiliar place and didn't know where to find me which gave me multiple hours without his infuriating presence hovering like a bug. It had been a quick meeting with my second, Firoh, as I gave him the commands that my father had told me and warned him that if Mendax came around, he was not to listen to a word that the man said.
Firoh had merely laughed at the thought that he would ever listen to Mendax, who was a controversial figure in our home. Then, he had handed me a thick stack of paperwork that I had to get through and I had made my way back to the obsidian palace without Azriel.
Maybe, deep down, I felt a little guilty about leaving Azriel in the Hewn City, which was hard to get out of, but he deserved it. He had been getting on my nerves with his possessiveness and teasing and it was only fair that I got to reciprocate my annoyance to him. I had told myself that during the day as I did my work, before getting ready for the dinner that was bound to test my patience. The dress that I pulled on seemed to be made with stars woven into the fabric, clinging to my body like a second skin. My dagger was sheathed in the slit of my thighs and I pulled on heels to elevate me further than I already was.
The mate bond inside of me was still protesting as I finished adding my jewellery to the outfit, screaming in my mind that I shouldn't have done that, that I should have kept Azriel safe. He was a shadowsinger, so I sort of assumed that he could do that himself and that the mate bond was being a little irrational. I beat my mate bond and soul back down again, though it caused me a splitting headache.
Throwing the door open to leave, it took me a moment to process who was standing in front of me, before a string of curses left my mouth. My headache was now only going to get worse.
"Should I feel offended that you left me all alone in the Hewn City?" Azriel sent me an innocent grin, as I reminded myself that murdering my own mate was not something that would go down well and it would hurt me too. "But I am glad you did. I was able to get some sightseeing in."
"How are you back here?" I growled, glaring at him as he shrugged, and looked me up and down.
"You weren't that difficult to find, and I simply followed you all the way back." A shadow curled around my wrist, and I slapped it away quickly before brushing past him. "Princess..."
"Go away." I spat back, before finding him standing next to me once more. "What do you want?"
"Nothing, it's just your father told me to guard you so if we don't show up together, it will look suspicious." He sent me a warm smile as my scowl deepened. "My lady."
I kissed my teeth, before threading my arm through his and allowing him to lead me to the dining room, all the while fighting down the urge to just kiss him. The mate bond was growing stronger and soon, I would find it difficult to resist. I needed to make a choice; either reject Azriel or accept him.
Neither option was looking promising at the moment.
"I forgot to mention," Azriel's voice grew softer, the shadows curling around us. "You look stunning tonight."
"Shut up." Despite the harshness of my words, I had to force a flush from appearing on my cheeks. Deep down, my cold heart was warming up to the idea of a mate, wondering whether this was what I had been missing. I hated it.
Another course of electricity rattled through my body and his hand squeezed mine gently. I turned my head back to the front as I tried to get my raging emotions back under control. My parents couldn't know, otherwise I'd be married off quicker than one could winnow, and Azriel would either be killed or sent back north to Rhysand's side.
Taking a right, we continued back up the passage way and climbed a flight of stairs before the main dining area came into view. I unhooked my arm from Azriel's, smoothing my dress and hair and forcing the mask of the perfect, eldest child, back onto my face.
The door opened, and I swept through first, curtsying to my parents and Mendax. Azriel followed through afterwards, and I managed to see my mother's eyes narrowing at the sight of it.
"Mother. Father." I took a seat opposite my mother, already feeling a large sense of dread at the thought of this dinner. "Mendax."
Azriel bowed his head, before taking a seat to my right, his jaw clenched. I fought down a shiver, as a cold string curled around my ankle. It wasn't uncomfortable, but it surprised me, and I looked down to see a shadow.
Rolling my eyes, I gave the shadow a kick and glared at Azriel as Mendax turned to me. Azriel winced, having not expected me to kick it with heels on.
"Your Highness." Mendax's voice was just as slimy as ever, and I fought to stop the scowl from re-forming on my face. Mendax leered at me, looking at my cleavage, but I endured it. If I said something then father would get angry, but it would be aimed at me not at the deserved culprit.
Father didn't say anything, just leant back in his chair and waited for the food to be brought out, though I could feel mother's disapproving stare boring into the side of my head. I filled my glass up to the brim, sipping at the wine as I contemplated how terrible this dinner was going to be.
We were finally reaching the last course, before anyone began to truly speak. Unfortunately, it was my father who spoke first.
"Maiya, the reason we're having this dinner is because it's high time that you found a husband." I stiffened up, setting my knife down before I had the urge to stab someone. I tried not to look at anyone, finding a point on the table to focus on instead. "You're almost out of marriage age, and I want to get this settled quickly."
"That's why I've asked Mendax to marry you." Every muscle in my body tensed, as Azriel and I turned to look at my father with the same look of disbelief plastered across our faces. I kicked him as he looked away and back at his food, hoping my parents didn't notice but they were far too focused on me. "It makes the most sense. It's a good political match."
"No it's not." I shook my head, panic growing inside me. Mendax was too far up in my father's court for me to be able to assassinate him. If this went through, then I couldn't imagine the horror that I would have to endure.
"Don't argue with me, girl." Father growled as I turned back to my food. He couldn't be truly serious, but one look at my mother's face told me that it was.
Over the years, I'd been nothing but rude to Mendax and that man was capable of holding a grudge. If I was sold off to him, then he'd pay me back for my rudeness tenfold and my prospects would not look good. I needed to get out of this and quickly too.
"What do you say, Maiya?" My father growled, having noticed my hesitation to speak. "Thank Mendax for offering to marry you. No one else would have you."
"Thank you." I somehow forced the words past my lips, bile forming in my mouth as I took another sip of wine. It tasted like ash in my mouth and I swallowed it quickly. I couldn't believe that my father was selling me off like a prized pig at a market.
I especially couldn't believe that my mother allowed it, knowing my hatred of Mendax and knowing that he was nearly five hundred years older than me.
"The food tonight was exquisite," Mother began, smiling around the table at everyone. My father grunted in agreement, as I swallowed the rest of my food and took another large gulp of wine. "I must pay my compliments to the cook."
Father stormed out at that, walking away as I sent my mother a dark glare and stood up.
"I'm heading back to my chambers."
"Mendax will walk you." Mendax looked mightily pleased at my mother's suggestion, but I shook my head.
"No. Azriel will. He and I still need to talk about Illyrian war formations." Motioning for Azriel to follow me, I brushed out of the room and didn't bother to wait for my mother's reply. We walked in silence, both of us thinking on our own thoughts.
Finally, we reached the door to my room and I opened it quickly, wondering whether or not I could make the escape to the Hewn City. If I could get there, and then stage the coup that I'd been planning to kick the leaders loyal to my father out of power, then I'd be protected. With the protection of the army, I could negotiate and hold my own.
I muttered a thanks, turning to close the door, but it was stopped and I looked back at Azriel.
"What happens now?" He was watching me with those intense eyes, his expression guarded.
"What do you mean?" All the fight had left me now, and I just felt drained.
"Your father wants you to marry Mendax. So, what happens now?" Azriel leant against my doorframe, close enough that I could see the faint freckles on his skin and the golden flecks in his eyes. "You're my mate, Maiya, that I know for certain despite all your protesting. Am I just supposed to let you be married off to man who will just hurt you?"
I didn't even have the strength to argue that we weren't mates.
"There's nothing you can do here, Azriel. I'll figure a way out of it. I always do." I sighed, rubbing at my head as the headache came back full force, before turning away and closing my door.
I began to pull my jewellery off, taking my earrings out when there was another knock on my door. I paused, before throwing it open, hand holding onto my dagger. The shadowsinger stood in the doorway, taking deep breaths before he looked up at me with a hunger in his eyes that I hadn't seen before.
"Azriel..." I was cut off as Azriel pulled me into his body and pressed his lips to mine. Every nerve in my body seem to explode, lightning racing up and down my spine as his arm wrapped around my waist. Shadows curled around us, bringing me in closer.
I didn't know what to do for a moment, and Azriel pulled himself away, looking down at me with wide eyes. But it seemed that, without me knowing, my heart had thawed and had beaten down my father's pessimistic side that told me that I didn't deserve this and I'd be killed, for all of a sudden, all I could think about was him.
"Maiya..." My name felt like a blessing on his lips. "Maiya, we can work this out together. I'm not letting my mate slip away from me. I'm sorry for not asking permission, but I can't let that man go near you."
"They'll kill you." I whispered, shaking my head as I clutched onto his hands. I didn't know whether I was going to pull him closer or push him away, everything in my head a bit fried for once. "They'll kill you for this, don't you understand?"
"I don't care." He leant closer again, kissing me once more. Every doubt and fear was pushed to the back of my mind, my thoughts consumed by Azriel as I finally allowed myself a sliver of happiness. He tasted warm, I think that was the only way to explain it, and I could feel his hands on my body, and his shadows tracing around me.
Reaching up, I allowed my arms to curl around his neck, one of my hands playing in his hair as he smiled into the kiss. When the need for air overcame me, I pulled away, leaning my forehead against his.
"We'll work this out together." He muttered, so softly that I almost missed it. "I won't let you go without a fight."
So, Maiya's dad is just horrible, what's new, and wants her to marry Mendax who is also horrible. Azriel is just a softie and Maiya's finally given into the fact that they're mates. Her and Azriel's kiss was cute and I just really love them.
Let me know what you think,
Love Li xx
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