Chapter 3 - Curious new students and perfect grades
Annabeth's POV:
I walked back to the group. They were talking more vigorously than before. I caught the words "new students" so I assumed Piper told them.
I slipped into my facade once again as I neared the group.
"Hi, I'm back. What are you talking about?" I asked them, careful not to accidentally interrupt any of them. It was hard, trying to find a moment like that.
"Oh, just the new students that are coming today." Emma replied. I nodded.
"Okay the-"
The ringing of the bell cut me off.
"Oh, it's first period now. Bye!" Sophia seemed eager to get away from me, dragging Emma with her. She didn't really like me. Before I came, she was the smartest in the school, and I stole that place from her, so it's understandable.
I found that I was loosing myself in thought. I tried to concentrate, but with ADHD, that's nearly impossible.
"I am so so so sorry!"
I was in the hallway, and it seems that I have bumped into someone. I looked up. Standing above me was a boy around my age, with a surfer look, and messy hair like he just got out of bed. The most distinctive thing about him however, is his eyes. They were like the sea, swirling with green, and a hint of blue. It was mesmerizing.
"Are you okay?" I snapped out of my daze. It then hit me how close he is, and I felt the heat rise up to my cheeks. I wish I put more foundation.
I tried to compose myself. "Yes, yes I am." I said calmly, or what I hoped was calmly.
"Your face is a bit red, are you okay?" His words had me blushing like crazy again.
I heard snickers behind him. Stretching my neck, I attempted to look behind him, but to no avail.
"Are you getting up? My arm is getting tired." He joked.
I took his hand and got up. He looked down.
"Oh, I'm so sorry." He sounded guilty. I looked down. It appears that I didn't close the zipper properly and the books all fell out.
"I can pick it up for you!" I tried to reassure him that it's okay, I can do it, but he already bent down and started retrieving the textbooks.
I took the opportunity to take a good look of the people behind him. I saw 3 people behind him. One was a boy with blonde hair, not unlike mine, electric blue eyes, and a little scar on his lip. Another was a girl with the same electric blue eyes as the first, a punk hairstyle, and silver earrings. Lastly, there was a boy with curly brown hair, brown eyes, and a wispy goatee.
"Here you go." I turned back to the green-eyed boy. He handed the bag back to me.
"Thanks." I smiled at him. Then I frowned.
"What's wrong?" He asked nervously. "Did I miss something? Damage something? Did I-"
"No no no!" I quickly interrupted him. "Nothing's wrong. I just didn't get your name, that's all."
"Oh." He sounded relieved. His personality was kind of childish. Quick changing emotions, distracted by everything interesting, cute, and also- wait. Did I just say cute? No, this cannot be happening. My mother won't allow me to get romantically involved. And he doesn't like me anyway.
"My name is Percy. Percy Jackson."
"Hello Percy. And who are your friends?" I gestured to the people behind him.
"This is Jason," He pointed at the blue-eyed boy. "This is Grover," He pointed at the other boy, "And this-"
"My name is Thalia, nice to meet you, Annabeth." The girl cut her off. He looked hurt.
"How did you know my name?" I asked, suspiscious.
Thalia grinned. "We have been hearing about you from Piper. She says you are kind of lonely, just like her when she-"
"Shut up, Thals." Jason shushed her. "I don't think Piper would want you to tell her this."
Thalia humphed. "Oh, and how do you know?"
Jason sighed. "I'm her boyfriend. I think I've been with her long enough to know what she thinks."
I coughed to get their attention. "I'm still here, you know."
"Ooh, she's sassy." Percy smirked.
I paled and looked around. My mother doesn't approve of this personality. Thankfully, the hallways were empty.
I was confused for a second. Why are the hallways empty? They-oh.
"I'm late to class!" I screeched. Luckily, only the new students heard it.
I started running, and then remembered the no-running rules, and settled for fast-walking instead.
"Wait! Annabeth!" Percy ran up to me. "We don't know where to go."
I stopped. This would be a good excuse as to why I'm late to class. "Alright, which class do you have next."
"Ummm, G-man, what class do we have next?"
Grover shrugged. "Dunno."
"Very helpful." I heard Percy mutter.
"Pinecone face?"
"You seriously expect me to know?" Thalia asked.
"Good point. Jason?"
"I always wonder why you ask me last." Jason grumbled.
"Maybe because you are most responsible?" Grover offered.
"Then you should ask me first!" Jason exclaimed, exasperated.
"So do you know?" Percy asked.
"No-" Jason started, but was cut off by Thalia
"You don't know either!" Thalia accused. Jason sighed.
"Maybe you should let me finish speaking. No, I don't know, because we were supposed to go to the principle's office to get our timetables!"
"Okay then. We are heading to the principles office." I said, breaking up the fight. "Which is on the other side of the school campus."
Percy groaned. "Why do we have to walk so far!"
We ignored him.
An awkward silence settled upon us. I noticed that Grover was walking with a slight limp, but decided against questioning him.
I was getting uncomfortable, so I decided to strike up another conversation, which hopefully doesn't evolve into an argument.
"So, tell me about yourself."
"My name is Percy, I'm 16" So same age "I love blue food, I don't eat fish, Grover here is my best friend."
"Blue food?"
He shrugged. "Inside joke."
"What about you?" I asked Grover.
"I, ummm, I'm the same age as Percy, I love nature and I music, I don't eat fish because if I did, Percy would kill me, and because I'm vegetarian. I think that's it."
"No," Percy piped up. "You forgot to mention that you have a girlfriend name Juniper! She loves nature like you do."
Grover blushed.
"So what about you, Thalia?"
"I'm lesbian."
"Got a problem?" She growled.
"No! Not at all." I hurriedly defended myself. "I was just shocked by your boldness and straight-forwardness."
She nodded. "Okay, sorry, I just don't like homophobes."
"I have a question."
Thalia nodded. "Let's hear it."
"Why did Percy call you Pinecone face?"
Thalia started. "No! You are not-"
Jason covered her mouth, successfully shutting her up
Percy smirked. "Oh, you see, one Christmas, the market ran out of pine trees, so we had to make our own. And Thalia offered to do it."
"I highly doubt that." I interrupted him.
"Not important. Anyway, it kinda became a tradition. It saves a tree too!"
I stifled my giggles.
"OH MY GODS YOU LICKED ME!" Jason cried out.
"WHY DID YOU DO THAT? THAT'S DISGUSTING!" Jason cradled his licked hands.
"Right over there."
Jason ran off.
"Is this normal?"
"Yes. Happens everyday." Grover sighed. "If this doesn't happen, something is wrong. Doesn't make it any less unbearable though."
I walked out of the class. I finished the test early. It was online, and as expected, I got 100% correct on it.
I was about to head home, when a voice stopped me.
"Annabeth! Wait!" Piper came up to me, dragging Percy, Jason, Thalia and Grover with her.
"I gotta introduce you to my friends."
"We know each other already." I said.
Piper looked confused, but her expression quickly changed to that of offence.
"Jason, why didn't you tell me?" Piper said that in a sinister tone. She slowly turned to Jason.
"Um, Pipes, I seriously gotta go, I-" Jason tried to escape.
"Relax, I'm playing with ya." Piper laughed and pecked him on the lips. Jason's face was red from embarrassment.
"You wanna meet up tomorrow at the cafe?" She asked. "It's a Saturday so I'm free all day."
"I have to ask my mother."
"I'll give you my phone number then, Annie?" Piper asked.
I was offended at the nickname. "Annie? Really?" Piper laughed.
"Well then, sure thing Pipes." I said, putting special emphasis on Pipes.
"How dare you!" Piper said, fake angrily. I let out a little laugh and she smiled.
"Here is my phone number." She handed me a slip of paper with a string of number on it. I thanked her and put it in my bag.
"See you tomorrow?" Piper asked.
"Maybe." I replied.
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