Yuu's Sick Again And Idia's Confession
Yuu hates this as she's stuck in bed once again as she coughs making both Azul and Idia to look after her as Yuu didn't think spiritually healing three Overblotters at the same time all while fully extracting poison from two poisoned people was too much on her body as it's twice as high making her to hate this as Ortho keeps an eye on her temperature at all times.
It's making it to be helpful as her many friends help out whenever they can with many medical potions and the food that she doens't have there. Crowley's pleased with this as both Floyd and Riddle are now officially off the market and his 'mother's looking for him now cause of this fully cause of her breaking out of prison to look for him.
Yuu heard about this and she got out of the bed cause she has to fully kidnap Riddle in front of his 'mother' who had found him as he's five feets away from his dorm mates which she did do and it's making her to be furies as Yuu has Riddle at her place underground as the trapdoor's fully just closed making him to stay where Epel had stayed previously.
The card soldiers are furies at her as they all looked at her making her to be scared as they're out for blood on her making them to harm her greatly really. It has caused both the staff and other students to ignore it as the card soldiers fully harm their queen's 'mother' for a long time for what she did to Riddle.
Once done, Riddle's sent home with lots of cookies and sweets making them to cheer for their queen. Yuu's fever temperature went up cause of this making both Azul and Idia to worry, but Crowley summoned a green colored crow. He removed a quarter of the temperature as he's a healing crow species.
It's making Yuu to be alright as the crow stays near her making both Azul and Idia to be relieved she's going to be alright, but Idia got a huge notification from his parents about fully something making him to freak out as he can't do that to them! To Azul! He just can't! He just really can't!
'Oh no... I'm not going to do it.' Idia thinks as he prints the letter and the request for those who fully had Overblotted to go to the Island of Woe making him to call a very large emergency meeting fast with all of the seven Overblotters, the three other Housewardens, the six Vice-Housewardens and the staff as he then showed the two papers to them all.
"I'm not going to do as they said to do, but cause of all seven of you had Overblotted... My hands are tied. Just twenty-four hours of your time's all I ask and I can get you out with memories still intact. Yuu figured it out and she's furies at my parents as she has fifty crows looking for the requester and they found them, but nothing.
The crows was enough to freak them out and they killed themselves from it fully." Idia said as Crowley saw the picture and he doesn't know why he would do this to his students making Crowley to know Hade's punishing the person greatly for this majorly which he doesn't mind.
"Just twenty-four hours only, right?" Leona asked as Ruggie holds onto his right arm like Epel is to Jack's right arm fully making Vil to rub his head.
"Yes. Headmage, the schoolboard will talk to you about all of this and both might kill them really for this fully." Crowley's confused by this.
"Both?" Idia sighs as he had fully noticed the looks in Yuu's eyes and he had noticed the new colors in her eyes.
"I figured it out once the Crow Fae Instincts has awakening early... She fully accidentally turned it into a split-personality which she calls Yui. She's actually looking up a ritual to have her as a older twin sister. Congratulations, you got twin girls now, sir." Idia said as Crowley falls onto his knees in great shock from this.
"Oh Great Seven.... Yuu's going to make me grey in the hair at this rate fully!" Everyone laughs as Crowley's fully losing it cause of Yuu making him to glare and he threatens to double, triple or quadruple the homework and for the staff, no pay for two whole months making them all to stop and shout no at him for that threat.
Lilia noticed how Silver looks more Fae than human after Easter Day and he then had noticed the earrings that Yuu gave him making Lilia to be shocked at the runes for a Human to Fae conversion and his blood's being fully used making him to be shocked as Silver looks good as a Fae it seems as Malleus won't lose his mate anytime soon.
Lilia even noticed another rune that's a necklace making him to realized Yuu's trying to let Silver bare the future heirs to the throne like Ruggie for Leona, Epel to Jack, Neige to both of Vil and Rook, Azul to Idia, Kalim to Jamil, Riddle to Floyd and Jade to Trey making him to be shocked by this as this is a major thing Yuu has ever done really.
"Yes, only twenty-four hours max." Idia said as they looked to each other and Crowley allows it as he trusts Idia on this making him to fully look after them. He explained the tests and they'll get copies of the research for their files here for the school making it to be acceptable as Crowley left Yuu in the care of Malleus, Silver and Lilia only.
Professor Crewel will make the many medical potions which's acceptable as Professor Crewel knew what they're doing plus the potions Yuu used for the ritual fully. Yuu's needing medical help right now and Idia brought them over as Yuu feels something's fully wrong as she can't let Idia go back making Ortho to record this as he's not at the meeting making him to then play it to Idia alone.
"I can't let Idia go fully back to that hellhole island. He'll Overblot and then release the very many phantoms onto the world as you can't restart a world that's already made as this will destroy it more. Ghost Ortho, I beg you, please... Leave my god alone." Idia's shocked as he blushes since Yuu called him her god, though he looks towards the Gateway to the Underworld.
'Ortho...' Yuu had actually found two rituals and gave it to him; one to remove his blood curse and the another to bring Ortho back fully from the dead making him to fully remember that day as he frowns not sure if he should do them, but Crowley and Lilia with Malleus helped him to do the blood curse ritual.
Both him and Ortho were freed from their blood curse and owns them one making Malleus to only ask for them to look after Yuu. Lilia explains everything to him making Malleus to be very shocked as he vanishes and Lilia realized why making him to bolt to make sure he doesn't get Silver pregnant yet which has Crowley laughing.
"I'm waiting for a wedding ring." Idia said making Crowley to nod as he gave both his blessings and permission now making Idia to nod as Azul's shocked, but happy for what Crowley allowed them to do. Yuu had brougt two wedding rings and a wedding certification making both Jack and Epel to be married legally now.
Yuu didn't want them to get into trouble making them to thank her as those who are the ukes saw the rune on their necklaces and fully blushes while the semes smirked as Lilia managed to get Malleus to not get Silver pregnant until the school's over and a year has fully passed making him to pout at him for this really.
Idia got those who Overblotted over and was being very careful as Crowley will meet the whole schoolboard and had evidence of why the Overblot had even happened as Yuu won't let it all fully lay down and he'll allow them to read it themselves. Professor Crewel, Lilia, Silver and Malleus kept an eye on Yuu for both Azul and Idia.
'Please... Leave my god alone... Ghost Ortho...' Yuu pleads with Ghost Ortho making him to show up in her dream as she saw how small he is fully as he was just a kid when he had died really.
'Sorry, nee-chan... I can't... Forgive me...' Ghost Ortho said as he hugs her making her to cry before she realized she can be there, she'll just be doing Astral projection making Ghost Ortho to ask her not to as Faes aren't suppose to be able to do it making her to mention she's half Crow Fae and nothing stops them fully.
'Wait for me, you guys. Shiro, let's go.' Yuu said as she hates this feeling she has as both Yuu and Shiro left for the Island of Woe quickly.
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