Yui's Got A Boyfriend?! And Grim Got Shiro Pregnant?! System Update!
(AN: Pretend that Yui up there with Sebek)
Two weeks later, Yuu sighs as she wakes up making Yui to have have breakfast on the table already as today's Saturday making Yui to have her own two Crow Familiars; Sally the Healing Crow and Laura the Combater Crow making her to be even with Yuu even more so now as both Crows can shapeshift already.
Yuu's happy for Yui as this is major for her making the sisters to enjoy their breakfast with their familiars. Crowley noticed that Yui's blushing a lot making him to wonder if there's a male she's seeing as he's going to be overprotective of her since Yuu has both Azul and Idia who cares sooo deeply for her fully.
Yuu warns Yui about their otou-sama's observation about her blushing and as long as he doens't hurt her, she'll not tell him about her boyfriend making her to sigh of relief as she thanks her sis making her to go on her date as Yuu wonders how Sebek Zigvolt even got the courage to ask Yui to even 'marry' him.
Sebek just asked Yui to marry him making her to laugh as he blushed embarrassed as he said the wrong thing before Yui kissed him on the nose and agrees to date him making him the happiest half-fey in the whole school as Yuu plays games with Crowley to keep him away when they're on their dates making them to be looking strong greatly.
Grim's in a freak out as Yuu noticed that Shiro's looking a bit more pale right now making her to worry as she has Shiro stay human to be safe which works, but Yuu tries to figure this out fully making her to check Shiro's stats and her health stats she's three months long making Yuu to be shocked by this as she has Professor Crewel to check fully.
"Yeah, Shiro's pregnant alright. It seems in crow form, she would have had six eggs to look after. Even in Harpy form, it's six eggs. Human form, it's sextuples." Professor Crewel said as Grim faints making Yuu to laugh as Grim's out cold making Shiro to feel better a bit cause of it fully.
Crowley's warned and he gave Grim the talk since he's adopted into his line may he be a familiar or not making Grim to shiver as Yuu has the rings making both Grim and Shiro to get married fast making both to be happy as many of Yuu and Yui's friends were shocked by this fully as they fully wonder how Yuu got the rings fast.
Crowley noticed how and he's shocked as his girls are Gamers as he wonders if that's how Yuu and Yui got the soul magic, but Grim has to explain with Shiro, Sally and Laura making him to be shocked as that's not a good thing making him to be worried sick, but trusts the four familiars to watch over them for him.
"Yes, sir." All four said as they look after Yuu and Yui for Crowley as Yuu has found Mountain Jewels, Water Moons, Woodland Flowers, Desert Flames, Ice Wanderers, Storm Chasers and Shadow Nights unicorns as Yui sighs since Yuu got them all back to school making her to have a hard time explaining this to the teachers.
Professor Crewel's shocked at this as Yuu's looking after them and feeding them with the leaders having names for the eight different breeds of Unicorns. Amethyst (Precious one) is the leader of Mountain Jewels, Solstice (When the sun stands still) is the leader of the Water Moons, Caprina (Whimsical or playful) is the leader of the Woodland Flowers.
Rohesia (Kind) is the leader of the Desert Flames, Anamika (Full of grace) is the leader of the Ice Wanders, Zeni (God's grace) is the leader of the Storm Chasers, Primana (The protector) is the leader of the Shadow Nights and Victoria (Victorious) is the leader of the normal unicorns making Professor Crewel to be shocked at this.
Yuu even found black unicorns making her to name the leader Yamiya which means Darkness making Professor Crewel to be having a hard time with this as the unicorns should have stayed away from Yuu cause of the blood on her hands, but they aren't making him to be very confused by this as Crowley didn't tell him that Faes can ride unicorns.
'Even if there's smell of blood on them.' Crowley thinks to himself as Lilia's shocked at the amount of unicorns he's looking at and that Yuu's taking a nap near a couple of unicorn foals with the mothers watching over them as Silver's being pulled into the napping pile making Lilia to take a picture of this as it's too much.
Yuu noticed an update for her gamer system and accepts it making her to wonder what the new update is as both Idia and Azul noticed how Yuu got some stuff making Idia to ask and Yuu conforms scared making him to hug her as she could add people into a party making her to be confused as he explains the classes for the characters in the RPG games.
The update's done and now Yuu can start businesses, add people to her party, select a class and do dungeons making Yuu to explain this to Idia making him to be happy as if she adds people, they get the same updated gamer system as Yuu making her to add Idia, Yui, Grim, Shiro, Sally and Laura for safety reason only making Idia to accept.
Yuu thinks about the business thing and wonders about condominium buildings making Idia to explain he never heard of a building like that before making Yuu to think on how to explain what a condominium is as she needs to think on how to explain it and she choice to just wing it and explain what they are to Idia.
"A condominium, or condo, is an individually owned residential unit in a complex or building of like units. Condo owners own their units, but share common spaces, amenities and other resources. They pay condo fees, which cover maintenance costs, amenities and the upkeep of common spaces.
A condominium is an ownership regime in which a building is divided into multiple units that are either each separately owned or owned in common with exclusive rights of occupation by individual owners." Yuu explained to Idia slowly.
Yuu choice that as her business making her to be careful, but it seems she can just have tall condominium or a short one in any town and city making her to see where land is for sell and how big it is making her to see that big cities have tall buildings making her to choice to do them first as she has the height being fifty meters tall.
The height's that of titans from Attack on Titan show making Yuu to go for the very one from the video on YouTube from Mani Mani People channel as it's huge and perfect as Yuu can even make a twin one with a two football-field length lobby making the center of the lobby being the desk to help people out with two more on each side of the towers.
One's a grocery store and the other one's a medical clinic making Idia to like how Yuu did it as she even did triplets and quads ones with the triplets looking like a triangle and the quads look like a square as the triplets have a second medical clinic to make it fair and the quads are the same with the grocery store as well, too.
Yui's a Joint-Owner making her to help with the towns and smaller cities making them to be placing condominium buildings all over Twisted Wonderland making them to have too many and Yuu got many Hyenas joins in the ones in Sunset Savana making Yuu to place rules for employees only as she wants nothing to harm them.
Rule#1: No Racist Talks, Rule#2: No Bullying Follow Employees, Rule#3: Whatever Family Statue Is Not Include At Work and Rule#4: No Abuse Of Follow Employees. Yuu made them the rules for every condominium building making both Yui and Idia to agree with them, but what about Azul's hometown underwater and Yuu has it covered.
She has a quint condominium like a pentagon with Azul's Mostro Lounge being the top line of it making Azul to be shocked by this as there's six of the quint condominium buildings there in different areas and Merfolks were welcomed in any of the condominium buildings as she has a resort version near a beach for them to be nearer to the water.
Yuu did this to all countries making her and Yui to have a whole lot of money coming in as Yuu finally adds Azul and Ortho plus Orthonto to her party making him to run his Mostro Longue perfectly as he can't believe this as makes them go do dungeons together making Yuu and Yui to not level up if they did making the party to see why.
With them being about to see what level the monsters are going to be, they'll pick their fights perfectly and higher levels means more stuff plus their system updates are always the same as both of Yuu and Yui's is making Crowley to task Idia and Azul to watch over Yuu as Sebek did Yui who adds him in.
'Damnna it, sis!' Yuu thinks as she smiles since their otou-sama didn't see that one coming making him to finally know and wants to kill him, but can't as he's a student in his school making Lilia to laugh at him for this making him to hope Yui doesn't get pregnant really.
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