SDC Plus NRC Wins And Yuu's Hurt By RSA Headmage
(AN: Replace Epel with Ruggie and Epel singing with Ruggie's voice singing the song instead)
When everyone's told about the festival between both NRC and RSA called the SDC, Yuu ignores it as she's not going to join in as it's not her thing as Epel managed to stay away from both of Vil and Rook making Jack to take over the protection as his boyfriend and Yuu allows Epel to hide with her if both of Vil and Rook managed to find him.
"And that's only if they know that you're with Jack at Savanaclaw Dorm." Yuu told him as she wants him to know this to be safe from them both for him as Yuu doesn't mind him as a room mate as it's like she was having a sleepover with a friend cause of it making both Epel and Jack to laugh as it did seem like that making Epel to agree to it.
"Thanks." Epel said as Jack took him back to Savanaclaw Dorm making Leona to chuckle at Epel's escaped making him to sleep with Jack in his room until the SDC's over with making Epel to thank him as he gave Leona a huge tight hug for this before Jack shows him to his room; Jack's room making Ruggie to have a dark look in his eyes.
"Shishishi~ Leona-san got a huge hug~" Ruggie said, but Ruggie's pissed as Leona's his making Leona to feel the aura as he's very quick to stop it making Ruggie to be begging Leona to either go slower or faster making Leona to know he fully got Ruggie good as he can't make up his mind while Jack's very tender to Epel as he cares for his chosen mate.
Both of Azul and Idia told Yuu they want to talk to her privately making her to be confused until they had fully explained and that they were going to wait, but her story has them being quicker as they don't want her to be alone, so they're rushing a bit with this and they had asked Yuu to be their shared girlfriend between them both shocking her.
"Plus... Ortho adores you and he asked us when we're adding you into our relationship really." Idia said to Yuu while blushing making her to blush as she can't believe they want to add her to their relationship making her to wonder if they knew about her life form the videos as no one wants to be with her with THAT kind of baggage.
"He's already calling you nee-chan also." Azul adds on making Yuu to be shocked by this as how can she answer them as she's not sure if she wants to be in a relationship, but it feels like they're not forcing her into it as it's more like they're asking her to join their relationship which's very different as Yuu's not too sure about being with them really.
"What?!" Yuu shouts as she's in pure shock as she's not sure what to do right now fully as they're explaining everything to her and asking her than ordering her to join their very relationship making her to not know what to do making Grim to calm her down and have her take a deep breath in and hold for five seconds.
Then she let's go before holding for five seconds as she's much more calmer and asks if they're sure about this making them to nod as Yuu takes another one and release it as she agrees to being their sole shared girlfriend. Both takes her out on many dates as Azul's in the village and Idia's is at night to avoid people for him to calm down really.
Yuu doesn't mind as Idia doens't like people and that's fine making Azul to agree as they spend time with her and she helps them plus Idia made her own blastcycle in her favourite colors; blue like his hair and light purplish like Azul's light skin color than the dark skin color one as Azul has one for underwater in the colors of Yuu's eyes.
It's making him to love it as Idia even looks at the books that Yuu got from her old world about their techknowledge while Azul takes a look at the recipes from the fast food places making Azul to be amazed as he even got the many cookbooks and the past recipes making Azul to wonder how Yuu even got them all as there's a whole lot of recipes here.
"I can make these things a thousand times much more better than they ever can! Stupid fucking idiots a lot of them!" Idia said pissed off as these guys are very stupid with their designs making Yuu to laugh as she's on her back laughing loudly on Azul's large around bed in his housewarden bedroom in Octavilnelle Dorm making him to smile at the site.
"I agree there with you, Idia." Azul said before he smirks at some of the businesses as cafés, fast food places and restaurants need to do better as Yuu has their many recipes and secret recipes making Azul to try and just fully make them all for Mostro Lounge making Jade and Floyd to enjoy this even more than he would ever really.
"Have fun with them, you two!" Yuu shouts at them both as this is too much cause Idia's still letchering about those stupid idiots from her old world making Yuu to lose it even more at that with Ortho joining in on her laughter with an occasionally chuckles from Azul really during that time fully as he can tell Idia's pissed off really.
Ace, Deuce, Kalim, Jamil, Vil, Rook and Ruggie, who's helping to hide that Epel's at Savanaclaw Dorm and with his boyfriend, making Vil to wonder as Crowley had asked Yuu first and she said no, but Ramshackle Dorm's fully open for them to use since it's fully fixed making him to give the key over to Vil for it as Leona hates not having Ruggie with him really.
Epel helps him out in the place of Ruggie making it easier to help out making Leona to have Jack to help out, but Epel proved he's a tough cookie as he got Leona twelve of what he had wanted making Leona to be very impressed as Jack tends to his boyfriend's injuries as Yuu sits with her own two boyfriends as Epel's fine where he is really.
Jack helped Epel with his magic and spells as Yuu hands some over to give him a punch to Vil's big ego and pride making Epel to smirk as he's going to enjoy this as he took those lessons to heart with Jack joining in making Epel to get stronger before he saw that fully someone went to attack Yuu and he got pissed at that action as he's not going to let her get hurt.
They're frozen in a glass coffin making Crowley to be shocked as Epel has his signature spell; Sleep Kiss making him to be fully jumping up and down in pure happiness he has his spell. Bunch of ghost acts as targets making Epel to get a whole lot of practices in making him to master his signature spell as he needs to get it mastered to fully use it properly.
Azul has handed over a potion to increase his magic and Epel hated the taste as he went nuts afterwards as Jack takes the blot by contract for that potion before Epel stops as not a lot of his magic's being used for it as it takes only, by what Yuu had said, 5 units of his magic like Kalim's takes only 1 units of his magic as he uses soo little of his magic for it.
It's making Epel to be fully shocked as he trains where it takes 0.5 units of his magic and Yuu laughs. Epel has fully managed to get it to take only 2 units of his magic fully maximum and he increased the target rate by 86% plus to hit two or three targets at the same time making him to be very much a major powerhouse now.
That's making Leona, Azul and Jack to lose to him in ten minutes than in thirty minutes each. This was making Epel to cheer as that's awesome and he won against two housewardens all by himself really making Leona to just groan only. Leona congratulates him fully as he's stronger now and Jack's happy as Vil's about to lose to Epel thanks to this.
Ruggie warns about Vil's close to Overblotting. He had almost tried to poison Neige LeBlanche before the competition had even started fully shocking them greatly at this and Ruggie also stopped him with his own drink as he lies about Vil taking his own by accident and then he pulls him away as he fully explains to him how bad that would have been fully.
"If you did do that, the Headmage of RSA would know it's us who had fully poisoned him and then it would be bad!" It's making Vil to glare as he can't believe he didn't think of that as they went to perform making Yuu to smirk as she has a plan to win without cheating.
"RSA doesn't know HOW many students we have since the multiplying girls counted as students since you added them in and RSA doens't realized this as for forty-nine years, we ACTUALLY won cause of this before plus both Grim and Shiro in their very human form and Kemonomimi form counts as students this year.
Soo... RSA never won for forty-nine years and yet the votes are altered to make it look like RSA has won proving that THEY cheated for forty-nine years straight! If we can get proof of that, RSA's reputation would be fully ruined and NRC's reputation would skyrocketed very high cause of this fully." Yuu told them as she got them to be shocked.
'Harpy form doens't count making RSA to lose this year.' It's making both Leona and Ruggie to fully grin savagely at this fully as this is major.
"Really now?" Crowley didn't fully expect that as he gave both Grim and Shiro phones to vote with it making them to vote for NRC and they won making Vil to be shocked as no one noticed the multiplying girls nor either Grim or Shiro at all which got Vil to realized what this means as Crowley nods and Vil smiles as Rook hugs him and lifts him onto his shoulders.
Yuu kept it a secret that she saw who's been altering the votes and dealt with them personally really. Grim and Shiro helps her out with it making NRC to win for their 50th time as they got enough evidence to prove that NRC won for forty-nine years and someone had paid someone to alter it fully making the Arcane Unite Response Organization to arrest them.
"You cheated!" The Headmage of RSA shouts loudly at Crowley making many to look towards the both of them as the camera's fully pointed at them now and zoomed in as well, too making it all to be live to everyone watching really.
"Why, whatever do you mean?" Crowley said as everything's fully fair from what he saw.
"You cheated somehow to get those votes in someway!" RSA Headmage shouts before he saw Yuu running over and hugging Crowley as she calls him otou-sama. RSA Headmage hits her in the face with the palm of his hand to her right cheek and Malleus Draconia saves her fully in mid-air as dragon wings are out to fly in the air as she cries into his neck.
It's making both Idia and Azul to be beyond pissed as Idia's hair's like Hade's when he's outraged or furies about something not going right making everyone to freak out as blue fire's everywhere cause of how angry Idia is with the RSA Headmage as this man has just signed his death wish for doing that to Yuu as Azul and Ortho agrees with him there.
NAME: Malleus Draconia
NICKNAME: Dragão Fĭdēs-Dono (Yuu's nickname)
SPECIES: Dragon Fae
Level 1,780
HP: 8,000,000,000,000
MP: 800,000,000,000,000,000
Attack: 455,368,578,986,000
M.Attack: 100,639,586,359,821,000
Defense: 500,000,000
Speed: 570
Stamina: 586
Strength: 864
Dexterity: 838
Constitution: 9,246
Intelligence: 3,560
Wisdom: 3,560
Charisma: 586
Luck: 846
Vitality: 904
Vigor: 904
Azul's trueform is fully out as he wraps his octopus tentacles just all around him as Ortho has his system locked onto him making many to be shocked as this is not a good thing as all females were shocked that both Idia and Azul had added her into their very relationship from how they had reacted to her getting hurt by the RSA Headmage really.
"Here's something you don't know about Yuu... She WAS abused and WAS badly INJURIED! I would NEVER allow someone who hurts her to SURVIVE after they had just hurt her!" Azul said as he tightens his grip on RSA Headmage's throats majorly as he's ready to squeeze his head off his neck for what he did to his shared girlfriend.
"I doubt even Hade's would be forgiving of this and send you to the Punishment Fields than Paradise Field!" Idia said as he has a blue fireball in his hands ready to blast it at him and his speech was that of a God's voice speaking to mortals fully.
"No one hurts my nee-chan and gets away with it! Survival's at 35%!" Ortho said as Crowley's pissed that his daughter got badly slapped and then was sent flying by RSA Headmage's very own signature spell over the rails to hit the stage as well, too making him to be very furies with him as that's not a good thing to do on live T.V really.
"You said we cheated, but you don't know how many students our school, NRC has fully." Grim said in his Kemonomimi form as Shiro's in her human form making the RSA Headmage to gulp as he knows who Grim is and he sent him to that world to get rid of him fully making Grim to then recognize him fully.
"Ooooh~ Now I recognized you! You're the one who sent me to Yuu's world! Glad you did! Yuu's about a month away from committing suicided cause it's her old family who's abusing her and I was the only one who cares for her fully!" Grim shouts shocking everyone as Yuu hides her face in Malleus's neck even more.
"I'm not pleased with you as she broke a curse on him that kept him in the form you saw him in and then sent him there to kill him! Touch my friend and my boyfriend again, I'll personally send assassins after you or even ask someone from Pomefiore for poison to end your miserable life!" Shiro told him very much angrily.
"A-Azul... I-Idia... I... I... I want to go home now... Please..." Yuu said as Malleus hands her over to Azul who tosses the RSA Headmage into Crowley's waiting grips as he gently takes Yuu. He just gently holds her close as Idia comes over as he helps calm her down and Ortho still has his system on the RSA Headmage making Crowley to be pissed at him.
"Grim and Shiro voted for NRC with the fifty female students that we had allowed to tend our school to look for a husband. There. That's how we won for our 50th year win fully. We got even more students than you do. And Yuu figured out that you've been paying people to alter the votes for forty-nine years. Not anymore as he got arrested.
Arrested just before he could alter it all fully, but harm my daughter again, I'll allow both Mr. Ashengrotto and Mr. Shroud to kill you fully together." Crowley said as he throws him to the ground harshly. Azul, Yuu and Idia left with Ortho following as Grim growls at the man fully making him to bolt in fear as Shiro nuzzles Grim's shoulder.
That made him blush as Vil's in pure shock as he can't believe what he saw as Neige looks scared as he leans into Vil and hides behind Rook making him to fully hope Neige would be alright there after this major reveal really as this is going to cause a major damage to RSA's reputation and Neige might take the hit for it making Vill to worry about this fully.
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