Leona Overblots
Yuu's mental stat didn't go down at all really as Crowley's trying to figure out what's going on and how many times she was almost raped to just get to this point as it just seems Yuu had a harsh life and from the way she speaks of her family's painting a very much bad picture for him here about her home background really. She was fully either;
A) Disowned
B) An orphan
Or C) She removed herself from the family and disowned herself fully.
He called Yuu up and he asked about her family to get a bit of a background to help her handle school life much better and Grim just let it lose about the whole thing making Crowley to not like it as all of Yuu's scars were from her own family members and she doesn't look like both of her and Grim likes them one bit making him to not speak of it again.
"I'll let the subject slide into the background. If you're in need of something, don't hesitate to come see me for it." Crowley told them as he allows them to leave his office and then called his old friend up as he explains everything and doesn't like it as she needs a proper family and he made his choice as he's going to adopt her as his own child.
He's going to be looking after her properly than her old family has ever did making his friend to agree with him on this fully. Yuu got tired of sleeping on the hard solid ground of her bed and choice to buy a mattress to fit the whole size after measuring the space up making Yuu to make some changes as she needs the mattress to keep it's shape.
It's making her to use a metal pickaxe she brought from the Other Store and she makes holes for wooden beams to hold it in place as she doens't want the mattress to lose it's shape cause of it and then she'll have to buy a new one making her to not like that if she has to buy a band-new mattress continuously if it loses it's shape from her using it.
'With one long huge wooden beam across for extra security with many notches to place many wooden dowels into them as nails to make it easier really.' She even brought sheets to fit her band-new mattress with a couple of long pillows and a couple of regular pillows making it to be the perfect bed to sleep in as Grim loves it greatly.
'We're still using the large woolly mammoth blanket Yuu brought from the Other Store.' Grim thinks as Yuu even craved shelves into the wall outside her bedroom. She uses Synthesis Magic to have them be small rocks as Yuu even had them harden as Grim tosses them into a metal bucket to hold them in as she's working on her room.
She even has shelves for her many clothing on the side of the wall with shelves to have oil lamps nearby near the stairs and on the side wall at the end of her bed. It's making it easier to not fully knock it over as it's in pretty deep making Yuu to feel safe thanks to this fully as she even added wooden stairs to get into bed better now.
She chose to check on her stats as it's been a while since she last done that really as she needs to see if she could use any of her stat points and it's making her to wonder why she even has it at all fully, but ignores it as it's helping her out a whole lot in learning magic as she gains some EXPs from doing daily quests and it's fun to do also as well, too.
NRC Student: Gain +50 EXP per class assignments, projects, tests and exams passed
Nature Lord's Daughter: Increases the magical powers of Nature Magic
GENDER: Female
Level 24 (1,913,000/1,920,000 EXP)
HP: 1,200,000,000
MP: 1,200,000
Attack: 120,000
M.Attack: 120,000
Defense: 120,000
Speed: 3
Stamina: 3
Strength: 20
Dexterity: 20
Constitution: 20
Intelligence: 20
Wisdom: 20
Charisma: 4
Luck: 20
Vitality: 20
Vigor: 20
Arcane Magic (Level 1: 0%)
Arcane Alchemy Magic (Level 1: 0%)
Earth Magic (Level 50: 0%)
Fire Magic (Level 50: 0%)
Healing Magic (Level 84: 0%)
Lightning Magic (Level 1: 0%)
Nature Magic (Level 1: 0%)
Soul Magic (Level 34: 0%)
Soul Healing Magic (Level 34: 0%)
Synthesis Magic (Level 4: 0%)
Teleportation (Level 1: 0%)
Water Magic (Level 50: 0%)
Wind Magic (Level 50: 0%)
Mr. S's Mystery Shop a.k.a School Store
Clothing Store
Hunting Store
Fishing Store
Grocery Store
Familiar Store
Clinic Store
Potion Store
Sell Store
Flower Store
Medical Herb Store
Other Store
Madols: 500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,050,000,000
Yuu wonders as she needs to use her Stat Points, but she's not sure where to place them making Grim to noticed that as well, too making him to think about this, but Yuu already made the first move herself making him to noticed she listens to her instincts a lot as if they're leading her to a better place as she places her stat points where she needs them.
Speed: 17
Stamina: 17
Strength: 25
Dexterity: 29
Constitution: 29
Intelligence: 30
Wisdom: 30
Charisma: 10
Luck: 25
Vitality: 25
Vigor: 25
Yuu like this more as she needs Speed and Stamina to handle everything as she can't have someone do all the fighting now making her to wonder as she's curious about something making Grim to worry about this as he's on stand-by to keep herself from getting hurt as he wonders what she plans to do for a magical experiment right now.
Arcane Flame Magic (Level 1: 0%)
Yuu now has flames like Grim, but since Grim's is electric blue color, she noticed she can use his flames as well, too, but choice not to and she used the molecule chemistry to get Electricity Magic from it and now Grim also has it making them both to work on it together like old times in her old world as she doesn't like her old world and prefers to live here more.
Electricity Magic (Level 1: 0%)
Both Yuu and Grim focused on the new magic systems as they need to gain control over them as to not hurt themselves when they use them to attack those Overblot Monsters making them to add some electricity into the place underground by using windmills and from the water fully just surrounding the island as a watermill making Yuu to have lights inside the place now.
But she keeps the oil lamps on at night making Yuu to feel a bit better and then she found out what the Housewarden of Savanaclaw Dorm's trying to do and she went to him six days fully before the Spelldisk Drive Tournament making the Housewarden of Savanaclaw Dorm to be surprised as Yuu looks pissed and Grim fully looks ready to harm them.
The hyena looks scared of her as everyone from the Sunset Savana has a 'healthy' respect for females making Yuu to not mind that if she knew about it making her to look it up as she can see the scared look on their faces towards her anger making her to wonder about it fully actually as even the Housewarden's the same towards her even.
NAME: Ruggie Bucchi
SPECIES: Hyena Kemonomimi
Level 40
HP: 45,000
MP: 45,000,000
Attack: 45,000
M.Attack: 450,000
Defense: 45,000
Speed: 67
Stamina: 67
Strength: 44
Dexterity: 68
Constitution: 45
Intelligence: 60
Wisdom: 60
Charisma: 55
Luck: 65
Vitality: 24
Vigor: 24
"You've been trying to harm the other players, all so you can win?! Whoever you're mad at will be disappointed you're not giving it your all in this!" Yuu shouts fully making the Housewarden to just flinch slightly at that making Yuu to glare before she ice ropes the hyena away fast from the Housewarden as this is going to be getting ugly and fast, too.
"There's a darkening aura coming from behind him. I'm not liking this fully as Riddle went through the same thing at an unbirthday party at the dorm and I had to save him. He looks like he's about to go through one himself." Yuu said as a giant lion paw shows up out of blot pool making the housewarden to be fully just underneath it.
"LEONA-SAN!" The hyena shouts as he tries to get to Leona, the Housewarden who looks him dead in the eyes.
"JUST RUN, RUGGIE! GET AWAY! AS FAR AWAY AS YOU CAN!" Leona shouts as everyone runs making them to go to the dorm after they saw Leona's pulled under into the pool making Yuu to hold Ruggie before he broke free and hugs Overblot Leona not caring if he gets hurt by him as it shocks him a bit from Ruggie's actions towards him.
It's making Overblot Leona to rub his head gently making Yuu to know he's going go and try to do something fully as Ruggie's now under his control thanks to being soo close to the Overblot Blot coming from Leona Kingscholar making Yuu to know this is going to be a shitty fight with them being a power couple really while fighting together.
NAME: Leona Kingscholar
SPECIES: Lion Kemonomimi
HP: 8,000,000,000
MP: 8,000,000,000
Attack: 100,000,000,000
M.Attack: 120,000
Defense: 50,000,000
Speed: 47
Stamina: 50
Strength: 48
Dexterity: 50
Constitution: 40
Intelligence: 60
Wisdom: 60
Charisma: 46
Luck: 30
Vitality: 35
Vigor: 35
NAME: King of Beast
SPIECES: Blot Monster a.k.a Phantom
LEVEL: 250
Attack: 50,000,000,000
M.Attack: 120,000
Defense: 20,000,000
Speed: 57
Stamina: 60
Strength: 59
Dexterity: 60
Constitution: 50
Intelligence: 70
Wisdom: 70
Charisma: 56
Luck: 40
Vitality: 46
Vigor: 46
Yuu doesn't like this as Overblot Leona tricks Ruggie to harm her to keep him safe from her making Grim to fight him as he's not going to allow Yuu to get hurt by him. Ruggie's eyes looked like he's being fully hypnotised as they're hazed over making Yuu to fight Leona all by herself for ten minutes, but she's pushed over onto the ground very harshly.
When he went to harm her with his signature magic, a black crow has showed up fast and attacks his face even faster with others joining in to attack him. They all peak at him making him to try to get it away from them as he fully moves backwards making Yuu to be confused as she didn't do that making her to hear three sets of feet running on the ground.
She hears they're going towards her location making her to see Crowley, a Fae and a human, but he's raised by the Fae as he calls them father shocking her fully on that one as she doesn't even want to know how that happens really as she's going to avoid it and pretend she didn't hear it from him fully as she saw Crowley moving towards her even more.
"Miss. Yuu! I'm sooo glad we made it just in time!" Yuu explains the situation to them as the Fae raised human helps her to stand up fast making Yuu to thank him for the help as Overblot Leona looks very pissed off. He kills the black crows that's attacking him and Yuu got a notification fully about saving Leona's life and she's not about to ignore it at all.
REWARDS: +3,920,000 EXP, +92 Stat Points and +50,000,000 Madols
Time: 30 Minutes
Yuu starts the plan as Grim's fully distracting Ruggie and she had Crowley to fight Leona as the Fae father of the human boy fights the monster as the strings need to be strained to break easier making them to agree as the boy helps her out making the plan to be fully working, but then Ruggie got in the way of an attack for Leona fast.
It's making him to be very injuried severely badly as Ruggie's left arm has a corkscrew like wounds wrapped around his whole left arm like his flesh's taking off that way, his chest has slashes on them that's deep but didn't hit the organs, his whole right hand's fully broken, as in all the bones were broken badly in six places.
His right arms looks like Leona used his signature spell on him and the upper right arm being broken as well, too and his stomach... It looks like something has left a deep gash before the legs were looking like someone pierced him. All with spears and arrows plus his face looks like a very large cat scratched his face as it's over his right eye badly.
It's a wide by four inches long three scratches making Overblot Leona to be fully shocked as he catches Ruggie as he falls backwards making Overblot Leona's eyes to weaver as he looks down to his injured mate before Ruggie moves fast as he kisses him and this was before his back got slashed at from a secondary attack to Overblot Leona.
It's making Overblot Leona to be fully just overwhelmedly shocked by this making both Yuu and the boy to destroy the strings. Yuu then had Grim and the Fae to blast their magic at the Blot Monster. Yuu has Healing Magic, Soul Magic and Soul Healing Magic all fully activated as she rushes to Leona as this was all after the monster got destroyed.
It's making the boy to try and heal Ruggie fastly making Yuu to see Leona's past fully. His father treated him like trash, everyone kept comparing him to his older brother. Yuu saw how the servants and the father hated him cause of his own signature magic's similar to his uncle's signature magic. Yuu even saw how his brother treats him much better; sort of like a son more than as a baby brother.
She saw how his nephew adores him for some reason making Yuu to see child Leona being fully beaten. He's being beaten up by a older lion with a whip making her to be outraged as that reminds her of her old family when they did that to her back in her old world as she can't let him suffer the same fate as her which made her move towards them.
She rushes over and took some of the hits on the back making child Leona to freak, but she gave him a smile and hugs him tightly as it sent something through him. She holds him tightly with all of the very much kindness, careness, understanding and sympathy she could mustered before she sent a blast of magic straight at the older lion.
Yuu's very pissed off at the older lion before another one shows up and picks the two up into his arms as he glares at the other lion in rage and anger as he can't believe what the older lion was doing to them making child Leona to be shocked at who's holding them in their arms.
"Harm my baby brother again... Harm my baby boy again, you old bastard and I'll end you fully personally myself!" Child Leona can't believe what he's hearing from his older brother as he sees him like a son which has Yuu smiling down at him as he needed to hear that as he thought his big brother didn't care for him at all really cause of their father's actions.
"You do have people who fully care about you and I bet in the future, you'll find someone who'll love you just the way you are fully." Yuu told him as she kisses his forehead making him to look towards her as she's not even scared of him and that's making him to feel like he has a friend in her making him to hope so as he wants to keep her for himself.
"For good luck, little king." Then everything's covered in a bright light as Yuu saw Leona gasping as he sits up, but she has to help heal Ruggie with the boy as she stops Soul Healing Magic and Soul Magic as she kept using Healing Magic activated as she saw the three large scratch scars on Leona's chest and back in the same area as the front side.
But she noticed the royal crown with a lion underneath the crown like it's leaving from behind the crown on his right side over his waist as she fully couldn't heal the three large scratches on both sides like Riddle's injury as the royal crown with the red Queen of Heart suite's was over his liver as he has the large star burst marks with the swirls around it.
It's over where he got stabbed by his Overblot Monster making Yuu to hate this really as it's not fair for them to be like this and she can't heal them making tears to go down her face as she can't help him lose those markings as she doens't know how to do so as she feels like she's failing in saving them cause of those markings making her to be sad.
"I'm sorry..." Yuu said sadly with tears coming down her face even more before she turns away to help the boy out with healing Ruggie, but it's far too deep to heal by themselves making them to heal as much as they can before Ruggie had to be sent to the infirmary. Yuu's pissed off about what Leona had to fully endure all his life really cause of his old man.
It's making her to send a full and very much detailing letter to the older brother fast making him to be pissed off cause of this. He killed the old lion personally and anyone else who agrees with his mentions about Leona being like his uncle making Leona to just fully worry for his Queen making him to blush as Yuu hits it on the nail fast really with that.
It's making Ruggie to be the very much Vice-Housewarden since his first year at NRC fully and Leona will have those scars on his chest for life making Yuu to cry again as she can't heal it. Leona needs to be just fully distracted making that very sorting Fae to show up and they'd distracted Leona making him to not care how many rounds it fully takes.
It's making him to be very sore in the lower back making the Fae to use his magic to remove it and just cuddles him as he let's him to cry into his chest to get it out of his system to not hold it in anymore as that's not very healthy thing to do making Leona to just cry and cry into the Fae's chest loudly as he just can't handle this at all fully anymore.
'This shouldn't be happening to him at all really.' The Fae thinks as he's pissed on Leona's behalf cause of his old man for what he did.
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