⟶ octavian ( 🔥 )
(the number eight, seen as infinity)
(persian meaning "sun" and "fire")
(means dragonfly; and to slander)
nineteen (19)
nov 16th ( scorpio )
( he/him )
pansexual af
an attractive human is an attractive human
single life is the best life
about 182 - 183 ( 5'10 )
young richard madden
❝ i'll fight fire with fire,
the fire inside me burns hotter
than the fire around me. ❞
to say he's secretive would be a gross understatement, but given the world he lives in and the types of people that reside in gross proximity to him, why would he not keep secrets? they're not even major secrets, they're minor things such as his favourite colour or his middle name, pointless thing. he simply looks to keep himself crossed off from everyone else, asides from his twin sister the idea of being trusted or trusting anyone else disgusts him. he fears that if people know to much about him it will just hurt more when they eventually have to part, its not simply pain that would effect him, but the ain't that would effect everyone else. to put it plainly he believes that secrets are a wise choice, keeping secrets is the only way to properly protect not only yourself but others and everyone else around you. trust no one and everything will be okay, he doesn't need anyone else, has his twin and he has his goals that's a good enough mix to create a stable life right? totally. that being said, he's kind of a hypocrite, even though he had no problem with lying, he hates when other people are dishonest. he cant stand when people lie to him or keep things from him, especially his twin sister.
asides from his blaring trust issues, that's not the only problem that often plagues him when it comes to making meaningful connections, but that's the only one hell openly acknowledge as a problem. as for the rest, he doesn't exactly see them as a problem, if anything they're good things. he's stupidly brave, honestly its no wonder that he found his calling as a knight. his bravery has quite a few problematic side effects, it plays into his stubborn nature, leaving him far to passionate for his own good. when he sets his mind on something he demands that it will come to pass, his passionate is not only his greatest strength but also his greatest weakness. that's probably why he cant stand passive people, if you want one thing done you do it yourself, being s stubborn as he is, he cant imagine not acting on ambition.
his rage acts as a form of internal fire, its what fuels him and leads him on to act, seek out what he wants. the only problem is, it means he can often be lead to believing violence is the only solution to his problems. there is currently only one person alive who holds the ability to calm him down when he is on a war path. oh well, hope nothing happens to ophelia.
well, asides from those you know minor emotional problems that exist, for the most part in the presence of unknown people as long as they aren't asking to many questions he's a pretty happy-go-lucky guy. he's resourceful and carful with what he says, overall he's easy going with his actions and flirty with his words and tone. teasing people is his chosen past time of choice, and with cydonia's overall accepting ideas regarding sexuality, whats not to like? there are no problems and no issues in his life at the current moment, totally. we choose to ignore any and all things unless they directly effect him or his sister.
❝ sooner or later,
everyone sits down to a
banquet fo consequences. ❞
— brave.
he doesn't know exactly how he gained such a trait, whether it was forced upon him or he naturally picked it up. point is: he wants to be brave, he wants to be the first to act and the first on the front line. he wants to protect everyone around him, even if he doesn't care about them. he wants to be a saviour of sorts. right all the wrongs.
— passionate.
he is far from cool calm and collected, he's full or raw rage in a sense, an internal sort of fire that plagues him daily. he's overly ambitious in a way, completely focused, almost as if he's a hunger on the path towards reaching further and farther, towards his goals and accomplishments. when he puts his stubborn mind towards something, he will reach it, eventually.
— resourceful.
in any situation he's come to terms with the fact that you can't always reach the clear end the brutal and harsh way. though in a fight the answer is always violence in his humble opinion, he knows one should always be smart about it. with social situations, he likes to approach them like a puzzle, a puzzle he usually wants to win over, charm and therefore understand.
— stubborn.
that's really a given, it's basically his whole personality his whole drive you know? he's not only determined to not change his attitude but he also refuses to not change his thoughts or position on something. especially when it comes to arguments or the path that needs to be taken, or at lest that path he believes needs to be taken.
— distrusting.
this has already been stated before, it's not that he doesn't want to trust people he simply believes that he can't trust anyone. asides from himself and his twin sister, after all how can you ever know if someone is telling you the truth? how can you ever understand or believe someone? one can never know who's a fraud now days.
— secretive.
this is often the personality trait that leads to him being untrusted, that's often why he does everything in his power to not be seen as a liar. he looks to be seem as a trustworthy protector, so naturally his secretive nature and the way he manages his own past and present is something he tries to hide.
— loyalty.
in all senses of the word, he is loyal to a fault, without fault. the only problem with this is, is how selective he is about who he gives and pledges his loyalty to. he can't choose easily, so he simply doesn't choose. he chooses to not give his loyalty to anyone else, there is only him and his twin, the idealistic future he yearns for. point is, he won't give his loyalty to anyone, especially not the empire of elyria, or king stefen. nor the council, the people behind the fall of cydonia, the kingdom he was born in.
— sense of justice.
he was born to low nobility, in the beautiful kingdom of cydonia. when the kingdom was overthrown, his sense of justice and duty to have kingdom was formed. when his mother was executed for simply being a noble, he was pushed to the point where he now believes he has to save and protect everyone, serve and protect. he's idealistic, searching for a brighter future, a place in which people are punished.
— ability to lie.
with his distrust, with his desire to keep himself a secret, hidden away and safe from prying eyes, he's been put in a place where he has to be a good liar. he desires it so completely that he's almost convinced himself that he's no one at this point. if he believes his own stories and perception of himself, it's clear to him that everyone else will also have to believe him right?
— jealousy.
occasionally he will feel such things, after all everyone else around him is happily connecting with other people, properly talking and showing aspect of themselves. he's jealous of that, that behaviour, he wants that, he wants to be capable of that. but yet he still can't bring himself to trust after seeing what elyria did to his home kingdom and his mother. privately he would want nothing more than to have elyria burn to the ground and everyone that helps king stefen to continuously thrive.
— prone to violence.
this is probably what will get him into trouble in the end, a low born noble such as him, he can only imagine what will happen if he ever talks out or dare to even act out. but violence is the only way he can think to rectify things and properly express the amount of rage he has bottle up behind his easy smile and suggestive words.
— overly protective.
when it comes to his twin sister, his behaviour is obvious and makes sense. of course it does, she's family after all. what doesn't always make sense is the fact he can often find himself become over protective towards strangers, people he doesn't even know. he can't properly handle seeing people in distress since he's been there, he knows what it feels like. he wants to help, support and shield everyone else from that emotional distress out of empathy.
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