Rankings and Other Explanations
Hi! Hope you've been enjoying the six chapters that are up.
As you may have noticed, there are systems in this story that you may not understand. So this note is here to explain them as best as they can be explained to give you a wider range of understanding.
Let's begin. (sorry if that reminded you of the Pacer test)
Rules are the 13 most powerful people in the school. There is one person that represents each grade, although most of the time, they are not from that grade. Their rank determines the grade they take care of.
For example, Bella and Michael watch over the kindergartners, and take care of issues that might arise, such as a decision to change the day or time a certain activity is done. They will preside over field trips and plan them as well, and help the teachers with any problems. This is part of the fact that Silver Academy teaches their students in a way that will allow anyone to lead whenever needed. The 13 Rules especially have this imposed upon them, since they are considered the highest, and thus are needed to be strong leaders.
They also go into Domain Battles, which are battles between Rules from another school/academy. Let me explain these in the next category.
Domain Battles
In the chapter previous to the one before this, we see Liz and everyone else go into a Domain Battle, which, as Bella alerts them to very late, would bring them to a tournament. She also forgot to clarify that it would be a national tournament, but that's besides the point.
To begin with, Domain Battles are only fought by Rules, who must be in third grade and above to qualify. If you are in elementary or middle/junior high, parents must give permission. In Leon's (the Iota) case, as a fourth grader, he required a parent/guardian's permission. This grade limit and permission requirement are needed because Domains are full on battles that rarely offer mercy. This is because there are high ranking Healers or Extreme Healers (like Avery, the Beta) on hand in case of severe injuries. Many Healers and Extreme Healers are attracted to these events, because schools pay well for the safety of their students. Once in a while, a rare Debuff/Vulnerability user (ex: Wesley, the Delta) will also be hired to stop dangerous battles.
Rankings are ratings of your powers determined by expert Siphons. They come twice a school year, once at the beginning and once at the end. Every student in every school is required to go up at least one rank during the year after they start high school. Many students simply go down a rank after school ends and begin the new school year with that rank so they can go back up a rank again. This is allowed because it has been acknowledged that some people cannot raise their rank very high. They go in order like this:
F - F is the lowest grade but most people are beyond that rank by the time they finish kindergarten. Although it is a bit common, people are encouraged to raise their rank if they are F.
E - E is rare to find, as the ratings for E are difficult to keep since the margin is so tiny. Nonetheless, there are quite a few people that manage.
D - D is a normal rank to have throughout elementary school, and during this time, children are given several tests to determine their training that begins in fourth grade.
C - C isn't tough to achieve, but most people do not attempt this. Many principals/headmasters of smaller schools have achieved C rank, since it is usually the lowest ranking you can have as a principal/headmaster.
B - B is the lowest rank that a Rule can be allowed. Leon, the Iota, is amazing not only for his grade, but as well as his B rank. He was previously a D rank, normal for a but was given a chance to become Iota by Bella on the conditions that he would at least be at the peak of C rank at the end of his third grade year. He surprised everyone by proving a B rank after an examination by a Siphon, which was almost impossible given the amount of time he had and his ability, and thereafter became the youngest and most remarkable Rule in all of Silver's history. His fame also brought many new young enrollments to Silver in his first year as Iota, which caused the empty dorms Silver will use to house Jackson.
A - Most of Silver's Rules are A, which is why Silver Academy is considered the top school/academy in the nation. A school's ranking among all other schools is determined by the average ranking of their students put together, excluding children from elementary school. Beta Avery Manchester's Extreme Healing's ranking of A is the least impressive of the Rules, while Kappa Julie Hendrick's Tin Man's ranking of A is the most, since Tin Man is classified as one of the hardest abilities to improve in the world.
S - Bella and Michael Uriah are Silver's only S ranks, not including Headmaster Dave, who uses the ability of Environment Manipulation, an ability that has been classified as a genetic ability by scientists and a high honor within Dave and Liz's family, the Leandros. S rank is very difficult rank to find, and even the president of the nation Silver is found in, Lady Elect Bree Mason, has been reported to have been attempting a breakthrough without scientific aid from A rank to S for a year. S rankers have been rumored to practically have no limits, which was proved wrong after several tests on the few S ranks of the world, which showed their abilities could wear down their bodies to a dangerous extent, and could be considered a hazard if strong emotions came into play. Because of this, the few fifty or so S ranks of the world are required to have a class with an Empath twice a month to learn control. Headmaster Dave, Bella, and Michael are absent on the first and last day of every month, and the remaining Rules are given charge of Silver those two days.
SS - SS is considered impossible, but on rare occasions, S ranks can pass through to SS if they are within a Buffer's area. Aarti, Silver's Eta, is a Buffer, and on the few occasions Bella has allowed him near her, has buffed her abilities to such high extents that the only other people who can be near them are Wesley, who as a Debuffer is Aarti's opposite, and Michael, who can cancel both of them if necessary.
And last but not least...
Most of the time, your ability is the ruling factor of whether you are accepted into certain schools or not. There are even a few schools/academies that are only for the elite's children and for students with genetic abilities. Liz was offered a chance to enroll to one of these, as well as Aarti, whose Ice Creation is also a genetic ability, but both declined and became Silver students, although Aarti's situation was two years before Liz's.
While schools/academies focus on your ability, they also appreciate good grades, and it's said that your grades affect your enrollment a little bit more than most think.
And this wraps up the explanations page! There might be quite a few as the story progresses, but for now, this is what I can offer. Please enjoy this story! Until the next Explanation page, bye!
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