Chapter 9: Fairy-tale Endings
"Well, I'm going to bed. Night, kids."
"You most certainly are not! You're not done with the story!"
"Uggh, you people are so demanding. I'm tired."
"Bill, unless you want to be beaten to death with your own brother, you'll finish the story right this instant."
"Do you mean you and my brother will beat me to death together, or you'll use my brother as a weapon to-"
"Fine, fine. You're high-strung in the middle of the night, you know that?"
"It's your fault I'm like this!"
"Agree to disagree, dear."
One Year Later
Will nervously rearranged his bowtie in the mirror, running one hand through his hair but only serving to mess it further.
"Hey, handsome!" Y/N appeared in the doorway to his room, pausing to take in his appearance. "You look spiffy!"
He didn't respond, too stunned by the sight of his beautiful fiancée to speak. Her dress was layers upon layers of shimmery white fabric with blue trim, accented with blue ribbons. Her hair was curled and pinned beneath a crown of blue flowers that perfectly matched Will's hair and vest.
"I... I... y-you..." he stuttered as Y/N joined him at the mirror, resting her chin on his shoulder and staring at his reflection.
"Not even going to tell me how pretty I am?" she teased. "I'll take it as a compliment."
"Right- I mean... you look beautiful," he finally said.
Y/N tilted her head far enough to peck him on the cheek, grinning broadly. "Thank you, darling. You're not so bad yourself, you know."
Will half-smiled, but it was a weak echo of Y/N's. His eye twitched as she wrapped one arm tightly around his shoulders.
"Hmm, what's the matter, honey?" she whispered, wrapping her other arm around him to straighten his bowtie from behind. "Your hair's exciting."
"I can't get it to look g-good," he mumbled. "It's all wrong."
Wrestling his arms out of Y/N's embrace, he tried to force his hair to lie flat with increasing distress. "It's just not r-right," he groaned. "It won't ever be right. I can't- I can't do this, Y/N..."
"Shh, shhhhh," she whispered, gently wrapping her arms around his neck. "I know you're not talking about your hair, but it's all going to be okay." With one hand, Y/N carefully smoothed his hair down, making it presentable in the blink of an eye.
"See? There's your hair taken care of. And as for the rest..." she took a stride backwards, trailing one hand down Will's arm before snatching his hand and pulling him away from the mirror. In a smooth move, she spun him around and wrapped her other arm around his neck. Hesitantly, Will raised his free hand to her waist.
"You know how to dance, for starters," Y/N encouraged. "We've spent enough hours practicing that you won't embarrass yourself in front of everyone."
Will squeezed his eyes shut at the mention of the massive crowd that would surely be present at the wedding. "That's th-the least of my worries."
"Don't worry about any of that," she whispered to him. "We're going to be together for the rest of our lives, remember? Everything else is just details, sweetheart."
"I know," he whispered back. "I love you so much, but-"
"But nothing," she insisted. "I love you too. Just forget everything else."
"E-everything?" he asked with a smirk. "Because if I forget, like, my own name..."
"Oh, please don't start this again," Y/N laughed.
Will's steps faltered as they waltzed in silence, Y/N's glass shoes snagging in the rug with every move.
"Whose idea was glass shoes anyway?" she griped. "These are the most impractical things I've ever worn, and at my Sweet Sixteen I was literally wearing a fruit hat."
"I w-want more details on that later, but I'm going to say the shoes were Bill's idea. He gave us several impractical wedding gifts, r-remember?"
"Your demon god-brother's got a twisted sense of humor," Y/N said stiffly. "Especially the infamous 'cheese pants.' I'm sure those are going to be... 'dairy' useful."
Will snorted. "Oh wow, that was bad."
"Sorry, was it too cheesy?"
Will laughed shakily. "Is this going to become a habit?"
She smirked. "I'll try to 'brie' more thoughtful from now on."
His smile faded, stumbling for a moment as his foot hit her glass shoe and slipped. "Y/N... are you s-sure you're making the right decision?"
"How so?" she said flatly.
Will wouldn't meet her eyes. "Surely I-I'm not your parents' first choice to someday r-rule the entire kingdom... and I have to say, I w-wouldn't be my first choice either-"
He stopped when she pressed her finger against his lips. "Is this my parents' choice?" she asked him softly. He shook his head. "And do you regret agreeing to marry me?"
"N-no, of course not, but-"
She silenced him again with a soft kiss. "You're my first choice," she whispered to him, their faces touching. "And my only choice, forever. That's the only thing that matters."
Tugging him back into a slow dance, she continued. "Besides, you don't have to worry about ruling the kingdom for many years to come. I don't assume my parents are going to die anytime soon, right?"
Will's face fell again. Y/N snapped her mouth shut. "I'm sorry, that was insensitive."
He shook his head. "It doesn't matter. It was years ago."
"Still. I'm sorry. Your mother was very dear to me too, you know. I was crushed to hear of her passing."
"I k-know. It's all right, Y/N. Don't worry about it," he reassured her.
"Well, with the Gleefuls in prison, we'll be your family from now on." Y/N kissed him again.
He smiled broadly, the first real smile he'd shown since she walked in. "That sounds perfect."
"No backing out now," she whispered. "They're playing our song. Let's go get married, shall we?"
His expression was a mix of jubilant and terrified as she pulled him out the door towards the distant strains of the wedding march.
"I'm still tired."
"Just finish."
"Will's already asleep."
"N-no I'm not."
"See? You're on the home stretch. Just finish already."
The wedding was a grand affair fit for royalty. Y/N looked radiant as King Soos walked her down the aisle in front of thousands of attendees in the castle's grand ballroom, with the sounds of celebration in the streets outside. Will waited at the altar, eyes fixed on his bride-to-be, for once not fidgeting or shaking as he watched her approach.
The audience held their breath as they spoke their vows to each other, then broke into riotous applause and cheers as the brand-new prince kissed his bride. Soos was beaming, and even the usually-reserved Queen Melody was grinning like a schoolgirl.
During the reception, which was much less crowded than the first ball had been, Y/N and Will danced the evening away in the ridiculous glass shoes provided by Bill. Despite Y/N's laughing objection, Will squished the cake into her face in an uncharacteristically bold move. During Y/N's retaliatory cake assault, Will ended up with a nose full of frosting.
The party continued well into the night. Eventually, too exhausted to celebrate any longer, the newlyweds bade goodnight to their guests and escaped upstairs to Will's room.
"Are you all packed?" Y/N checked, kicking off her ridiculous glass slippers and tossing them across the room. They hit the wall without cracking and landed soundlessly on the carpeted floor.
"Y-yes, all my bags are in the carriage already. Thankfully it's n-not made out of a pumpkin." Will pulled off his bowtie and vest, depositing them on an armchair.
Y/N chuckled and collapsed on Will's bed, too tired to change out of her wedding regalia. "So we can make a clean getaway in the morning," she mumbled to the ceiling.
"Yep. I'm looking forward to it." Will flopped facedown next to Y/N. "And right now I'm looking forward to sleeping," he added, his voice muffled by the mattress. "Who knew weddings were so tiring?"
Y/N shrugged lazily. "You know what else I'm looking forward to?"
Will turned his head slightly to blink at her. "Besides a long nap and then the honeymoon?"
"After that."
"What comes after that?" he asked curiously.
"The rest of our lives, my love," she murmured.
Will smiled fondly. "I would kiss you if I had enough energy to move all the way over there."
"It's okay. You can kiss me tomorrow. Goodnight, sweetheart."
"Goodnight, darling."
With that, the two exhausted newlyweds drifted off to sleep.
"Oh, look at that. Will's asleep in real life too."
"All right, fine. You can end the story now."
"Is Will sleeping in here? Can I sleep in here too?"
"Only if you put a shirt on first."
"Hmph, fine."
"Happy now?"
"I'd be happier if I was asleep right now. I'm putting my foot down: no more late-night bedtime stories."
"Oh, please. You love these and you know it."
"Whatever. Goodnight, Bill."
"Goodnight, Y/N. Sleep well."
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