Bad Dates
Dating is absolutely terrible. You knew that well and clear, but for some reason that didn't stop you. Recently, you'd decided to put yourself out there a little more than usual and had ended up going on date after shitty date with guys who were entirely uninteresting to you. You were ready to give up on it completely and embrace your seemingly inevitable life as an old spinster. At least until your best friend Mia said that she knew a guy that would be absolutely perfect for you. You were skeptical of her offer knowing that most set-ups didn't go well. But you trusted Mia so you decided to give this one a shot.
"So, who is this guy again?" Colin shouted from your living room as you finished getting ready.
"Uh I think his name is like George or something like that." You shouted back at him as you put the finishing touches on your makeup.
"God I really hope it's not George. That's such an old man name." He laughed.
You walked out into the living room with your phone. "Well, it actually is George. Read it and weep." You said and tossed your phone to him so he could see the proof.
He looked at the messages between you and Mia and nodded his head as he looked over his information. "You got a last name for this guy?"
"Oh no no no. I'm not letting you do another deep dive into one of my dates. Last time you told me about how the guy accidentally set fire to the building his office was in after getting fired."
"You still could've canceled." He said and threw the phone back to you.
"And have him track me down and burn down the whole building? In case you didn't already know I actually like having a place to live."
"You could have fooled me." He said and spread out further on your couch and turned up the volume on the tv.
"Well, unlike yourself I have a job I go to everyday. And the fact that you act like you live in my apartment doesn't help." You shooed him to make space for you on the couch so you could sit down and put on your shoes.
"Touché." He tried to spread out again by putting his legs on you but you quickly pushed him off. "Y/N, let me ask you something." You raised an eyebrow, suspicious of what he would say next but you let him continue. "Why do you even go on all these dates? It's obvious you kind of hate it."
You sighed. "Yeah I know, but I guess it's something to do. And I'm so sick of being alone."
"That's bullshit. You're not alone, you've got me."
You rolled your eyes at him. "You know what I mean."
"Why date when you could spend the night with me watching shitty tv and drinking?" He looked at you in a way that wasn't exactly pleading, but somehow managed to tug at you enough to start to consider it.
Suddenly, your phone buzzed and you saw the time. "I've got to head out." You said and stood up from the couch. "If your gonna stay in my apartment the whole time you better not touch my leftovers or I'll push you over the balcony."
He put up his hands in surrender. "The leftovers will remain untouched." You exchanged quick goodbyes before you closed the door behind you and made your way downstairs. You had arranged to meet George at a bar a few blocks away and were hoping he wouldn't be waiting there for too long before you arrived.
Unfortunately you had it flipped. The first ten minutes you waited you didn't think too much of it. But another ten minutes went by and you were starting to get annoyed. You looked at your phone to see if you had any messages from Mia or George explaining the delay but still nothing. By thirty minutes in you had finished two beers by yourself and were ready to leave. Having a shitty date was one thing, but getting stood up was the last straw and you were over it. You downed the last of your beer before getting up from your table and walking out of the bar. Fuck George and his stupid old man name.
When you got back to the apartment Colin was still siting on the couch this time nursing a beer as he sat. "That was quick." He said as you fell down next to him on the couch and grabbed a beer from the six pack sitting on the coffee table. "Was it really that bad?"
"Seeing as he didn't even show up, I'd say yeah." You groaned and leaned back further into the couch, willing it to absorb you.
"Fucking George, piece of shit." He quickly stood up from the couch and walked over to the window and opened it.
"What are you doing?" You asked as you watched him from the couch.
"I just had a great idea." He said and cleared his throat before screaming out the window, "Fuck you George!" You threw your head back as you laughed at his genius plan. "Come here, you'll feel better if you scream."
You set your beer on the table and walked over to the window too, taking a deep breath before you shouted. "Fuck you, George!" The two of you started laughing at the ridiculousness of his plan but you shouted out the window a few more times before he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you into a side hug.
"You want to head over to Joe's and grab a slice?"
"I would love nothing more. Joe would never do anything to hurt me." You joked and Colin threw his head back as he laughed. It wasn't that great of a joke but making him laugh always made you feel good.
The two of you were a little tipsy and couldn't stop giggling to each other about the stupidest things as you made your way to Joe's. Luckily the workers there knew you both well enough to not give a shit and quickly got your food to you as you sat at one of the tables out front. "I really am sorry that you got stood up. That's such a shitty move."
"I mean, it is what it is." You said between bites of pizza. "I guess it just wasn't meant to be." You shrugged it off and took a sip of water.
"Really, Y/N. You deserve someone who will actually be there for you."
The look in his eyes was far more serious than it had been earlier and your heart rate started to pick up a little. "You mean someone like you?" He shrugged and took a bite of pizza, attempting to evade the question. "I wouldn't say that your dating record makes you look like the most dependable person. If you could even call it a dating history." You joked.
He laughed. "Okay, you have me there. But you know what I mean."
"I know, I know. I appreciate your concern for me but I think I'll be okay."
"Well, I'm always across the hall if you need me." He smiled and the two of you continued eating your food before you decided it was time to head home. You were both a little quieter on the walk back than you were earlier, but it wasn't an uncomfortable quiet. You'd gotten so close since you moved into the building and you were glad you had such a good friend in the city with you.
When you got to your floor you said goodnight to Colin and walked inside your apartment. You sat down on the couch for a second and stared at the wall, thinking. The more you thought the more you realized you didn't want to be alone right now. You wanted to be with Colin. You sprung up from the couch and as you swung open the door you saw Colin standing there, his hand still raised ready to knock on the door. "Hey there." He smirked at you, the two of you clearly understanding what you were both trying to accomplish. Before he could say anything else you grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss. It was electric. No other kiss had ever made you feel this way. When you pulled back there was a wide grin on his face. "So does this mean I don't have to sleep on the couch?" You laughed and pulled him inside.
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