Chapter Four - Vanilla
It was the next morning, and I was laying on the brick wall that lined the steep staircase in front of the school. I was admiring my new tie dye socks that were peeking out from under my rolled up jeans.
Jaime leaned against the wall while grilling me for information about last night's little visit from Kellin. I hated admitting to myself that I fell asleep thinking about him. With his stupidly cute smug face and gloomy attitude.
"I can't believe his mom made him go over and welcome you to the neighborhood." He laughed, shoving potato chips into his mouth.
I leaned up on my elbows and swung my legs around so they were dangling over the wall.
"Yeah he came over in a bow tie and sports coat, holding a wrapped box of brownies, ribbon and all." I snorted.
"Really?" Jack, who was seated to my right asked.
"No, but almost. What is up with that?" I chuckled.
Jaime rolled his eyes, "Kellin is such a momma's boy."
Tony handed me his Coca-Cola bottle that we were sharing. I was exhausted. I stayed up all night writing more song ideas and overslept. By the time I got downstairs, all the coffee in the pot was gone and I didn't have time to make more.
"Yeah but his dad did leave them when Kellin was in middle school, so it makes sense that he's protective of his mom." Tony explained, shoving Jaime playfully for his insensitive comment.
I couldn't imagine my life without my dad. Yeah, I connected with my mom a lot more but he was my dad. He's taught me a lot throughout the years and has always supported me. I could be a moody and smart mouthed little shit at times, but he never stopped loving me. That obviously had something to do with Kellin's overcompensation and nasty attitude.
"Damn, that really blows." I added, running a hand through my hair.
"That's why he does whatever she says. Parading him around town to every board meeting and ribbon cutting ceremony." Jack joined in.
"Yup. Rumor has it that he's next in line to be the town's mayor one day." Jaime added.
I furrowed my eyebrows.
"What the fuck? Is Kellin a prince? Are the Quinn's a royal family?" I asked.
The thought made me burst out laughing. I barely knew Kellin, but he definitely didn't seem like the type that could lead.
"Dude right? It's weird, but Salem has loved his family for decades." Jack replied.
Jaime made a gagging sound, sticking out his tongue and holding his stomach dramatically.
"I mean, his mom is hot. But Kellin? Such a prick."
Tony rolled his eyes at Jaime.
"Please don't tell me you're going to try hitting on her at the Halloween party again." Tony begged.
"Hey! She loves me." Jaime retorted.
"Mhm yeah. Especially when the only words she said to you last year were 'Use a coaster.'" Tony teased.
He shoved Jaime again, causing him to stumble backwards off the wall and onto the grass behind us. We all started laughing as Jaime picked himself up and reappeared with grass tangled in his hair.
"Tell me more about this party. Kellin invited me yesterday."
Jaime and Tony shot me a deadpanned look in unison.
"Okay so his mom forced him to invite me. But he wanted to invite me in his dreams, I know it." I added, grinning mischievously.
"I think you mean in your dreams." Tony teased.
"For a quiet guy you really have the comebacks." I chuckled, leaning over to hand him his Coke can back.
"Well, if you haven't noticed yet, this is Salem, home of the witches. Halloween is kind of a big thing around here so every year, Kellin being the son of the mayor, throws a huge party. The entire school goes. Costumes are mandatory." Jaime answered.
"Last year I was a the Little Nero's Pizza Guy. From Home Alone." Jack smiled.
"He loves Home Alone."
"I do. I love Home Alone."
I sat up, turning to answer Jack when I was met with a shadow towering in front of me. It blocked the warm sun and I was immediately annoyed.
"Hi Vic."
"Oh hi Kellin. What can I do for you this morning?"
My eyes scanned him up and down. He was wearing black straight legged dress slacks, a white buttoned up shirt and the same black jean jacket he always seemed to have on. There was a navy blue tie wrapped loosely around his neck.
I noticed that the top few buttons of his shirt were undone, letting me catch a glimpse of small lettering across his chest.
Were my eyes deceiving me? Did the Kellin Quinn have a secret tattoo?
"I didn't realize the school updated their dress code to black tie." Jaime snorted.
That earned a snicker from the two boys that were standing on either side of Kellin. He was quick to shove them both and roll his eyes at us.
"I have a stupid budget vote meeting with my mom after school." Kellin muttered bitterly.
"Well I think you look nice." I added, watching Tony fake gag out of the corner of my eye.
I watched Kellin's usual brooding expression turn up just slightly at my comment.
"My mom wanted me to bring you these." Kellin changed the subject and handed me a plastic container filled with cookies.
"Um, you brought me cookies last night. Am I really that forgetful?"
"Yeah well, she felt bad after finding out from your mom that you're allergic to walnuts. So she made you a special batch." He shoved the container towards me and refolded his arms across his chest.
I opened the container and inspected the cookies. They were still warm, and had huge chocolate chips stuck in them. They looked like they had just been baked this morning. I grabbed one and popped it into my mouth, passing the box to Jaime and Tony.
"Wow, these are delicious. Tell your mom thank you." I said with a mouthful of chocolatey goodness.
Kellin smiled and nodded, "My pleasure. Enjoy guys."
He turned on his heels, his two lackeys following behind him. I looked back between Jaime, Tony, and Jack with a smile on my face.
"Would you look at that?"
"What? The boy brought you cookies, big deal." Jaime shrugged, grabbing another three cookies.
"Yeah but they're still warm. And I'm sure his mom goes to work way earlier than Kellin goes to school. I think he made them for me."
"That doesn't mean he likes you. I don't know...something doesn't feel right about this." Tony rubbed his chin, thinking deeply.
"But everyone knows love is through the stomach." I countered.
"Kellin is a stereotypical, dumb humored male. He doesn't show acceptance through good deeds..." Tony trailed off, staring straight ahead.
"Then how does he show it?" I asked cautiously.
Suddenly my stomach dropped.
I felt it starting to gurgle as my mouth went dry. I looked at Tony and our eyes went wide. We both whipped our heads around to look at Jaime. He had three cookies shoved in his mouth and were looking up at us confused.
"Spit that out now!" Tony lunged at Jaime, knocking the fourth cookie from his hand.
"Did he do what I think he did?" I held my stomach, feeling my face start to go hot.
"Yup. He put laxatives in the cookies." Tony groaned.
We all shot up and started running up the steps to the school.
"Why the fuck would he do this?!" I put my hand over my mouth as we barreled through the front doors.
Tony flung the bathroom door open so hard I thought it was going to rip off its hinges. I threw myself on the floor in one of the stalls and slammed the door shut.
After we all emptied the contents of our stomachs, I collapsed against the wall of the stall. I let my cheek rest against the cool metal door as I wiped the sweat from my forehead.
When I felt strong enough to pick myself up off the ground, I slinked out of the stall. Leaning against the white ceramic sink, I splashed water on my face.
Tony and Jaime emerged from their stalls and stood in front of the sinks to my left and right.
"Enlighten me again as to why the hell Kellin did this?"
"He's hazing you...and us I suppose. As idiotic as it sounds, in jock language it means he's tolerating us.." Tony explained.
"He's testing us. Sizing us up. He's making it hard for us before he, and his moronic friends accept us." Jaime added, rinsing his mouth out with water.
I shook my head in disbelief. Kellin was insane. I grew up around enough jocks and "top dogs" to know that this was completely crazy.
"What in the teen movie logic is this?" I asked as the first bell rang.
"There is no logic to it. I've only ever seen Kellin do this once, when Justin transferred here." Tony held the door open for me and Jaime.
"Either you grew up as Kellin's friend and became popular by default, are considered a loser and mercifully bullied, or you are completely ignored." Jaime added.
"And we've been able to coast by being completely ignored." Tony said.
"Which has been great because then Kellin and those boneheads aren't paying attention, making it easy for us to swoop in and steal their women." Jaime laughed.
We walked up to our lockers and started fiddling with the doors. I grabbed my science book and shoved it in my backpack. I saw Tony roll his eyes at Jaime and shoot him a look of annoyance.
"How very feminist of you." Tony groaned and turned to face me.
"Anyways, clearly you've made an impression on Kellin hence the hazing. They want to see if we can keep up with them."
I shut my locker and hooked my arms through the handles of my bag.
"Wow, this boy has got to be the most complicated person on the planet. It's going to be a lot harder to get him to fall in love with me than I thought."
I don't know what it was about Kellin. My mind was constantly flipping from being completely annoyed to completely intrigued with him. Maybe it was my love of a challenge, or maybe it was the way he looked at me. 95% of the time I ever interacted with him, Kellin looked at me like I was the most aggravating thing on this planet. But then there has been a few split seconds, like on the football field and at my house last night, where there was something different in his eyes.
And I had to find out.
"You're still going to try to get into his pants? After all this?" Jaime asked.
I simply shrugged, "I mean, you guys are my friends first. Do you want to take them up on this and be quote on quote, accepted? Would it help make life around here easier? I won't do anything unless you're in too."
Tony, Jaime, and Jack all looked at each other in unison.
"I'm down for whatever. I'll never say no to an opportunity to mess with Quinn and his followers." Jack grinned, putting his hand out in front of him.
Jaime stepped forward, in front of Jack and rested his hand on his. I smiled to myself at the kid-like gesture. Just a few days ago I had no idea what life would be like living in Salem. It was at this moment that I was incredibly grateful to have found such cool and welcoming people.
Back in California, yeah, I had friends. But I never had life long friends. I had acquaintances. Lots of them. People liked me because I spoke my mind and was easy to get along with. But it was all surface level.
I was looked at for a witty remark, a concert buddy, or the guy who always was down to smoke a bowl. My friends and I didn't talk about our thoughts or feelings. We never had deep, meaningful conversations. We never allowed ourselves to be kids. Life in San Diego allowed us too many opportunities to grow up too fast.
But I could just tell that Jaime, Tony, and Jack had probably been friends their entire lives. They probably shared everything with each other. They weren't afraid to be silly or let their guard down.
They were the kind of friends I had always secretly wanted but never knew how to find them.
The fact that they took me in and accepted me, made me excited for my future here.
"It'll for sure give me some brownie points with the cheerleaders."
I was pulled from my thoughts as Jaime's energetic and animated voice spoke.
I rolled my eyes and laughed, glancing across the now half circle that made up my new friend group. Reaching forward I rested my hand on top of the stack of hands that were Jaime's and Jack's.
Shuffling up I closed the gap, leaving a fourth space for Tony next to me. I looked at him, cocking my head to the side as we waited for his response. It didn't take long to piece together that Tony was the logical one among us.
Tony blinked a few times and ran his fingers through his hair before answering with a sigh.
"As much as I don't care what Kellin Quinn thinks of me, him accepting a punch of punks and stoners can only do good for the underclassmen. Maybe it'll encourage more kids to dress how they want and be themselves, if they see us being accepting as "cool kids."
He joined us and completed the circle, placing his hand on top of ours.
"Alright then it's settled. We'll prank them back."
We all lowered our stacked hands in unison, narrowing the space between us until our heads almost knocked into one another's. My eyes darted around the circle, nodding at each of the guys.
"On three?"
"On three." Tony said with a reluctant smile.
"One...two...three." We all counted in hushed tones.
"HOT BOYS!" Jack's voice bellowed throughout the now empty hallway.
We couldn't contain our laughter as we walked side by side towards our first period classes. I think I was going to like it here.
I plopped down into a booth, taking note of the red vinyl material that glittered in the late afternoon sun. Seated across from Jack, I drummed my fingers against the formica table as we waited for our menus.
It was after school and the guys insisted on bringing me to Willa's Diner. Apparently they had the best burgers in town. Plus, they wanted to plan our prank on the football players.
The floors were decked out in cracked black and white checkerboard. There were even a few tiles right inside the door that sunk deeper, making the floor slightly uneven. It was clear that the wear had come from years of loyal customers shuffling in and out.
Booths were pressed up against the wall of front windows to the left of the entrance. To the right was a bar. But no alcohol was served here. There was only one bar in Salem, the only place to hold a liquor license, and it was within an Italian restaurant that closed at 9 PM.
No, at this bar you could simply eat your food from one of the revolving stools, upholstered in the same shiny red vinyl as the booths and individual chairs.
Sitting at the booth also gave you the company of Miss Willa herself. The kind and eccentric older woman who was our waiter, and who I later learned, was also the owner.
"If it isn't my favorite boys. Not getting into any trouble are we?" Miss Willa approached our table with a huge smile.
She was dressed in an amber colored velvet dress that had a swirly paisley pattern on it. Her hair was curly and twisted in a messy bun on the top of her head. It was grey in color with streaks of electric green running throughout in crimped strands.
Pulling a pencil from her hair she retrieved a small leather book from the apron tied around her waist. She flipped to a new page and glanced across the table at us. I could see the smile lines at the corners of her mouth and eyes. No doubt from years of greeting and speaking with customers.
"No trouble Miss. Willa. None unless provoked." Jaime looked up from his menu and smiled at her.
She shot Jaime a look of disapproval and was about to respond when she did a double take and stopped her gaze on me.
"Wait a minute we have a newcomer. What's your name child?"
"Vic. Vic Fuentes. My family just moved here from San Diego." I reached forward to shake her hand.
"It's lovely to meet you Vic. I'm Willa Hargrove but everyone calls me Miss. Willa. I'm glad to see that you have made nice friends. So what're we having?"
My eyes scanned the menu but it was quickly smacked down by Jack who was seated to my left.
"We'll take four cheeseburgers, four sides of fries -"
"Make one chili cheese fries!" Tony interrupted and added.
"Two chocolate milkshakes, one strawberry, and one...?" Jack continued, stopping to look at me for my choice of milkshake flavor.
"Vanilla. Please." I answered.
"Vanilla? Vic, that is the most boring flavor ever. Who likes vanilla?" Jack teased.
Miss. Willa finished scribbling our order down on her notebook before scooping up the menus.
"Coming right up boys. And Vic, welcome to Salem."
I nodded at her with a smile before she scurried off towards the kitchen window.
"So, what are we going to do to Quinn? It's gotta be real good after that stunt he pulled this morning." Jaime rubbed his hands together menacingly.
I tapped my chin, humming to myself as I tried to think. Just then, the bell on the front door jingled and a gust of cold air creeped inside. In a blur of color, Miss. Willa floated past our table to greet the new customers.
"Speak of the devil."
Hoisting myself up a bit, I glanced over the back of the tall booth towards the front of the diner. Standing in the doorway was Kellin and his three friends Justin, Gabe, and Alex. Miss. Willa engulfed them all in a huge hug, squishing them together.
I was worried that Kellin would have an attitude towards her, but was surprised that himself and his friends were all smiles. I sunk back down into the booth but followed him with my eyes as Miss. Willa walked his group to a table.
They brushed past our booth on the way and I accidentally locked eyes with Kellin. He smirked at me before sitting down in a chair that of course, faced me. I rolled my eyes at him and turned around to face the guys.
"Here's your food!" Miss. Willa said cheerfully as she appeared next to us, holding a huge circular tray. She placed the plates of food down first, letting us all grab the correct orders before handing each of us our milkshakes.
"Thanks Miss. Willa." Jaime grabbed his burger and took a bit, shoving a few fries in his mouth at the same time.
"Of course sugar. Now, what was this about being provoked? Whose butt do I have to kick?" She crossed her arms and looked at us.
"It's Quinn and his mush for brain's friends." Jaime answered almost immediately.
"Kellin Quinn? Gosh, I remember when all were the best of friends in elementary school. I wish you four could work out this childish charade you have going." She shook her head and glanced behind her shoulder at his table.
My eyes widened, "You three were friends with Kellin?" This was news to me.
"Yeah until sixth grade. It was over that summer his mom became mayor. He had all new friends and wouldn't talk to us." Tony answered me, shrugging it off like it wasn't a big deal.
"But he's taken a liking to Vic." Jack grinned.
I almost lunged over the table at him. Suddenly feeling my cheeks warm up as I blushed under Miss. Willa's gaze. Her face perked up at Jack's words as she looked back and forth from me and Kellin.
"Is that so?"
"Can you blame him?" I said the first thing that came to mind, shrugging it off even though my stomach was doing flips.
"I like this one. Look after those three, will ya?" Miss. Willa smiled at me and gestured towards my new friends before she headed back over to the counter.
On her way to the kitchen she stopped at Kellin's table. We all watched her lightly smack him on the back of his head. This caused him to turn around confused while his friends snickered at him.
"Hey! What was that for?" I heard him ask her over the sounds of pots and pans clattering from the kitchen.
"You know what." She narrowed her eyes at him but her face held a smile.
His head whipped forward and he glared at me. I waved my fingers at him playfully and shot him a wink before turning back to the guys.
"That was incredible." Jack laughed.
I took a bite of my burger, "So what does Kellin love? Like, what are his most prized possessions?"
"Ooh we're gonna hit him where it hurts, is that your plan?" Jaime grinned.
Nodding, "Something like that. It's just a rough idea."
"Well, he loves football, girls, his clothes, his hair, cigarettes." Tony rattled off.
"Stop. I got it. Tomorrow's the homecoming game right?"
"Yeah, what do you have in mind?"
I glanced back at Kellin's table and watched as Miss. Willa walk over, balancing a tray with four milkshakes on it. She walked around the table, placing the corresponding drink in front of the guy who ordered it. So far every milkshake was chocolate until she got to Kellin.
In front of him she placed a vanilla milkshake.
I hid the smile that was trying to make its way to my lips. I shook it off and looked back at the guys who were grinning at me.
"His hair. All of their hair."
Author's Note (friendly reminder to vote, thank you!)
Sorry this one took awhile. I had half of it written for the last week but was having trouble figuring out how to end this chapter. I have my idea for the next one, but knew it would be too long to add to this one, so it needed its own chapter.
Anyways, I hope y'all liked it. And big shout out to the @kellicstalker for recommending this fic on their profile. Welcome to all the new readers! Thank you for taking the time to read and comment, it means so much to me.
I'm so excited for this story and I hope you are too! What was your favorite part of this chapter? What do you think of Kellin and Vic's dynamic?
As always, stay safe everyone.
Cassidy :)
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