2016 Goodbye Shit + My Art Gallery
P A R T O N E : G O O D B Y E 2 0 1 6 S H I T
On the fifth day of Christmas
My true love said to me
Log on to Wattpad :)
So yes! I'm finally writing my so called testimony to reflect over the year. Overall, I can't say it was an awful year, but I can't also say it was a terrific year. Let me jot down ten pros and cons of 2016.
The Pros of 2016
It was the roar of the crowd
That gave me heartache to sing.
★The beginning of the year was a blast when it came to my "social life". Despite staying awake late sometimes from essays and other loveable homeworks, I'd talk to my irl friends and we'd throw shade at our teachers. And despite five hours of sleep for most nights, I was still pumped to be active and maybe an extrovert at school.
★I've moved on from previous wounds. By that, I mean that I was able to regain my confidence within myself on what I do and how I do them. I also learned to just let some old rancor go.
★I passed all my AP exams thus far. Hey, I happened to study my ass off, all the way to May. (Not to mention I took one on my birthday) I was quite proud my work wasn't completely in vain.
★Placed in 1st in the short story category - definitely an achievement for a rookie such as myself. Seriously, I can't thank the judges and the people enough! (And I can't believe it won a special award as well)
★Met plenty of great Wattpad friends over the summer. Yep, at least the first half of the year was grand. I met new people and discovered that Wattpad is truly the place to unite people on common grounds.
★Conquered NaNoWriMo2016! Really, I've never pushed myself to write so much, as I have yet to finish an actual novel. Thankfully, I placed time and effort to complete those 50k words! (Even if the story was crap)
★I finally cut my hair. It barely passed my hipbone, and after so much irritation, I cut it just below my shoulders. Sadly, it's growing back quickly. Cut it again? (My mom would kill me if she saw this)
★(Why is it so hard to remember the good?) Let's see... I survived my Board Game Club as the only female member in there. The guys are cool, just as long as I'm competitive for them. My sophomore year, it was all about Monopoly. Junior year, we're all Uno addicts (even got the vice principal to play with us)!
★Finally got my laptop on my birthday (which again was also the day of an AP exam). Sadly, as people in my family don't love me enough, I had to transfer everything from my old computer to it by myself in a week. (But that was good as it meant I do not need to rely on them, technology-wise)
★Found plenty of Pokemon hacked games to play. From Pokemon Rejuvenation to Pokemon Reborn, those level caps and boss battles are a pain to deal with. I was also introduced to the Ace Attorney series and of course, Fire Emblem. They're great games to play!
The Cons of 2016
And when the lights all went out
We watched our lives on the screen.
✘As I've previously mentioned, I broke off a friendship with someone that I was particularly close irl. I do miss the bets, the exchange of historical information, our combined egos, the pranks we pulled off... *sighs* I'm so not going to grieve any longer over that.
✘Once I found out about the candidates of the presidential election, I was SO done with American politics. Seriously, how much more can we screw our futures over!? And it vexes me more at the people who ask how we got into this position in the first place.
✘All the terrorist attacks/mass shootings that happened throughout the year was just tragic. I lament for all the fallen innocents, and I can only hope that one day those criminals are brought to justice. And that we all can accept each other without human bigotry.
✘I was sick from the end of March to early May. Meaning I was sick all of April. I really don't know why, but I blame it on the sawdust I inhaled from the construction nearby my house at that time. It was the worse, and I talked funny during school hours in the morning.
✘I was sad when my main Pokemon buddy transferred away for junior year. Seriously, he and me would challenge each other on Showdown whenever possible, and most of our classmates took sides on the matter. Now when I play Showdown, it isn't the same to challenge strangers who forfeit.
✘People are rude as hell. At least some irl ones. I can't talk in any class discussion without being rudely interrupted. Actually, one time, someone threw crayons at me. Come on! We're teenagers, not little kids! Another time I hear their not-so-sly jokes. That's why I mostly shut up during those times rather than to downgrade myself to their pathetic level.
✘ACT and finals were horribly. I'm hoping that I at least did decent on both, but I doubt it. Talk about ending the year with your not so great academic performance. *sighs* Hope my GPA doesn't fall from the finals I took.
✘Too many fights with my family to count. My oldest brother hates I always have something to say whenever I get yelled at. My other brother hates that I'm doing better than him at school and I'm arrogant about it. My mom still can't accept the fact that I'm an atheist. And my dad... Still unaccounted for?
✘Been betrayed and disappointed by irl friends too many times. Now the people I'm willing to hang out with narrowed down to just three. Not good at all. I'm trying to have a bigger social circle but oh well. I guess I'm destined to be an introvert.
✘I hate dreaming, so I therefore stay awake as much as possible. Everytime I fall asleep, I think of things I'd rather not ponder on, or remember people I'd like to forget. (Sometimes I feel exactly like Cairo and his sleepwalking experience)
Wattpad Member Odes
Bring out the old guillotine
We'll show 'em what we all mean
But besides those reasons, Wattpad has been great for me. And the Spamming Wars is coming VERY VERY soon! :)
Firstly, to blue___22: we really hit things off in the summer when we first chatted. It went from author tips to philosophical topics, and eventually personal issues. I truly felt a connection with the person on the other side of the screen. For the first time, I wasn't alone as someone was there to challenge me to think beyond the superficial. I was not only taught to become a greater author, but also to become a better person for everyone. These past few months were rough, but I never forgot our friendship that blossomed. But remember, I'll always be your loyal supporter if you ever choose to come back to writing. (At least stick with poetry)
To pi_memorizer: I didn't know what to think when you first approached me in PM. It was just so random to me, but eh. You did had some entertaining, amazing works (that eventually you won in the Pokemon Wattys). So then we talked. And talked. And talked until eventually we grew used to one another's shenanigans :) *nudges* I also helped introduce you to your bro. Overall, you're the Calculus genius and gifted programmer that will take over the world with your well-needed humor. The puns never end with you!
To Doppelgengar: I'm so glad you finally finished NTP! Seriously, AP (still laughing at his real name) was adventurous and humorous, such as yourself! And of course, you are one more person who is entangled in the Calculus affair! :) Besides that, I hope you do have a grand end of the year, and let's continue to insist the Floron ship! (Don't let school bring you down) Long live the Gengars, and let's welcome 2017! (Still remember how we met lmao)
To Meme_Knightwalker: AKA Spam Rival, you've been great alright! (And I seriously cannot wait to spar you off and defend my throne ;] ) You've been there to persist me with support to keep going, and I can't thank you enough for that! Besides that, I wish you luck on your new chapter that you decided to go with Fire Emblem Fanfiction! Oh yeah, thank you for getting me into that and Ace Attorney! (And hopefully you'll have more entries for the next Pokemon Wattys)
To luminescencexx: The first half of the year was swell with you and Gren. Seriously! Our trio had a blast! Sure you may have been inactive for quite a while, but I still remember my poetic loving friend! (Your poetry style is goals) Your cover making skills are also out of this world! They sure do appeal to the eye! But I do hope that one of these days a novel of yours comes out. And also, thank you for the concern you've been showing to me. :) I wish you luck on your upcoming novels!
To Stormlocke I feel so proud and happy that you finally placed in the Pokemon Wattys! Hopefully that might give you enough inspiration to continue writing! And did I forget to mention how I also adore your poetry? But despite that few bumps in the roads that made you be in a hiatus, I'm glad you returned! Hopefully I can see more of you in 2017!
To Risa-White Gren! I was pumped when I saw that you came back with an original novel (TGR), although you left your poetic side behind. :( But besides that, I'm glad that somehow, you're finding a way to balance out school and Wattpad! We talked a lot during the summer, and it was great to know you and Lumi. Hopefully next year we have more of those bonding moments! (And I do hope to see your cover making skills explode on Wattpad)
To izayoix The one, the only Queen of Angst! It's like every time I read a work of yours, your diction and fluidity of the story somehow makes me sentimental! I've never met someone who is a master at writing, and I'm glad that you've given me novels to rave about. And again, congratulations on slaying the Pokemon Wattys this year! :D But besides that, you've been really great to talk to, and I'm honored that I know the author behind the screen. Let the new year come with more tearful stories of yours!
To Sheare You've be been great to talk to Kat! I'm sure that the new year coming around, you'll revolutionize the Pokemon Fandom with Monopoly! Oh yeah, thank you for getting me into Ace Attorney, and that I become one more of Edgeworth's fans! I hope that you're having a great holiday though!
To VanillaWind Vani, my fellow cat lover! Really, your cover making skills are admirable, and I just can't wait to see more works by you! But yes child, I hope you had a wonderful year, and may great things come your way! (And good luck with your future high school years)
To silentdroplets We may have talked for a little while, but it certainly was nice to know you, Jingx! You're funny and hilarious, and I hope that in 2017, I get to know you better! Nevertheless thanks for being another Wattpad friend of mine!
To ThatRandomGolduck In the short time I've known you Gold, you definitely are an interesting person to know! Hopefully in 2017 we have more time to talk, and I can't wait to see what else can we bond over!
To ktd527,EpicAuthor01,the-jxker,AllHailRempire, and lazuriteoftheskies: I wish we could've talked more on Wattpad, but all of you were unfortunately inactive for the most part. I still cherished the moments we could catch up on. I hope that at least in 2017 we can talk more!
So adios 2016! Hopefully I don't have to relive the cons again in my life! I can't wait to see what 2017 will bring (not the presents, thanks Blue for that paranoia)! I want everyone (not just the people who I shouted out) to enjoy their holidays! Really, don't forget, there's someone on Wattpad you cares about each of you!
P A R T T W O : M Y A R T G A L L E R Y
It's not an actually art exhibition, mind you. But, this is just another section I added for the upcoming Spamming Wars! Last year was quite hectic and hilarious, and I hope that this rematch can dethrone (not) me as the title of Spamming Queen! But, I'm aware that new potential spammers have emerged among us! *eyes heavily at CoordinatorIza for that statement* So as a friendly bonus, I decided that I want to give some expertly tips for all our newcomers for that Spamming Wars... Like an art exhibition! (Friendly too, I hope)
Exhibition #1: Lessons On Allies
The game doesn't really end
Until the last card is played
Yes, with the help of Grumpy Cat, I shall explain one of the first tips of the Spamming Wars. Alliances are like friends in playing Uno: they're temporary! You have to strategize the ultimate plan; you need to know who to betray, from first to last. Keep the more loyal foes until the occasion calls for the last man standing. And save your ultimate spamming move for last. It usually helps from time to time. (Save them like you save those +4 cards) Or if you're like me, attack til we die!
Exhibition #2: Sarcasm Is An Art
When they say do good things
They really mean live life on the edge.
Thank you Grumpy Cat yet again! See, sometimes, when you want to spam messages to someone, half the time you don't know what they say. Sure, you can type in random letters, but will that deter your foe in any way? Nah, they'll probably mute it and continue the Spamming Wars on another user. Remember, a great deal of this involves one-to-one combat, so know who you'll pick on and vex them to the toes! And what better than sarcasm? Trust me, if it's hilarious, they'll be distracted and more tempted to drop out. Just make sure to not cross the border, as this is friendly competition. (And if you can do any sort of puns, that would be great)
Exhibition #3: Camping Shenanigans
Only the greatest know this:
Improvise for the unexpected.
See how Grumpy Cat knows exactly what to say? Isn't this the greatest? Anyway, make sure to not only be armed mentally to spam during the Spamming Wars, but also be ready to stay in position. This translates to having plenty of snacks at a good radius, plenty of water bottles, a pillow and blanket, something to play music, and of course be at a close location to the restroom. The Spamming Wars doesn't end in an hour or two, so it's better to be ready for the long run and camp out somewhere. Either that, or when you want a break, you'll come back later with 200+ notifications. Make sure to play upbeat music to get you hyper and all.
Exhibition #4: Have A Catchphrase
We can only be remembered
If we give something to be remembered by
Someday we can all be like Grumpy Cat! Besides that, wynaut have a catch phrase? It's pretty helpful to be remembered by, even once the Spamming Wars end! That way you'll be an excellent candidate for the next one (as I know there must be a rematch before the battle has begun). So yes, have something witty or flat out humorous to say so you'll eventually befriend the same people you bashed like hours ago. It's like Uno: no matter how many times you betrayed your friend in the game, if you can laugh about it, everything is legit.
Spamming is an art. (Mine BTW)
Overall, I hope this was extremely useful to people wanting to be in the Spamming Wars. And that people enjoy the holidays. And also thank Grumpy Cat for the wonderful memes you saw in the exhibition! So please do end 2017 with a bang!
I hope this reflection wasn't so boring, and thanks for reading it!
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