should pain ever find itself in my heart, it shall take up the keyboard.
a couple (or much more) of original works.…
a couple (or much more) of original works.…
a random book to record all that craziness in my life!! :D…
Ruby learns her scythe-wielding craft under Qrow's skilful eye, becoming one of the top students in Beacon when Ozpin notices her expertise in wielding her weapon.But how did she learn it, and what else did she pick up along the way in the goal of becoming a huntress to protect and defend?A little glimpse into the backstory of Ruby and Qrow, when they were student and teacher in Signal Academy respectively.…
The nightmare Summer Rose has left behind is still rewinding, replaying in Ruby's mind.But all Ruby can do is put on a smile, parrot the same few words with as much enthusiasm she can find in herself:"I'm fine; I'm alright!"…
Katsuki Yuri, Japan's top skater, coached by Viktor Nikiforov, the Russian ice skating legend. Yuri has a glass heart that breaks easily, making him prone to low self esteem, confidence and the occasional breakdown. But what about Viktor?When he starts dreaming of Yuri leaving his side, he can only hope that it doesn't spill over into reality.Even the most confident and charismatic of skaters have their vulnerable, insecure sides.…
The Tenth Division has had their share of dramatic events, and there certainly would be a child prodigy of a captain who would take the full force of those happenings. A series of oneshots documenting the little situations Hitsugaya Toshiro gets dragged into, unfortunately for him.…
"Viktor," he cries out, and reaches out for his beloved. "Wh-What happened to me? Why are we here?"He feels the sudden onset of hesitance and tension. It lingers, cloying and crushing. It constricts his lungs and he finds it difficult to draw another breath."Y-You-" Viktor takes a shuddering inhale, "-you were injured during the Finals, and now you've injured your eyes and the doctor-"He feels the same grip that clutches at Viktor's heart, digging its sharp claws into veins and vessels, drawing blood and seeking pain."-says that you may become permanently blind if things don't turn out well."…
Always the ice, always, always, always.Never the feelings.The great Viktor Nikiforov will never fail.(or, the fic in which the young Viktor Nikiforov realises that perhaps, keeping himself stuck in a perfect marble statue for everyone to admire will not work out forever.)…
glass is transparent, brittle, weak. it shows off its whirly contents, laid bare for everyone to see. it breaks and cracks. it always needs repairing. it is useless.much like himself, Yuuri thinks.he wonder if Viktor thinks of him that way.…