You can live with me
Her mom was crazy. That was the only word Betty could use to describe her mom right now. Betty had ran to save her mom from being drowned by her own sister at the farm and after Betty had safely gotten her home, Alice had told her she was selling the house. Betty was shocked, angry and upset she didn't know what to do about her mother or where she would live. Over the weekend Alice had already packed up half the house and were having people come to view it.
On Monday morning Betty was sat at the kitchen counter eating her breakfast before school, when Alice came down, a big smile on her face. "Morning Betty!" She chirped and Betty looked at her curiously. "Morning...". "What's got you in such a good mood?" Betty questioned. "I've sold the house!" Alice exclaimed and Betty stopped. "What?!". "Yep! Someone made an offer, I'll finish packing up today and we can move into the farm tomorrow~" Alice was saying but was interrupted by Betty "no way am I living with a cult!" She yelled and ran up the stairs. Standing in her room, she looked around and grabbed a bag, stuffing clothes and all her essentials in there and a few personal items; she zipped it up and grabbed her school bag before leaving her home.
"Hey Guys" Betty said as she sat next to Veronica in the student lounge, jughead and Archie opposite them. "Hey betty" "hey B!" "Hey babe" they said. "What's with the bag?" Veroncia asked, looking amused at the big pink bag Betty had with her. "Oh it's my stuff" Betty said. "Why?" Archie said. "Mom sold the house" Betty said and watched the others facial expressions changed to shock and concern. "What do you mean?" Jug asked. Betty filled them all in on everything that had happened since she rescued her mom from almost drowning. "So we won't be neighbours anymore?" Archie said and Betty nodded. "I know it's horrible" Betty sighed and rested her head on the couch. "I don't know what to do..." she finally admitted. "Oh baby.." jug said and moved to sit next to her and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to his side. "You could stay with me?" Veroncia said with a smile and squeezed Betty's knee. "Or me!" Archie grinned. "Thanks guys but I was going to just stay in the blue and gold... or a motel..." Betty sighed. "No! No to all of those options you can stay with me and my dad in the trailer" jug said, kissing his girlfriends temple. "Jug seriously I'll be fine" Betty said and gave him a weak smile. "Betts. I love you Okay? You're my girlfriend and I will not have you without a home, you need somewhere safe... after everything you've been though you need a stable home" jug said, looking at her. "He's right B. You've been so stressed since may with everything you've gone through, FP loves you and so does jug. I think it will be good for you to stay there" veroncia said and Betty nodded. "I'll think about it, I'll see you at lunch" she said and left for class.
During a free period, jughead was in the library when he got a text from Betty:
Betts: can you meet me in the blue and gold?<3
He got up and made his way down the halls to the blue and gold where he saw Betty typing on her computer. "Juggie!" She said when she saw him and stood up. "Are you Okay?" He asked, meeting her in the middle and placing his hands on her waist. "Yeah I just..." she started and jug could tell she was nervous. "What is it baby?" He said gently. "Did you really mean what you said this morning? About me living with you?" She asked and he nodded "of course". "Well... I was thinking ... maybe I could take you up on that offer?" She whispered and jughead framed her face with his hands had kissed her. "Of course Betts. You can live with me" he smiled when they pulled away. Betty didn't say anything just hugged him really tight. "Thank you" she said happily. "I called my dad earlier and he's also happy to have you stay if that's what you want" he said, stroking her hair. "Come on betts, let's ditch and go home" he smiled and held a hand out for her.
Later on when they were at the trailer, they were unpacking Betty's stuff. "I've cleared half the wardrobe for you" Jug smiled when she came into his room after putting some of her stuff in the bathroom. "Thanks jug" she said. "Dad said he went by your house and he's picking up the rest of your stuff" he told her, his arms coming around her again. "He didn't have to do that" Betty said. "We waned you to have your stuff betts, this is your home now" Jug said and kissed her softly. They were broken apart by FP coming home. "Hey kids!" He greeted and made his way to jugheads room. He placed the boxes down on the floor. "Here you go darling... and welcome home" he grinned at Betty and she pulled him in for a hug. "Thank you so much" she said. "Anything for you betty" he smiled and left them too it.
That evening after dinner, jughead came out the shower to see Betty finishing putting away all her stuff. She was in her pyjamas and had no makeup on, her hair brushed and down around her shoulders. "I could get used to this..." he smirked. "Used to what?" She said as she watched him put on some sweatpants. "You. In your pyjamas. About to go to sleep" he smiled. "Well get used to it Because You're about to see it everyday" she giggled. "What's in your hand?" He asked. "Oh a photo" she smiled and showed him a framed Photo of the two of them, smiling into the camera, taken by veroncia when they were in the blue and gold. "I normally have it next to my bed" she told him. He smiled and kissed her head as he took it off her and placed it on the bedside table. "Well that's where we'll have it then" he said, climbing into bed and holding his arms out for her. "You don't have to put it there if you don't want to... it's your room" she said, cuddling up to him. "I like it there, I like your makeup over there and your little trinkets on the shelf, I like how your books are with mine.... because this is our room now betts" he smiled.
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