Jughead was stood in the classroom, trying to figure out what to with the serpents. He was stood in front of the gargoyles and the serpents when Toni rushed in and what she said next made jugheads heart stop. "JUGHEAD! KURTZ IS GOING TO KILL BETTY!". Jughead stares at her before running out the classroom and following Toni to where she said Betty was. "Jug look!" Sweetpea yelled and fangs pointed to the stairs where Betty was being dangled over by Kurtz. "BETTY!" Jug screamed. He saw Archie and Veronica also stood watching. "Let her go!" Archie yelled. Jughead made his way to the front of the crowd and he could see the tears on his girlfriends face. "Juggie.." she cried. "It okay betts! Everything will be fine just stay calm" he said, not wanting her to panic. "Kurtz! What the hell are you doing let her go!" Jug yelled. "Okay... she's ready to ascend anyway" Kurtz smirked menacingly and let go of Betty's legs causing her to fall. "BETTY!" Jug yelled as he heard Betty's screams. Suddenly, he and the others were rushing to betty and he only just made it in time to catch her. "Oh my god!" He said as she held her to his chest and she sobbed. "Serpents! Go after Kurtz!" Jug ordered and they ran after the gargoyle. Jughead turned his attention to Betty who was shaking in his arms. "Come on Baby lets get out of here" he said as he lead her away from the crowds.
They took refuge in the blue and gold so that jughead could make sure she was okay. He sat her on the couch and knelt down in front of her. "Are you hurt?" He asked and she shook her head. "No but I feel dizzy" she admitted, holding her head in her hands. "It's probably just all the blood going to your head when you were upside down" he said kissing her forehead. "Here take a sip" he said, handing her some water from his bag. "Thank you" she said softly. "I'm sorry I wasn't there" he sighed. "No... this isn't your fault and I'm okay" she told him, Squeezing his hand. "I just... I don't know what I would've done if something had happened to you" he admitted and hugged her tight.
After jughead had made sure Betty was okay, he signed them out of school. "Do you want to go to my trailer?" He asked. "Yeah But can we stop at pops first? I'm Hungry" she asked as she laced their fingers together. "Of course we can" he grinned, walking in the direction of the diner. When they got there Betty sat in a booth and jughead went up to order. "A vanilla milkshake for my favourite girl" he grinned as he sat next to her and handed her the milkshake. "Thanks juggie" she smiled and kissed his cheek. "Anything for you betts" he said as she rested her head on his shoulder.
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