(Jimin) Shot
Jimin's POV
We are currently in the middle of an interview and the interviewers are letting the fans ask us questions.
"If you could pick one person to go on a two week holiday to a remote island with, which member would you choose and why," a girl asked.
"I'll go first. I'd probably go with J-Hope because I just feel like he'd be so cheerful the whole time and just have fun," Namjoon said.
"I would probably go with Jin, just so he could cook all the food," J-Hope said making everyone laugh, except Jin who rolled his eyes.
"Glad to know you actually enjoy my company. I'm going to go with Namjoon because he's a lot nicer than the other's and is probably the only one who won't just use me for cooking," Jin said, making us all protest as he chuckled.
"Jimin, what about you," Jin asked me quickly. I know people probably are expecting for me to go for my soulmate or Kookie but for some reason I think I'd rather someone else.
"I think I'd want to go with Suga," I said with a shrug. Yoongi looked up at me in surprise before giving me a small smile.
"People may think he just sleeps all the time but he's actually fun to be around and if I wanted to have fun while relaxing on a holiday, I'd go with him," I finished.
"Fair enough. I'm gonna go with Kookie, cos you know, it's Kookie," Tae said with a shrug as if that was stating the obvious which it kind of was. We all chuckled as Kookie blushed a little, embarrassed.
"I'd go with Tae Tae as well because we could just be as crazy as we want for two weeks," he said, flashing his bunny smile.
"Last but not least, Suga," Namjoon said.
"I'd go with Jiminie for sure. He'd be my little energizer, getting me up and about and having fun," he said ruffling me hair as I smiled happily. Yay, Yoongi chose me as well. If I'm going to be completely honest, I look up to Yoongi the most, he's always been my favourite Hyung.
"Very nice. I think it's lovely how you guys all picked each other and no one was left out," the interviewer said smiling as the armies cheered.
"Next question." A man stood up and was handed the microphone.
"This question is only for Jimin," he said.
"Alright," I nodded.
"People often say that you're the most caring member in the group and are always looking after the other members," he said.
"He really is. You have no idea how many times he's looked after me when I'm upset," Tae said nodding.
"My question for you is, would you take a bullet for one of the members," he asked. A bit of a weird one but easy to answer.
"Of course," I nodded straight away.
"Are you just saying that because it makes you sound good or would you actually. Like say I was to pull a gun out right now and point it at one of them, would you jump in front of them," he asked. I was speechless for a couple of seconds and actually kind of scared, the whole room was quiet.
"I uh, yeah," I said a little shakily. I felt someone grab my arm and I was yanked up and pulled to the row behind. I looked up and saw Yoongi was standing in front of me, making sure that he was between me and the man. Security came in a dragged out the man as everyone was left in confusion.
"Well thank you very much for coming Bts, I think this interview is finished," the interviewer said, smiling brightly.
"We were glad to be here," Namjoon said distantly. We all got up and was immediately escorted straight to the van by our security. The whole time we were walking, all of my Hyungs were surrounding us from the maknae line. When we got back to the dorms we were told to go straight inside and stay there until they told us anything different.
"Did he mean he was going to shoot us," Jungkook asked shakily as he sat down on the couch.
"I dunno Kookie, they're going to find out though," Hobi said, trying to reassure the maknae.
"We should all head off to bed though. We'll find out more in the morning," Jin said with a sigh. Everyone nodded and we headed up to our rooms. I was about to go into my room when someone grabbed my wrist and I turned around to see Yoongi.
"What's up," I asked.
"Can you come sleep in my room," he asked me.
"Why, mine's fine," I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Please, it'll make me feel better," he said. I was about to make a joke but I could tell that he was really serious about this, if fact he looked a little scared. I don't think I've ever really seen Yoongi Hyung scared before. I nodded quickly and followed him to his room. I flopped down on the bed as he quickly went into the bathroom and got dressed, I couldn't be bothered changing. He came back out and turned the light off, walking over and lying down next to me. I went to face the other way but he grabbed my waist and pulls me closer to him, keeping his arms wrapped around me.
"Are you ok Hyung," I whispered.
"I'm fine, just want to make sure no one is going to try and hurt my favourite maknae," he replied back quietly.
"I'm your favourite maknae," I asked as a smile creeped onto my face.
"Definitely, but don't tell anyone I said that," he replied running his fingers through my hair softly.
"I won't but you don't have to be worried about me Hyung. He wasn't really threatening me, just asking if I would protect you guys. If anything he was threatening you guys," I pointed out.
"Doesn't matter, let's just get some sleep Jiminie," he said.
"Hey Yoongi," I whispered.
"What," he asked with a sigh.
"You're my favourite Hyung as well," I said quietly. He was silent for a couple of seconds before replying.
"I love you now I'm serious, let's get some sleep," he said softly.
"I love you too," I mumbled before closing my eyes and cuddling up to his chest, drifting off to the sound of his heart beat.
1 Week Later
As it turns out the man didn't have a gun on him and it seems that he was just asking that question out of curiosity. It's a very weird question to ask but I guess some people just have different opinions of what are weird. We've got the day off today so I was planning on trying to convince someone to come with me to the park for a couple of hours but pretty much everyone had said no, the only person I had left was Yoongi. I bounded into his room with a grin, seeing him sitting at his desk.
"Yoongles," I said wrapping my arms around his neck loosely and resting my head on top of his.
"What's up Jiminie, I'm trying to finish these lyrics," he said, looking up slightly.
"Can you come to the park with me," I asked.
"I'm sorry but I'm busy Jimin," he said shaking his head.
"Please Hyung. No one else will come with me, you're my last hope. Please help your favourite dongsaeng," I pleaded, giving him my best puppy dog eyes.
"Ugh, I shouldn't have told you that," he said shaking his head.
"So will you come," I asked trying to look as cute as possible.
"Fine, I'll come. Give me five minutes to get ready," he said with a sigh.
"Yay," I said jumping up and down as Yoongi smiled and shook his head.
"Aish, go wait downstairs," he said shoving me gently out the door. I giggled and ran downstairs, flopping on top of Tae who was playing Xbox with Jungkook.
"Jimin get off, you're gonna make me lose," Tae said trying to shove me off. He tried a few times before giving up and letting me stay with my head on his lap. I lay there until Yoongi walked downstairs, dressed and ready to go.
"Let's go Jimin," he said.
"So you finally convinced someone to go to the park with you. Good luck with him Yoongi, he tends to go crazy when he's at the park," Tae said successfully shoving me off his lap.
"Ow, I'm not that bad," I said pouting.
"I beg to differ," Jungkook spoke up.
"Whatever, let's go Hyung," I said grabbing his hand and dragging him out of the door. We walked in silence, well Yoongi walked, I more like bounced all the way to the park.
"Do you ever think it's a little odd that you get so excited to go to a park," Yoongi asked me.
"No. Why, is it weird," I asked, stopping.
"No, of course not. Let's go," he said, pulling me along. When we finally got to the park I grinned and ran over to the lake.
"Come on Hyung, let's see how many times we can make the rocks skip on water," I said quickly. He shook his head but came over and joined me.
2 Hours Later
"Come on Jimin don't you think we've been out here for long enough," Yoongi asked me as I continued to lay on the ground and watch the clouds cross the sky.
"Oh, but I'm having fun," I said pouting.
"I tell you what. Why don't we go and get some ice-cream and then we can go home. It's already 8pm so it'll start getting dark soon. We wanna be home in a bit," he said.
"Ok," I said smiling. I'd never say no to ice-cream.
"Hi, what can I get for you," the lady asked when we walked up to the register.
"We'll get to waffle cones, one with a scoop of bubble-gum and the other with liquorice," Yoongi said. She nodded and begun to make our ice-cream. Yoongi paid and then gave me the one with bubble-gum and we walked out the store, heading home.
"Can I have a lick of yours," I asked him. He held his out to me and I took a big lick, enjoying the liquorice taste. Yoongi's phone started ringing so he picked it up.
"It's Jin," he said answering the phone and talking to him for a bit. I kind of zoned out after a little bit because I noticed that there was a man in a hood trailing behind us. When they saw me looking they pulled their hood off and smirked. I gasped, it was the man from the interview last week. He reached into his pocket and I saw him pull out something silver. It took me a couple of seconds to realize that it was a gun and by that time he had lifted it up and pointed it at Yoongi. I didn't have any time to think, I just lunged towards my Hyung and pulled him to the ground as a shot rang out and I felt a sharp pain go through my stomach.
Suga's POV
I was talking to Jin about what we were going to do tomorrow when I felt arms wrap around me and I was dragged harshly to the ground. My phone flew out of my grip and I saw it crack on the floor but I also heard a massive bang. I was dazed for a sec but I sat up and saw Jimin on the ground next to me, facing away from me.
"What the hell was that for Jimin and what was that noise," I asked rubbing my head.
"H-hyung, it h-hurts," he stuttered out. I was confused so I crawled in front of him and felt my heart drop. There he was, my favourite dongsaeng that never failed to make me smile with his hands on his stomach as blood pooled through his top.
"J-jimin," I cried out, quickly grabbing him as he fell backwards. I softly dropped his head in my lap and grabbed my phone, trying to turn in on but the screen was completely broken. No, no, I need to call an ambulance.
"Jiminie, Jimin. I need your phone, where's your phone," I asked frantically.
"M-my desk," he told me before coughing a little. Tears started streaming down my face as I put my hands over his wound, pushing down to try and slow the bleeding. He gasped in pain but then quietened down.
"HELP. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP," I yelled out, hoping that someone might be around.
"PLEASE," I begged. I heard rush footsteps and then saw a lady run up.
"Oh my god, what happened," she gasped out when she saw Jimin.
"Please, he's been shot and my phone's broken," I cried out. She seemed to get the message as she pulled out her phone and dialled emergency services, walking a little further off as she talked to them and tried to explain what she knew.
"Stay with me Jimin, please stay with me," I begged as his breathing became a little uneven.
"Crying isn't a good look on you Hyung, I don't like it when you're upset," he said putting his bloody hand on top of mine that still pushing down on his wound. I can't believe this kid. Here he is with a bullet in his body and he's worried about me crying.
"I'm fine Jiminie," I said softly.
"I told you I'd take a bullet for you," he said before he started coughing again. My heart broke as I saw blood coming out of his mouth. I tried to wipe it but I just smudge more blood on his face. I started to cry harder as I quickly put my hand back down. The person was shooting at me and he pulled me out of the way. They were aiming for me and instead they hit one of the purest souls in the world.
"I know you did," I said, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead.
"Sir the ambulance are a couple of minutes away," the lady said. Please make them get here in time, I can't lose my Mochi.
"H-hyung," he said.
"Yeah," I replied quickly.
"C-can you t-tell the other's that I l-love them," he asked, coughing up more blood.
"You can tell them yourself, you're not dying on me Park Jimin," I said sternly as tears continued to furiously flow down my face.
"I don't want you to be sad Yoongi," he whispered.
"I'll be ok Jiminie, I'm just worried about you," I said sadly.
"I'm alright Hyung, it doesn't even hurt anymore," he said, giving me a small smile. Wait, what? No that's not good.
"Stay with me Jimin, please stay with me," I begged as I began to sob.
"I'm ok Yoongles. I'm not scared. I'm safe with my favourite Hyung, you always protect me. I love you Yoongi," he said before his eyes went closed and he fell limp in my grip.
Here is another fic, thankyou for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. This was requested by @rhecalma, I hope it's what you wanted. Please send through more requests so I can keep writing!
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