Chapter 11.1
Lost control-Alan Walker
11.// I am not a murderer
"That girl is not what you think she is, she's kind and with a good attitude, and considerate too, but she's broken,"
Simi pressed her ear to the wooden oak door more firmly, eavesdropping on the two men inside. She was curious as to what or who they were discussing. She could clearly hear Tony's voice, and the other voice was familiar, she just couldn't place where she'd heard it before.
"St. Claire, you're my friend right," sir Tony's voice asked. "You're not there for a pity party, I expect you to help me," that name again.
"For some reason, I expected you to understand her grief. She's not a spoilt brat like you think she is, she's trying her best, a lot of other people I know would have run and hidden, but she's there every single day. Trying to be a picture of strength,"
"Waridi's parents, they stole my parent's shares from them, they waited until they were almost bankrupt, before buying that company from them at a pittance, and I want it back, it's a legacy,"
"But isn't that how business works? Besides, you already have more than enough money for yourself. You don't want it back because it's a legacy, you want it back because you are on a revenge spree, but she has nothing to do with what happened years ago, she's working on it because it's a legacy,"
Tuning them off, Simi stood in the corridors trying to join the dots. Waridi and St. Claire, St. Claire, and Waridi, and the fog that had taken over her mind was finally clearing up. St. Claire was the man she had followed that night months ago in the ghetto who had met with Tony. They had talked about a girl, Waridi. St. Claire was the man Waridi had been within Mombasa. Small world it was, or too much of a coincidence. She didn't know her, not entirely, but she at least wanted to help her out, and return the favor, but she also didn't know how she'd help her out.
"So what's going to happen to her?"
"I'm not a murderer," Tony said and Simi released a breath she had been holding, relief washing through her. "I just want her to feel the pain of not having anything and being poor,"
She didn't know Tony as a bad person and knew that whatever it was she had against Waridi, must have been triggered by a really bad past relationship, or something that might have happened before. She rather liked him and would give him the benefit of doubt.
She heard someone walking down the corridor, but her reflexes were quicker. Pretending to wipe the dust of a painting, blowing it, she looked rather busy. Luckily enough it was just another maid passing through, she muttered a muffled greeting and continued on her way.
She shuddered to think what would have happened if Kathrine was the one who had caught her, she'd have been fired and given an earful about eavesdropping before that. She couldn't afford to lose this job, the pay was good and the hours even better. Or worse tattletale Lorna, the whole house would have heard about it no doubt.
Suffice to say, Lorna had grown on Simi since the boss had ordered her to take her home, but she'd die before she told her that. Being a constant in her life, she had accommodated her constant chattering on the bus every evening and morning. She smiled as she recalled all the tales Lorna weaved, she had a different one every day, some were true, but most were well... just tales, but she appreciated the company.
She had learned that Lorna had also gone to the city from the village to look for work after high school. She'd done well on that level but couldn't proceed to university due to some circumstances she did not want to talk about, but she loved cooking and wanted to own a restaurant, they weren't best friends, but Simi had sent a quick prayer to God to see her through.
She, on the other hand, didn't know exactly what she wanted to do, with her life, she was sure she didn't want to work as a maid forever, but she also didn't know where she wanted to go.
"Hey you," she had been so invested in the cleaning she was doing that she did not notice any approaching footsteps. She looked up slowly, from the brown leather shoes, navy blue slacks, white shirt, and very fitting suit jacket to the intense green eyes, St. Claire. "I know you,"
"Who me?" she made a show of pointing to herself and looking behind as if searching for someone else. Her face reflecting her best poker face.
"Yes you," he remarked. "I don't see anyone else in this room. Do you? I know we've met before,"
"Well, I haven't seen you before, never" she shrugged moving to pick up the cleaning equipment she was using, and get out of there before he saw right through her lies.
"I met you in Mombasa," he stretched his arm holding her back. "I know you remember me,"
She did remember him, more than the meeting in Mombasa, more than the one time he knew. He was a hard man to miss, handsome, and with that body, anyone could remember him, but she wouldn't admit it yet. She didn't know him, or the kind of person he was, admitting she knew him, might be dangerous. She couldn't say she wasn't in Mombasa, because maybe he would ask Tony and lying would only confirm to them that she was hiding something. So she decided to say half the truth.
"I was there recently I admit, and I'm glad that you remember me, really I am, but I don't remember meeting you anywhere, I'm sorry," she intoned, laughing nervously, her eyes fixed on the arm that held her elbow, a clear sign that he should have let her go.
"That might be true since you were drunk,"
"I'm sorry if I did anything stupid to you... Or with you. Did I do anything?"
"No," he shook his head. "No, you did not,"
"Then will you please let go of my arm, I have more work to do, and chatting with guests isn't part of my job description," her teeth were set tight bitting her inner cheek and her heart racing, it was a wonder how he did not hear it thud from where he was standing, he was so close she could catch the scent of his cologne.
"Sure," reluctantly, he let go, still looking at her. Turning sharply, she picked up the cleaning products almost spilling some on her way out.
"So tell me, what were you and that gorgeous man talking about, I have seen him around here a couple of times you know, he and the boss always stay locked up behind his office doors. He never really talks to staff, other than a quick nod and a close-mouthed smile. You're the first one," Lorna asked her the moment she was in the kitchen, whispering conspiratorially. "I saw him hold your arm,"
"So you want me to jump in joy and run around because we talked, besides why would you think we were talking?"
"Weren't you? And you just confirmed it" she nudged her smiling widely.
"He just thought we met before, back home at the coast, whatever your thinking, that's not it,"
"Thought. Or you have met before,"
"Mind your bu..." she was almost telling her off but realized Lorna knew more than she let on. "You know you are right actually, he is kinda good looking,"
The sequels of delight Lorna let out almost shattered her eardrums. "I knew you would agree with me, I mean why not?"
"So tell me does he come here often?"
"Fishing for information now Simi, are you?" she again nudged her playfully.
"I wouldn't mind if you told me, besides you've been here longer than I have so that only means you know more than I do," she decided to stroke Lorna's ego, that would do the trick.
"At the start," it worked like magic. "When he came from France, he used to live here. Lived here with the boss for a long while actually,"
"He's French?"
"You didn't catch the accent," she asked looking at her like she had grown a pair of horns. "Are you stupid? No offense,"
"Why would you even ask that," she gasped fakely holding her hand to her chest.
"So how was his relationship with Sarah,"
"She never really liked him. When he came into the country, he was wild, like extra wild and Sarah always thought he'd make her husband start seeing other... Women, because he had a lot and you know how it works, birds of a feather,"
"So why..." She wanted to ask why Sarah was having him followed, because if that was the reason, then she was stupid, or she just had a truckload of money to burn. Or she wanted something from her, but what?
"Why what, why he was talking to you?" Lorna asked drawing her away from her thoughts. "Why he was talking to you? He might be relieving his wild days, or maybe he's just taken with you, you know," she wiggled her eyebrows, grinning suggestively.
"Quit it, Lorna, will you?"
"That's like winning a lottery, why would you pass it up? He's good looking, and had money too." Simi stared at her. "No don't look at me like that. Like I'm a gold digger, I just appreciate nice things in life,"
"Can you hand me your phone?" she had to search about St. Claire if she wanted to help Waridi, but she also had to find her address and contact first, before that.
Stay safe out there, sanitize, wear your masks, and observe the social distancing rule. I want to see all of you on the side when all this is over😘😘
I love you all❤️❤️
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