Chapter 1
Rose's POV
18 years later...
As I pick a few flowers in the woods, a soft breeze rustles through my dark brown hair. Behind me lies the border that marks the end of the Blackwood Forest and the beginning of the fae realm.
My mother always told me stories about the faeries as I grew up. Stories my father, Richard, told her when he returned from his travels.
Hardovia, the kingdom, of the fae has always peaked my interest. My hand clasped around the pendant hung around my neck as I recall my meeting with a fae-boy in the woods...
*Beginning of flashback*
The morning sun glimmered brightly through my window. I was only 8 summers old when I grabbed my basket and skidded off to the forest. My mother had told me another fae story before bed the previous night and I was certain I would meet a real faery in the forest.
I picked a few flowers as I walked deeper and deeper into the forest. My mother always warned of straying too far, but I was a child, curiosity over ruled my being.
I skipped through the forest, taking in the beautiful scenery around me. The forest always felt like my second home; like I belonged there.
I was on my way to the pond, the one I discovered the previous summer. My mother immediately taught me how to swim after I told her about my discovery. She was worried that I might fall in, yet I have grown to love swimming its pristine waters hence it was so quiet and peaceful.
I was recalling my swimming lessons with my mother when I heard the sound of splashing and screaming. My pace quickened as I hurried along the familiar road I've traveled on so many times before. When I stepped at the clearing I saw a figure struggling to stay above the waters of the pond.
Without a moment's hesitation, I leaped in to help the struggling figure. The being's spastic movements calmed and I knew that it was drowning. I quickly swam over to where the figure was mere seconds ago before diving down. My fingers ached as I stretched them as far as possible in order to save him as he was slowly sinking.
A sudden burst of energy surged through my as I grabbed hold of his hand and swam upwards. We broke the surface mere seconds later; tugging the heavy body behind me as I swam towards the bank and helped the boy out. His limp body flopped onto the ground before I fell down next to him, breathing heavily.
When I regained my breathing, I sat up and faced the boy I had just rescued. Upon closer inspection... I noticed he had pointed ears. A startled gasp escaped my mouth as realization dawned on me. The boy I just rescued... was a faery...
The sight of him not breathing caused me to rush to his side before pressing down my ear on his chest. Fearing the worst, I pushed down on his chest with both arms in hopes of saving him.
Nothing... I faithfully repeated the process until suddenly, he started to spurt out water. He coughed vigorously as I contemplated what to do. When his coughing fit subdued he noticed me.
"You saved me?" He asked curiously as he stared at me with crystal clear, blue eyes. With a simple nod of my head, I smiled shyly. The boy sported the same, small smile before he spoke.
"Thank you." Looking away from his face and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.
"It was nothing." I replied.
"No, it was everything. It was my life. How can I repay you?" He gratefully asked. I simply shook my head.
"You don't have to." The boy's blue eyes hastily darted around before falling onto a pendant he was wearing. He didn't think twice before taking it off and hooking it around my neck.
"Here, something to remind you of your bravery." He said as I took the pendant in my hand, studying it. It had a rose on it. I thanked him when all of a sudden, a deep voice cut of my words. A worried expression was strung across his face.
"I have to go, thank you for saving me." That was all he said before he disappeared. Little did I know I would never see him again.
*End of flashback*
I picked a few flowers that I found in the clearing where the pond was while I recalled my encounter with the fairy boy. He had blonde hair and his crystal blue eyes looked as if they saw straight through me. The only indication that showed he was not human was his pointed ears.
"Those are lovely flowers you got there." A voice said from behind me, startling me out of my thoughts. I hastily spun around to find myself face to face with an old woman.
She stared up at me with what I thought was astonishment. Why would she stare at me with astonishment? I'm surely not that beautiful. Maybe she was just admiring my youth?
"Yes, they are." I nod as I stare at the variety of flowers in my hands. She grinned at me and inhaled the bouquet's lovely scent.
"And who is to be honored with such a marvelous gift?" I smiled like a fool in remembrance before replying.
"My mother..." I instantly thought back to the wonderful lady who raised me.
"She is very lucky indeed to receive such a wondrous bouquet of flowers." I give her a smile which she returns.
"No, I am the lucky one for having such a caring, loving mother."
"Aye, mothers are precious, aren't they?" She grimaced with a far off look and I guess that she must've had a wonderful mother herself.
"Well, I should be going before my mother gets worried. It was nice to meet you." I smiled at the woman as I was about turn around and leave.
"Just a moment, dear." She called me back and I face her once more.
"Sweet child, always remember to be careful in this world, for it is a dangerous place. Don't judge a person by their appearance for everything is not always as it seems." The grin on her face made a feeling of unease spread through my body.
"Wha-" I wanted to ask her what she meant, but I was left alone with just my thoughts. A shiver ran down my spine and I couldn't help but wonder what she meant.
Shrugging the feeling off, a start my trek back to the farm whilst admiring the forest's beauty as I pass the singing birds and buzzing bees. The woods always felt magical to me, like it was my natural home where I belonged.
Stories were always told that the forest was sinister, but they were only that, stories. As I neared the edge of the forest, I felt a bit sad that I couldn't stay. Yet knowing my mother, I would be dearly missed if I didn't return soon.
Everyone on the farm welcomed me home with brilliant smiles. I loved them all so much and they always made me feel loved too.
Upon entering the house, I heard a commotion coming from the kitchen. I silently closed the door behind me and carefully walked towards the kitchen with the fresh, fragrant flowers in hand. I enter to see my mother and Mrs. White, the cook, baking.
"Hello." I greet as I enter the kitchen.
"Oh darling, you're back." My mother exclaimed as she hurried over and hugged me.
"I brought you these." I said with a large smile and handed her the flowers.
"Oh, they're beautiful! Let me put them in a vase." Whilst she was busy searching for a vase, I took a look around the kitchen and noticed all the little cakes they baked.
Are we hosting a party? "Mom, what are all the cakes for?"
"Mr. Grey and his son are coming over for tea. Didn't I tell you?" Her frown makes it quite obvious that informing me had slipped her mind.
"Oh, I must've forgot. Anyhow, hurry and get yourself cleaned up." She began ushering me out of the room to only have me ask further questions.
"Why? I don't look that bad."
"Are you serious? You don't want to scare the poor boy."
"I don't want to attract him either." I didn't want to attract the attention of the locksmith's son. He was handsome on the outside, and might be nice but I didn't feel anything towards him. I didn't want to marry any person off the street. I wanted to marry for love.
"Okay fine, I'll go get cleaned up. Only because you asked so nicely." An exasperated sigh escaped my mouth as I trudged off. My mother gave me a cheerful smile and I returned it halfheartedly.
Why she wanted me to fall in love was beyond me. I am quite fine on my own I don't need a man to make me happy. With yet another sigh, I walk to my room. It was almost time for tea and our guests would be here soon enough.
We are all sitting in the small sitting room in our house. My mother and Mr Grey were talking while George and I listened in here and there.
"So Rose, what are your plans for the future?" Mr Grey suddenly asked which caused me to choke on my tea. My mother gave me a pat on the back to stop my 'unladylike' coughing.
"I plan on helping my mother here on the farm." I said mildly.
"And any plan of marrying?" He pressed on. Why did he care so much?
"Nothing in the near future." was my simple response.
"Well, you will be coming of age soon. Will you be attending the ball in town?"The coming of age ball was where all the young men and women went when they turned eighteen. It was a ball hosted for the men to seek a bride. I never liked the idea of attending a ball that was full of men wanting to marry you.
"Of course she will." My mother exclaimed enthusiastically.
"Well, we look forward to seeing you there." Mr Grey grinned. He and my mother shared a look which made me uncomfortable.
The room began to feel stuffy and I just had to leave.
"Yes, I look forward to our next encounter. I'm sorry but I forgot there is something that I must tend to, now if you will excuse me. Nice to see you again, Mr Grey. " I curtly greet.
"The pleasure is ours, Miss Rose." Mr Grey droned on and I hurriedly left the room. I needed to clear my head and the only place I could do that was in the woods, where I felt free and not pressured by the expectations of this life. I knew I had to marry, but not now... I still had dreams I wanted to fulfill.
The small pond stole my breath every time I saw it with its crystal waters. I sat next to it and immediately a frog hopped next to me. I always felt one with the animals and it felt as if they could understand me. There I talked my heart and soul out, not really caring who heard my pleas and worries. Just enjoying the peace and quiet the clearing gave me and the occasional thought of a blonde haired boy crossing my mind.
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Keelin's POV
I was hunting in the human realm when I heard talking. I knew it was dangerous hunting out there, but that was the only forest which allowed me some peace and quiet. There was another reason as to why I came to the forest: I'd hope to see her, the girl who saved my life so many summers ago.
I approached the place I heard the voice come from with stealthy strides. My eyes darted around a tree only to find her sitting at the small pond. She was talking with...I scrunched my eyes to take a closer look and that is when I saw a small, green bodied frog. The view was almost as beautiful as her. She had dark curly hair with bright green eyes.
I've never seen such a beautiful creature in my life before. I thought back to the first time I laid eyes on her. The sun glistened off a silver pendant dangling from her neck. She kept my pendant, which made me smile.
I wanted to approach her but I was too nervous. What would I say to her? I started to walk closer, but I stopped myself, surely she would run for the hills when she sees my scar. No, I couldn't scare this small, innocent creature with my terrifying looks. And I don't think I would live myself if I knew I was the reason someone ran for the hills.
I quickly cleared my thoughts, deciding to head back to my own kingdom. The human beauty was starting to mess with my thoughts.
As I entered the castle the servants immediately rushed over to me, telling me to hurry to the throne room. My parents, the king and queen, wanted to see me immediately.
I listen to their words and head towards the throne room. When I enter, I notice the grave look on my mother and father's face.
"Mom, dad? What happened?" I asked as I get an unsettling feeling in my stomach. My mother rushes over and starts to cry, I grab her in a hug. I look at my father over my mother's shoulder, begging with my eyes to tell me what happened. My father clears his throat.
"A letter has arrived from King Henry." My heart beat increases at the mention of the human king.
My sister, Eleanor, was sent to marry the king for peace. I never liked the king, there was always something bothering me about him.
"And Eleanor?" I asked.
"The king sent his deepest condolences. Eleanor passed in her sleep last night." The king said with a broken voice.
"No, she can't be dead." I said as my mother hugs me tighter. She wasn't even sick.
"We have to declare war." I said defiantly.
"No, son it is not his fault. We continue our peace treaty." I pull away from my mother and storm out of the room. Vowing to myself that no matter what, I would find a way to start a war and I would kill him myself for he did not look after my sister.
I'm driven by the feeling in my gut that Eleanor's death wasn't natural. Something tells me not to believe a word that the human king says and I follow my instinct.
I will start a war by taking something valuable of the king away from him, and on the battle field I'll drive my sword through him. Even if it is the last thing I do.
Rose's POV
The sun was starting to set when I decided to head home. I didn't want to drive my mother to an early grave with all her worrying.
The house was quiet when I entered. Thinking my mother was maybe searching for me, I tiptoed to my room.
"Is this the time to come home?" My mother's angry voice stops me mid stride.
I turn around and give her a sheepish smile, "I lost track of time."
"Oh, here I was worrying myself to death all the while you lost track of time! What did I tell you about time?"
"I'm sorry mother, I needed to clear my head." I explained.
"And another thing, you just left so suddenly. Why? We were only thinking about the future." She said.
"What was that look you shared with Mr. Grey?" I asked the question that was bugging me.
"Mr Grey and I were only thinking about the possibility of you marrying George." She said.
"You can't be serious?"
"Darling, you should consider your options. George is a good man, and I know he would take care of you." She said.
"I know, mom. I'm just not ready." I said with a sigh.
"I know darling, we never are. Just promise me you would keep your options open?" She pleaded.
"I'll try." I replied. At least I can try.
"Good, now let's go to bed." She said before hugging me and leaving me alone.
I know marriage was something in the near future but I would do anything in my power to marry the person I want to.
Hey guys
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please remember to comment and vote.
And a big thanks to my wonderful editor and best friend, LizardQueenDean and my best friend Amadea for the support.
Happy reading:)
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