What happens when the other is away? Reboot!
Todo drinks a lot and tries to get days to go as fast as possible so she'll come back sooner.
She spoons pillows until he comes home
It's game night every night, Ochako, Jirou, and Setsuna aren't allowed to come but Mina is because she's the original bakusquad bitch.
All the girls of 1-A just sitting there, braiding Tsu's hair because Momo cut her hair and Mina is trying to grow hers out. they talk about work and stuff.
Rumi calls him a lot. She has to talk to him twice a day or she gets sad and lonely. Especially when he has to go while shes pregnant.
Hawks drinks with Edgie and Ryuko because Edgie knows he has to take Hawks home every single time he goes out drinking.
Mei doesn't really notice he's gone until bedtime where she doesn't have anything to spoon so she gets sad and cries for a few hours.
Kaminari gets mega sad and cries before she's even gone. He needs someone to hug at night or he gets sad- oh and Minecraft server
Jirou calls every two days and just looks at pictures of him like he's never coming back.
Dabi x toga
Toga: where r u going?
Dabi: I'm sneaking into Hamilton, shut up.
He cries and has to spend all of his time with Mirio and Bubble Girl because they're his only friends other than Nejire. He has to sushi roll alone and he cries.
She sushi rolls alone and simps over Zuko but realizes Tam tam isn't there so now she's sad.
They're on the same team, doubt it would happen.
(Pregnancy one!)
Ryuko calls him every day and he just sits on bed talking to her. She tells him about her doctors appointment, tells her how much she wants to hug him, and they talk for at least an hour before she gets off.
For him, he stares at his wall or watches tv and just waits until he needs to go to work.
Oh god-
Reiko: im five seconds away from going in front of a mirror and saying Bloody Mary 3 times in a row just so I have someone to talk to
Shinsou just plays with the cat and chinchilla and sends pictures of them to her until she comes back.
I feel like they might team up just because of how well they worked against Mustard so 🌝
Setsuna cries a bit and just spends time with her friends.
Sero: Minecraft server
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