12: Will you?
It's been 2 years ever since Shadow and Amy became a couple again. The other gang had moved to Georgia to travel and have a life at a new city.
The other girls found some boyfriends from now. Cream with Tails, Blaze with Silver, Knuckles with Rouge, Mina with Ash, Tikal with Chaos. Even Sally and Sonic got together when they became really close.
And now the whole gang hang out to a huge festival that was announced yesterday. Everything was plan out for Shadow to do his move.
The festival was huge and amazing. The whole gang played a lot of games, eat some food, and had fun with each other's side.
The sun slowly and almost fell, and Shadow was going to do it.
"Come on Amy, let's go over there" Shadow said and pointed to the thing that has a crowd "Okay" Amy smiled and they run towards it.
Shadow knew what it was. He wanted to do it step by step.
They saw some people (means like animals) dancing. The beat slowly came. And it started.
"It's a beautiful night
We're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby
I think I wanna marry you"
The two dancers dance to the song. The whole gang stared and smiled widely. Sally pulled Sonic in the dance floor. It was part of the plan. They dance the same moves with the two dancers.
"Is it the look in your eyes?
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares baby
I think I wanna marry you"
Tikal and Chaos, join in the dancing. There were six of them now in the dance floor and only ten of them at the gang.
"Well, I know this little chapel
On the boulevard we can go
No one will know
Oh come on, girl"
Mina pulled Ash into the dance floor, the dancers gets many and the gang gets few.
"Who cares if we're trashed?
Got a pocket full of cash, We can blow
Shots of patron
And it's on, girl"
Knuckles and Rouge enter the fun. They knew what this plan was for.
"Don't say no, no no,no,no
Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
And we'll go, go, go, go ,go
If you're ready
Like i'm ready"
Tails and Cream smiled at each other and run up to dance together with the others. Amy was confused and the rest of gang planned it all.
"'Cause it's a beautiful night
We're looking for something dumb to do
Hey, baby
I think I wanna marry you"
Silver mouthed to Shadow 'good luck' before him and Blaze join in to dance.
"Is it the look in your eyes?
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares, baby"
Shadow and Amy stood there. Shadow suddenly joining the dance floor leaving Amy standing there confuse.
"Oh! I'll go get a ring
Let the choir bell sing like
The song continued. The rest of the dancers dance like pros and experts. Shadow smiles at Amy as he dance.
"So what'ya wanna do?
Let's just run girl"
The dancers switch places, changes positions, and mouthed the lyrics.
"If we wake up
And you wanna break up
That's cool"
The dancers exchanged transformations while clapping to the beat.
"No, I won't blame you
It was fun girl"
Shadow mouthed the words. Amy blushed and froze on her spot.
"Don't say no, no, no, no, no
Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
And we'll go, go, go, go, go
If you're ready
Like i'm ready!"
The dancers partnered each other with their lovers into a straight line towards Amy, Shadow was at the back of the whole line of couples.
"'Cause it's a beautiful night
We're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby
I think I wanna marry you"
One couple skip to left the next one into right, then left and it goes on and on and on and on.
"Is it the look in your eyes?
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares, baby
I think I wanna marry you"
The line of couples ended, and Shadow can be seen at the far away line with his hands in his back. His face facing towards Amy.
"Just say I do
Tell me right now, baby
Tell me right now, baby, baby"
Shadow started to walk slowly towards to the standing Amy.
"Just say I do
Tell me right now, baby
Tell me right now, baby, baby
The people that surrounded them were holding up their gadgets and started to record the scene.
"It's a beautiful night
We're looking for something dumb to do
Hey, baby
I think I wanna marry you"
Shadow was now in front of Amy, singing the song.
"Is it the look in your eyes?
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares, baby
I think I wanna marry you"
Shadow pull out the things behind his back and it was a small little box. Couples together, everyone recording it, Amy frozen, and Shadow nervous.
"I know that we had been together for two years and I loved you so much. The memories we had was amazing, we solved our own problems, and we fought our challenges for so long but let me ask you this..." Shadow kneeled down into his knees and Amy pulled her hands into her mouth.
"Amelia Rose...Will you marry me?" He asked opening the little box showing the beautiful bypass ring inside. People around them awed. Amy felt her eyes watering in joy.
"Y-yes!" She stuttered and hugged the midnight colored hedgehog in glee the he was pushed back. to the ground but he hugged back. People cheering in happiness for the new couple.
They stood up and was suddenly been hugged by the other gang.
This was perfect. This was amazing. And it all started because of an amazing blind date.
They don't need an epilogue in their story. Because they say that everything doesn't need an epilogue and just leave it to God. Because the story of Shadow and Amy, is just beginning.
The End.
YAS! Finally the end of blind date of ShadAmy! Did you guys liked it? Anyway hope you guys did, see ya someday! Bye!
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