The Tarzans
"Oh, look at that, we're here," the Doctor observed, momentarily halting the conversation on the planet's terra-forming inhabitants, much to the human's disappointment.
The line of gold trees had ended, and now the company was standing in front of... more trees. Brown one's this time, though, and there were vines hanging from a couple of a trees, almost like a wall. Walking around, the Doctor realized that there where more than one 'wall', and if he walked all the way around, he found the vines hanging from the trees were arranged in a square shape, around the size of small room.
A quick check with his sonic screwdriver revealed to the Doctor that the vines were, unsurprisingly, also artificial.
"So... do we knock?" John asked, after the humans watch the Doctor wonder around for a full five minutes. "Or... what?"
"No, John, what we do is yell for L. G. Sepplia," Sherlock spat sarcastically from where he was examining a tree. Every time John looked at him, John had to remind himself that they weren't on Earth, and that the trees weren't, well, actually trees.
"Yell for him?" Rory asked. "That doesn't-."
"No, Sherlock's right," the Doctor interrupted. Sherlock's face lit up in surprise for a moment, before he manage to squash it. "We DO yell. Just take a deep breath and-."
"No, no, that... that won't be necessary," someone interrupted. The Doctor and his friends turned around to see someone that looked vaguely like the receptionist, but bit a little smaller and with a monocle, poking his head out from the vines. "Please don't yell."
"Ah!" the Doctor cried. "L. G. Sepplia, I assume."
"Yes, yes, that's me," Sepplia nodded. He came out of the vine wall, and the company saw that he was leaning heavily on a cane. "But who are all of you? And how are you here? I told Terk not to let anybody in... you didn't threaten them, did you?"
"No, of course not," Amy scoffed. "Why asked them to see you and they... I don't know, lit up some trees."
"They did?" Sepplia cried. "But I told them not to!"
"Well, obviously, they didn't listen," Sherlock huffed.
Sepplia stared in shock, gaping at Sherlock, as if baffled at the thought that someone wouldn't do as their told, but he was shook out of the stupor by the Doctor stepping forward.
Sepplia quickly stepped back, asking: "Why are you all here?"
The Doctor, aware of Sepplia's fear, halted his movements, and calmly told Sepplia: "Don't worry, we aren't going to hurt you. We're here about O.C.T.A.V.I.A."
Sepplia looked confused. "O.C.T.A.V.I.A? What's that?"
"You don't know what O.C.T.A.V.I.A is?" Rory asked. "Didn't you work on her?"
"I don't- Oh!" Sepplia suddenly realized. "You mean the asteroid machine? Yes, I helped build that. Well, a little?"
"A little?" Amy repeated.
"I didn't work on the actual machine," Sepplia explained. "Just the actual asteroid it's on."
"Okay, that's interesting..." the Doctor told him. "But we still need your signature."
Why?" Sepplia asked, frowning.
"Because O.C.T.A.V.I.A has become self aware," the Doctor told him. "And she doesn't like her... home, let's say. She wants out."
"Wants out?" Sepplia repeated. "That... well, why do you need me?"
"We need you signature," John repeated from earlier.
"Ah, yes, right," Sepplia nodded. "I... I guess. But I have to warn you, my vote doesn't count for a whole lot."
"Doesn't matter," Sherlock huffed. "We still need it."
"We need at least three," John explained. "Three out of five."
"You don't know this?" Rory asked, confused.
At first, Sepplia doesn't answer, but then he just takes a pen from his pocket (one that appeared mysteriously) and signs the sheet.
"Any thing that'll make you leave faster," he muttered. Then he straightened up, and hobbled back to his room.
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