𝟏𝟏: 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭
Cressida held her hand against her hip as she bit down onto the dry skin of her bottom lip. She's been doing that a lot lately to the point where no Chapstick was helpful enough but she couldn't help it, the nerves take over her and there's no stopping her anxiousness.
She took a step towards Violet and placed her cold hands-on Violet's shoulders, gripping them so harshly that it caught Violet off guard. Her intimidating eyes landed on Violet's simple ones and she locked with them.
"You don't have to explain your emotions to me, because I won't understand. I've never been through what you have been through Violet." she kept a demanding tone, like she was turning angry. "But you made a promise –"
"I know that Cress but –"
"But nothing!" Cressida grew frustrated, her voice pitching higher than usual. "Promises are to be kept, especially after everything you've done! You're lucky I didn't tell anyone about Draco when I found out because this would have been a lot worse. So, for your sake and for mine, keep your bloody promise or I will talk this time!"
Violet clenched her jaw, suddenly feeling like a surge of anger was running through every nerve in her body like a shock. The second she felt it heat up her hands, she used them to push Cressida off of her, backing away with a straight face and a heavy chest.
She couldn't understand how Cressida considered herself a friend when she treated Violet like a piece of meat. At Violet's lowest she had to make it all about herself and about what she wanted.
"I think you should leave; this is my home Cressida and I don't care what it is, you hold over my head, it won't stop me from telling you when I think you've crossed the line." Violet whispered in a calm tone, trying to be civilized even though she was dying to throw a punch. "Thomas may be your brother but he is my husband! Stop trying to interfere in my life and my marriage because I know very well that you would throw tantrums if I was to do the same to you."
"I beg your par-"
"You will beg when I'm done!" Violet raised her voice, making the kitchen doors slide open. "I am tired of people stepping over me!"
By now Violet's voice had begun to crack under the weight of the tears forming in her eyes and the lump in her throat. She let the tears roll down her cheeks because of how upset she was, not even paying attention to Thomas and Draco who had entered the foyer with concerned looks.
"I have never had time to think about what I want!" she cried with her hand against her chest that was heaving up and down at a fast pace. "It has always been about you and what you want! Or about what everyone else wants for me! Well not anymore!"
"You sound selfish!" Cressida gasped with annoyance. "Everything you have done; you've done without thinking of consequences! You're a brat Violet, a selfish brat!"
"That's enough Cressida! Shut your mouth!" Thomas stepped in, standing tall in Violet's eye sight as she dropped her head in her hands. "This is my wife and I will not allow you to speak to her in such ways in our home! Leave!"
Cressida looked over Thomas' shoulder at Violet and then back at him, shaking her head in disappointment.
"You just watch." she warned, pushing past him with a shove. "Your wife has so many secrets."
Draco watched with an uncomfortable feeling as Cressida walked away, giving him a side eye that explained what secrets she meant. He felt his heart drop to his feet, an empty pit making him feel sick to his stomach. His eyes followed Cressida to the two large doors of the home that once was his, leaving him alone with the couple as she walked through them and slammed them shut.
At this point, Violet was hyperventilating in a crouched position as Thomas kneeled beside her to rub his hand down her back in comfort. It was uncontrollable for her to stop now; all her emotions were seeping through the wall she had put up so long ago. She thought she was strong enough to bottle it all in longer but it had become too much for her to handle that it's just breaking her into a teary mess.
Her hand gripped the material of the cardigan she was wearing, her sobs not allowing her to breathe correctly so she pulled it away from her skin in need of some space. She felt her body go uncomfortably hot, breaking her into a sweat like a panic attack was coming in.
"Violet, Violet darling, what's wrong?" Thomas panicked, not knowing how to comfort her in such an erratic situation. "What can I do to help you?"
Violet shook her head, rubbing her sweaty palms up and down the top of her thighs. Her nails ripped seams into the dark tights on her legs as she tried to dig them into her skin to feel something other than the panic running through her veins.
"Fuck!" she whispered harshly under her breath, feeling her body shake as the feeling mixed with the rapid heartbeat she could feel everywhere.
Thomas shot his head up to Draco, seeing a worried look on his face as well. "What do I do? I-I've never dealt with this b-before."
Draco stood in panic, watching as Violet turned a bright red all over, simply from the heat running through her body. Her eyes looked up to meet him, her watered eyes connected to his frightened ones and he got down on his knees, swallowing the nervousness in his throat.
The sudden action that brought him to his knees made Violet gasp in startle, dropping back on her bum as he moved closer to her. She didn't know what it meant but then again, she wasn't in the right mindset to question anything.
"I know what I can do, Thomas." he spoke calmly, panic attacks were nothing new to him. "How about you go help her by handling the Ministry?"
As Thomas nodded his way towards the front doors, taking quick glances back at his wife, Draco gently wrapped his arms around Violet before locking her in a tight embrace she couldn't escape. Violet protested the hold, pushing her palms against his toned chest but he didn't even budge.
"Don't tou-" Violet broke her words, shaking uncontrollably in his hold. "You're suffocating me! Stop it!"
She screamed pleads as she fought for release in his arms that felt like they were drowning her more than she already was. Her palms continued to pound against his chest but he didn't budge nor loosen his grip; Draco simply kept the same tight grip around her body, repeating quiet shushes into the top of her head as he rocked her back and forth.
"Let me go!" she managed to catch her breath, squirming in his hold that made her feel uncomfortable and itchy. "Please! Please, I don't need you fixing me!"
"I'm not fixing you; think of it as a favor." Draco slid his hands from her back, trying not to make it so noticeable as he gripped her thigh and brought it around his waist. "You'll be fine."
Violet stopped fighting against him when she felt her body get lifted onto his lap, making her straddle him as he adjusted himself to extend his legs out in front of him. He swallowed nervously as he rewrapped his arms around her back, pulling her chest to chest with him so she could relax to his heart beat against hers.
Without even realizing it, she wrapped her own arms around his neck and sunk her face into the warmth of his chest. She closed her eyes and inhaled a calm breath, filling her lungs with the intoxicating smell of his cologne that he hasn't changed since their last encounter. The smell made her feel like she was in the past, when everything was better than the moment they're in.
She focused on the sound of his heartbeat that was right where her ear was, draining into her head so it silenced the thoughts that were screaming in her mind. At the same time, Draco began rubbing his hand up and down her back in a way that soothed her nerves.
"I had many panic attacks in my younger years." he whispered with embarrassment as Violet opened her eyes to catch a glimpse of the bottom of his jawline and the extended rim of his clear glasses. "I usually got them after my father would hit me which left some scars that I know you've noticed on my body. I'm grateful you never questioned them or else we would be in opposite positions with me hyperventilating in your arms."
Violet's tears dried down on her flushed cheeks, her attention being drawn away from her problems to listen to Draco open up to her.
"Usually when they would happen, I stuffed an old school tie in my mouth and screamed my lungs out until I collapsed. That was the easier way to handle an attack." he continued pouring out life details that Violet would have never known if this moment hadn't happened between them. "But my worst one was the day I left you."
That caught Violet's attention more than anything, making her grip the back of his blazer in her sweaty palms.
"I was driving to catch a train when all of a sudden, my lungs grew tight and it felt like tons had been dropped on my chest. My vision blurred and my glasses just made it all worse because of their prescription." he continued stroking along her back, bringing his other hand to run through her hair where her bow sat imperfectly now. "My body broke out in such a disgusting sweat that my hands could barely grip the wheel without sliding off. Next thing I knew, I passed out behind the wheel and drove my car into a brick wall."
"Are you alright now?" Violet picked her head off his chest, meeting his height so their faces were in front of each other's. "What happened after that?"
"After that, I woke up in New York with Astoria by my bedside with no idea how I got there, even till this day." he answered as he brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, caressing her jawline. "I'm alright now but at that moment all I wanted to do was call you and tell you what happened. I hadn't had a panic attack in almost twenty years but the day I left you was so impactful that it fueled all those years into the worst one ever."
"Oh I-I'm sorry." Violet felt at fault, dropping her eyes down in shame.
"It's not your fault Violet, look at me." he curled his index finger under her chin, lifting it so her eyes met through his lenses. "You made me feel again and loving you made me know what pain felt like when I left."
"Then why did you leave?" Violet cried in his hold, keeping her arms around his neck. "I loved you."
Draco whimpered at her words, moving his hand to the back of her neck and pulling her forehead against his. He closed his eyes as their noses brushed against one another's, fueling this desire that made him need to cry.
"I was a fool." his voice cracked in pain, his grip on her neck and back tightening. "I loved more than life itself so I thought that leaving would protect you but god look what has happened to you. I left you to crumble to the ground and I'm so sorry my sweet Violet."
Violet couldn't help but break a saddened smile at his name for her. It broke her heart and completed her at the same time.
"I wanted to feel close to you, that's why I bought this home." she confessed with tears rolling down her cheeks, dropping on her plaid skirt. "I know it was wrong to not move on but I couldn't. I needed to be reminded that you weren't a dream, that you were real and at one point you were mine and I was yours."
Silence ran through them after Violet's confession, making her feel uneasy for revealing something and not getting a response in return. She felt as though maybe she was being too vulnerable with him but she couldn't help it.
All she wanted was him to know how she felt.
"Do you feel better now?" Draco avoided further conversation about their emotions towards each other, not wanting to complicate things again.
"Oh, uhm –" Violet shifted uncomfortably while nodding. "– I do. Thank you."
She felt ignored emotionally and back to her state of sadness from the day he left but she wasn't going to say all that.
"Good, that's good." Draco smiled.
Violet swallowed the lump in her throat and moved her hands off him, resting them flat on the floor to give herself a push up. She stood tall on her feet and backed away from him with such embarrassment that he saw her in a vulnerable state.
Her hand brushed over her forearm as Draco towered over her once more, dusting off his trousers and fixing his hair like always. Violet reached behind her head and adjusted her silky black bow that was clipped on her brunette curls, needing to do something with her hands so they could stop shaking.
"Did you need something from here?" Violet questioned, bringing attention to the fact that he was here for breakfast with no announcement.
Draco sighed loudly like he was fighting the words that were going to slip off his tongue. He took his glasses from his face and brought them down to his blazer to wipe them clean as he shook his head in return.
"It's not important, I could deal with it another day." he clicked his tongue and put his glasses back on before looking back up at Violet. "Would you like a ride to the Ministry? Maybe there we could discuss getting my job back?"
"Let's think of it as me returning the favor." Violet spoke as she used her wand to fix the seams she had made in her tights. "I just need to grab something, wait for me in the car?"
"Of course, I'll be waiting."
Violet gave a thankful smile before pacing up the stairs, holding the banister for support after what felt like an exercise due to her attack. She didn't dare look back at him – afraid she would do something she'd regret if she did – so she simply relied on the sound of fading footsteps and slamming doors in the distance.
As she reached the door to her office, she apparated a key into her slender fingers, unlocking the door and letting herself in. She went into the room that always reminded her of Draco, in search of her wand that was somewhere in here.
The morning sun – which was usually clouded by clouds dropping snow – was shining brightly through the opened door shades of her office window. Its warmth grazed her skin as she wiped any remaining tears from her pale face, making way through the one room that normally felt cold.
Today it felt warm, like home.
It felt different and she didn't know why.
She looked out across the office, eyes landing on the cherry wood desk that held her wand and other things she didn't need at the moment. In a rush, she lunged forward, ready to walk for it but her foot stomped against the hollow slab. The sudden shift beneath her foot made her stop and drop her eyes down to the slab she hasn't opened in a while. Her heart fluttered, remembering what was hidden below the flooring.
The slab gave another jolt when she lifted her foot, walking away from it before she was stuck crying on the floor like previous times. She fanned her eyes with her hands, trying to dry the tears that have yet to escape as she met her hips to the desk, reaching for her wand.
It's been some time since Violet last uncovered the secret hidden below the floor; she would often sit there and imagine what life would be like if she were to be engaged or married with Draco.
Sometimes she would imagine a happy marriage where he would work and come home, roses in hand and she would be making dinner in the kitchen. She never imagined housekeepers or maids because she imagined herself happy enough to cook and clean and be a mother.
However, sometimes – when she was worried or in the wrong mindset – she would wonder if their marriage would be like his and Astoria's. If it would be cold, loveless and forced and if he'd always be looking elsewhere for the thrill Violet gave him.
Violet was so drowned out in her own world, staring down at the slab that she didn't feel the vibration of her phone in her hand. It wasn't until it started again the second time, that she realized an unknown number was calling her cellphone.
"Hello?" she spoke questionably into the phone as she pressed it against her ear. "Who is this?"
"New number, Violet." Draco responded with a small chuckle. "I was just wondering if you're alright up there?"
Violet looked around in realization of how long she was taking, before she walked out in a hurry with the phone still pressed to her ear. She quickly locked the door and ran down the stairs.
"I'm sorry, I got distracted. I'm heading down the stairs."
"See you here."
She didn't bother to say another word of goodbye, seeing as she would be sitting beside him in a matter of seconds. Her head shot back to get a last look at her office door, feeling uneasy as she walked closer to the front doors of her home. Those doors were separating her from Draco and even though they just had a moment she's grateful for, she can't help but feel scared and shy around him, like they were strangers.
It felt like they were strangers after so long.
Violet opened the doors and saw Draco leaning casually against the passenger door, cigarette dangling between his lips as he looked at the sky. He turned at the sound of footsteps, a smile curling on his face and moving the cigarette to the corner of his mouth when he saw Violet.
"You barely touched your food earlier." he spoke through puffs of toxic fumes, opening her door at the same time as Violet listened and sat down. "Do you want to stop for a pastry and a coffee? You probably don't want a full meal."
"A cigarette will do." Violet sighed as she buckled herself in, crossing her legs formally.
Draco chuckled with a nod, taking out his own and placing it between her lips before she could protest it or process the moment. She simply took a sharp inhale, watching wide eyed as he shut the door and hurried to the drivers side, hopping in and starting the engine.
She grabbed the cigarette with her thumb and middle finger, holding it out the open window so ashes didn't fall on her lap as she caught a breath. Her lips subconsciously pulled a smirk as she tapped her index finger against the cigarette, tapping out any excess. Just as she did so, Draco began driving off through a driveway surrounded by large walls of bushes.
The morning breeze swept through Violet's hair, making the hair on her neck stand up from the unexpected coldness to her skin. She took one last drag of the small bit left from the cigarette before she tossed it and rolled up the window.
"Is it as freezing in New York as it is here?" she huffed cold air into her hands, rubbing them together for warmth.
"I'm sorry?" Draco turned slightly, seeing her shivering through the corner of his eyes.
"New York, was it cold?" she repeated with a chitter of her teeth. "You mentioned that's where you were."
Realization hit him and he just hummed in response – for the moment – and took one hand of the wheel to turn on the car's heater. He adjusted to the vents, aiming them more towards Violet since she seemed a lot colder than him.
Violet caught the gesture and pulled a smile, sitting comfortable as the warm air grazed her. "Thank you."
He responded with another hum, making it seem like the question bothered him or brought his mood down. His eyebrows had furrowed together, lips forming a thin line like he was thinking or perhaps he was concentrating and Violet was being paranoid.
"I didn't like New York much." He finally responded with words, catching Violet's attention as she turned to stare at his side profile. "It was damp, full of too many people and too many rodents. The muggles were disrespectful and the language may have been the same but they were...weird speakers."
"Weird speakers?" Violet questioned, seeming like that's the only thing she caught onto.
"Yes, weird speakers." he pursed his lips but looked like he wanted to laugh. "What's good with you? Where you from homie?"
Violet turned in shock, hearing him speak that way with no accent. She slapped her hand over her mouth and laughed uncontrollably at the weirdness that came out of his British mouth.
"Don't laugh at me!" he couldn't help but laugh either, turning to see Violet dying of laughter in her seat, snorting even "That's actually how they spoke to me the first time I interacted with a muggle from there."
"That's hilarious!" Violet cackled, wiping tears of joy from under her eyes. "My goodness! How did you even respond?"
"I simply said I wasn't from there and walked away." he shrugs and focuses on the road again, turning the heater down a bit now that it's toasty in the car. "That wasn't the worst I heard however. I was mugged as well! It was mad! They had a weapon of some sort against my head and I didn't have much value, seeing as my money was wizard money and my jewelry was at home. So, they simply let me go and told me to keep my weirdness in another block."
"Sounds like a gruesome place to live, why would anyone go there?" Violet shook her head in awe of what she heard. "Was there at least some beauty to it?"
Draco recalled the one thing he liked about New York, the one person to be more precise. However, he couldn't tell Violet about that because it would ruin her and this good morning they're surprisingly having together.
"No, horrid place." he brushes it off with a shake of his head. "There's more beauty here in England."
He turned his eyes to Violet for a moment, taking a deep breath at the sight of her smiling out the window as she listened to him speak. His heart fluttered and his cheeks turned warm, even red because of how in awe he was.
Not wanting to get caught doing that, he turned back to the road and pulled into the nearest parking space in a quiet street. He put the car in park and turned off the engine, quickly getting out to open Violet's door for her as she gathered her phone and wand in hand. His hand combed his hair back as he opened the passenger door, his eyes following Violet who was stepping out of the car with a smile after that laugh she had.
"Thank you." she said that phrase again to him, noticing she'd told him that a lot that morning. "Are we taking the visitors entrance?"
"Yes, I needed somewhere to park my car, sorry."
She began walking, turning back to look at him with a laugh escaping her lips. "Don't apologize, it's not like you drove us to the other side of the world."
Draco responded with a quiet chuckle before he jogged to catch up to her, putting his hands casually in his pocket the second he stood beside her. He had forgotten how much shorter she had been next to him, how he could see the top of her head and see how she struggled to reach the back and make the straight line all the way down.
He always adored that, it made him feel like she wouldn't have to worry about it being messed up ever again because he would always be there to fix it.
Now he just feels nauseous, recalling all those emotions he once had and ruined.
As they reached the red telephone box – that would lead them secretly to the ministry – he pulled his eyes away from her and held open the door for them both. She walked inside and stood against the side wall, giving him a piece of room to her right.
"It's a bit snug." he cleared his throat awkwardly, accidentally squishing her because of his broad frame and tallness.
He turned himself around as best as he could to face the telephone which he needed to put money into so they could move. In doing so, their backs pressed against each other's, causing them both to inhale patchy breaths of shock. Violet looked down to her right and noticed how close his hand was to hers, nearly grazing one another's because of how squished they were.
It was quiet in the box, nothing but the sound of Draco dropping coins and dialing certain numbers only a wizard would dial. He was shaking as he dialed, nervous of how close she was to him and how long it would take before he did something he would regret.
Thankfully, just as Violet was about to move her hand, the box began to drop down abruptly, shaking the box.
"We're moving." Violet laughed awkwardly, holding her hand to her chest so it wouldn't touch his by accident.
Draco laughed back to ease the tension, starting to turn himself at the same time so he could walk out right after her. In doing so, the small space caused him to press against her bum, a gasp escaping her lips.
"I'm sorry, oh gosh!" Draco turned red all over, trying to turn back around but they were already landing on Ministry grounds. "I thought there would be a little more space, I didn't mean to."
"It's fine just stop moving, it's making it worse." Violet shut her eyes in frustration, pushing the door open with hurry the second they landed on the ground. "Follow me."
Draco wasted no time to run after her, letting the telephone box host another pair of wizards who needed to leave. He looked around the packed Ministry, feeling past memories flood his mind at the sight he's now a stranger to.
"I have a meeting with the Aurors in five minutes –" Violet spoke as they walked and people made pathways through crowds for her to walk through. "– you're more than welcome to join in the meantime, so you will be able to catch up on the new additions and rules. There's some new uniforms in my office I could give you if you don't want to sit in your suit, just change while I start the meeting."
"I think I'd like to change, thank you."
"No problem." Violet smiled in return as she stepped into an empty elevator with much more space, seeing as Draco stood on the opposite side. "I want to tell you now, before you find out in the meeting or in private but Theo...he's the new Head Auror."
Violet had recalled seeing Draco's file in her fathers office when the position of Minister was passed down to her. It was stacked upon piles of other Aurors requesting the position, including Theo's.
It brought her back to the day Violet had found out about her father being Minister. When she went to Nott Manor to speak with him, suddenly both Theo and Draco had appeared with files in hand, needing to talk to Carl. She didn't know what they were for then, but seeing as she became Minister, the decision was ultimately up to her and she had to choose but now that Draco was there, she knew he'd be upset about her decision.
"I want to say that the decision was completely based on what I read in the files." Violet spoke in a quiet tone, careful not to spread information to the door boy. "I wasn't picking favorites, so please don't think that is the reason he has that position. I'm not like that."
"You don't have to explain anything to me Violet." Draco lit a fresh cigarette between his lips, probably stressed already. "I am not the Minister, you are and if your decision for Head Auror was Theo, then I'm sure it was a good decision. He's good at his job, I understand your reasons."
His words made Violet feel at ease and a smile took over her worried expression, the gate opening at the perfect time. They got to step off the elevator on the same good terms as when they stepped on.
"I'll see you in the meeting room Draco." she walked backwards as she talked to him. "My office keys, lock the door when you're done."
She tossed him a pair of large, golden keys which he struggled to catch but eventually did. Once he looked up, Violet was already walking into the meeting room with a serious look on her face. His eyes stood on her until the door shut and he was staring at nothing but the empty walkway to her office doors.
He was alone again.
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