8- Just Us. And Naruto.
Sakura found a sleeping Sasuke at the couch of her room and she didn't waste the opportunity to kneel beside him and admire his features.
She wondered how was his skin still so smooth and clear despite the battles and travels he's been through. She bets her life the last Uchiha doesnt even have a skin care routine, yet he still managed to look so effortlessly flawless. His pointed nose has never changed, but his jaws and cheekbones developed so well that he looked even manlier and confident now. His lashes and lips- oh how she envied these features because it made him look more beautiful than her. His eyes are closed now, though, so his glares and sharp eyes are concealed, making him look like an angel sent from above.
As if he isn't the worst nightmare anyone can face on a battle field.
When the two blond visitors dropped by like they normally do earlier, the pinkette has decided it was best to let Sasuke be when he locked himself up inside her room. This was to give him some space because as much as he is apparently trying, he is still not a fan of socialization. It was very obvious to her that all the effort Sasuke spent on such activities ever since he came back to the village were starting to drain him, and that's the last thing she wanted him to feel while being home. Further, Naruto already got to spend some time with him everyday since his arrival so making him sit this one out will be fine. And as for Ino... Sakura doesn't see any reason as to why should Sasuke be troubled just to hang out with her. She's sure there will be some other time, and it's not urgent so there's no way this will stop Sasuke from getting his well-deserved rest.
"Are they gone?" The ravenette suddenly muttered, startling Sakura. He almost smirked as he noticed her blood rushing to her cheeks because she was caught in the act, but then again, expressions are harder for Sasuke than learning how to fight with only one arm.
"Er...well... they left. But I wouldn't say they're gone." She replied and awkwardly moved away. "It's safe to say Naruto would come bother you first thing tomorrow because you didn't spare him a word tonight."
"Hn," was all Sasuke said, but his irritation for the possible tricks the future Hokage might pull tomorrow lingered on his tone. "Goodnight, Sakura." He said and got up to the door.
"W-wait!" She called hesitantly. "Aren't you.. uhm... going to sleep here?"
Sasuke then cant help but smild as his feet automatically walked back to her, poking her forehead with his two fingers. "Maybe next time. I've already bothered you last night."
"It's fine..." I enjoyed it. Sakura blushed.
"Go to sleep, Sakura." He insisted with a smile.
Sasuke then proceeded to fix the sofa bed at the living area, making himself comfortable as he try to find sleep again.
It was hard, nevertheless. For one, he has just woken up, and his senses are on its height. He just can't get himself sleepy. Two, one night cuddling with Sakura made his body realize it could find much more comfort than what a soft mattress with nice pillows and a warm blanket could offer. He felt like he was craving to be with her again- not sexually for that matter because they haven't done it DUH- and find the peace he's been looking for ever since he can remember through her calming scent.
With such thoughts, Sasuke remembered their little romantic moment before the usual disturbances arrived. He basically put into words who she truly was to him, and verbally expressed his worries of not being worthy of her love. Of course, Sasuke believes he had already made his feelings apparent after the war- even before he actually managed to acknowledge it himself. The tap on the forehead before he left the village again was the biggest act of love he has ever done after the murder of his clan; how he came home to check if she's fine when he's heard that she's been kidnapped showed how much he cared; and that little letter he sent to assure her that he was there for her in spirit while their friends find their own partners in life just made it all clear that Sasuke was offering her his company.
To the ever stoic Uchiha, all of these acts were already his forms of confessions so Sakura should have already known who she was to him. However, eariler was the first time he's actually put his real feelings into words as he managed to finally accept these feelings to himself.
It was also the first time he's kissed her- or anybody, in the intentional sense. He's never wanted to kiss anyone else anyway- especially not Naruto, despite being placed in disgusting circumstances where their lips just has to meet- so he just cant get the scenarios from earlier out of his head.
He wondered if he did it right or wrong. It felt good so it must have been right, right? Sasuke sighs heavily. It seems that his years living with Orochimaru really did take a huge toll on his normalcy.
The last Uchiha's overthinking was, however, cut off when he smelled rust and felt the mattress get soaked.
Sasuke immediately stood to check why was there blood flooding Sakura's appartment. With a horrified look, he discovered the red liquid was coming from her room, and it was beginning to fill all corners of her home with its amount.
What the hell is this.
"Sakura!" He called worriedly and pushed her locked door open. "Sakura what-"
"Oh hi, brother." The man sitting on the pinkette's bed smiled a warm smile which caused the younger Uchiha to panic. "N-no. You're dead. You-"
"Am not. I'm here, correct?" Itachi asked and raised a brow.
Of course Sasuke didn't believe it. He didn't want to believe it. How could he believe it when he saw Itachi died in front of him twice? It will be impossible to see him again, especially like this. Most importantly, how could he believe it when he's seeing himself behind his supposed dead brother, holding Sakura's neck and brutally slitting her throat slowly with a smirk.
"Sa-sasuke-kun...why?" Sakura called as her eyes begin to close. The amout of blood she was spilling was suffocating, and while Sasuke kept telling himself it wasnt real, his knees just cant help but tremble at the sight.
The last Uchiha then closed his eyes, forcing himself out of a possible genjutsu, yet found himself in the same spot over and over again.
"It would be no good, dear brother. You're not really under a genjutsu right now."
"No!" He protested. "This cannot be reality. I refuse to think this is reality!"
"But it is!" Itachi stood and walked towards him. The younger Uchiha found himself walking backwards, back to the living area where Sakura's blood reached, and had his knees finally gave out.
"This is your reality. Everyone you love gets killed, and it's all because of you!" Itachi yelled accusingly. At that point, blood also began to flow out of Sasuke's hand, and he recognized that it was not his own. "Why did our clan die? Because it had to be done so your little precious life could be spared. Why did I die? So you can get that curse mark out of your system because your weak ass had to stop relying on that power! Why would Sakura die? Because in the end, you will kill her when you're done with her, just like how you almost did when you thought she's of no use to you!"
"I will never!" Sasuke cried, desperately trying to stop the flow of the blood in his hand until he realized he couldnt... because he had been squeezing a heart he couldnt let go off.
"Oh but can't you feel it? The warmth of that chidori that almost pierced through her heart?" Itachi smirked as he began to laugh. "You think you deserve to live happily with her? You think you can live in this village after murdering hundreds of lives? Wake up, Sasuke. You must never be happy."
"Wake up, Sasuke." Itachi's voice echoed, but this time, it didn't come from the smirking devilish man in front of him. It came from inside Sasuke himself. "No matter what happens, I will always love you."
"You can share your pain with me, Sasuke. We can share the same burden." Naruto's voice said.
With this, Sasuke forced himself to rise. He stared hard at the fake Itachi in front of him, trying to break out from the illusion he is seeing.
It didn't matter if it was genjutsu or whatever. He just knew it wasn't real, because Itachi never blamed him, and he would never hurt Sakura now.
"No matter what happened, I will always accept you." This time it was Sakura's voice he heard. "I have long forgiven you, so please forgive yourself too."
"Sakura, I- I-"
"Wake up, please. Wake up." Sakura said as she appeared in front of him, completely free from any trace of blood now.
Sasuke then tasted something salty on his lips. Such were tears, he determined, but again, these weren't his. "Please, Sasuke-kun. Wake up."
The last Uchiha gasped for air as his surroundings changed. He realized he was still laying on the sofa bed, and the reason why he could taste the pinkette's tears was because she was hovering over him. Crying and shaking him to get out of his own dream.
"Sakura.." he called, struggling to breathe.
"It's me. It's me." She confirmed and cupped his cheeks as he try to normalize his breathing. She helped him sit and never took her eyes off of him, smiling with a reassuring smile that told Sasuke everything will be alright. "Breathe with me. Follow my breathing."
It was the most abrasive, almost insulting, instruction Sasuke has ever received in his life. Nonetheless, he couldn't get mad at its initiator for two reasons: one, it's Sakura; and two, he couldn't even do it.
His mind was drowning in thoughts he couldn't even identify now, and his heart seemed like it signed up for a race. He was aware of his surroundings now, but regardless, it felt like his body was still burning and suffering.
"Inhale," Sakura insisted as she placed one hand on his hand, and the other remained on his cheek. The last Uchiha then tried to do as she says, inhaling whenever she says so, and then exhaling the next.
"Sasuke-kun, what is the prettiest thing about my face?" She asked as if it was a normal situation- as if Sasuke wasnt trying to recover from a panic attack. He wanted to scoff or glare at her, but the worry etched on her face told him that this was just one of her medic ways to help him.
Because of that, and the glimmer in her captivating eyes, he decided to cooperate. "Y-your ey-eyes." He replied, touching her eyes as his heartbeat start to slow down and regularzie. "Yo-your lips, too. A-and hair. B-beautiful."
The pinkette then smiled and blushed as the last Uchiha traced the features of her face. He was starting to regain control, but Sakura knew it will take more than normalization of breathing to counter a panic attack. "Now tell me, does my hair smell?"
Sasuke then closed his eyes and took a subtle whiff. His lips almost formed a smile when he answered "no," because the smell apparently made him feel better.
"What did it smell like?"
"Do you like cherries?"
"No..." he said. "T-tomatoes."
How can he be so cute at a time like this?! Inner Sakura complained. "So you don't like my scent?"
"I like... Only you." Sasuke struggled. Oh he doesnt like sweets, yes. But if it's Sakura that smelled sweet or tasted sweet then he wont have any complaints. "Sakura."
"Hm?" The blushing pinkette asked.
"Thank you."
"No worries, Sasuke-kun. Are you feeling better now?"
"Hn," he replied. "Kinda. Could you stay here for a while?"
"Of course." She agreed and sat next to him. She then guided his head to lean on her shoulders, and while she thought he would protest, she heard him sigh in relief at the contact. She proceeded to caress his soft locks to remind him that she's just right beside him, also holding his hand with her other hand and giving it little squeezes from time to time. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"Maybe next time." He took another deep breath and Sakura felt him shut his eyes tight. "Sakura."
"Maybe we should sleep together."
Sakura smiled at this. She still can't get used to Sasuke being romantically involved, no matter how much he tries to mask it, especially when he does it with her and only her. "Maybe. I think cuddling lessens nightmares."
"Do you cuddle with others?" Sasuke asked calmly, but Sakura felt it was laced with threat.
"No, of course not."
"Not even with Naruto?"
"Especially not with Naruto."
"Hn." He said and the pinkette felt him smile.
"Do you want to sleep in the bedroom or shall we sleep here?"
"Okay, rest Sasuke-kun."
"I will. I won't ever leave your side." She looked at him and flashed a smile, urging him to lay down and get some sleep now because she knew how tiring panic attacks in the form of dreams are. Sasuke took her smile as another reassurance and he tried to find a comfortable position again, closing his eyes and holding his lover's hand as he let the mental exhaustion consume his consciousness.
"I love you." Sakura murmured when she thought he was already asleep.
"Aa." He replied and couldn't stop himself from smiling before he completely dozed off.
Sasuke spent the next couple of weeks with a simple routine. He'd have breakfast with Sakura or Naruto- sometimes both, drop the pinkette off at her work, do some training, clean both his and Sakura's apartments, read or watch anything when he doesn't have matters to discuss with Kakashi or Naruto, and then pick up Sakura from work. After that, the two of them would usually walk around the village or catch up somewhere quiet before going home to eat dinner.
It was a simple yet thrilling routine for him. It made him anxious yet so comfortable; nervous yet so excited to face new days. Even though Sasuke still cleans his own apartment, it appears he now really resides in Sakura's place. He also sleeps in her bedroom now because, as the two of them claimed, cuddling lessens the occurence of nightmares.
Of course the last Uchiha still gives Sakura some distance so he wouldn't trespass her personal space. He didn't kiss her nor touch her any more than a simple hug at night after their little heated moment when she confronted him about their status. Nevertheless, Sasuke suspects that the pinkette wasn't so thrilled about his own language of respect. He guesses only he and Kakashi truly had an idea about the significance of personal space in the team ever since, because one, Sakura is so comfortable with him around her small flat. Two, Naruto never seemed to bother when the hell he would barge into someone else' home.
Like, now.
"Teme!!" He greeted, inviting himself inside Sakura's place without even knocking.
"When will you learn how to knock?" Sasuke rolled his eyes.
"Probably when someone else occupies this flat." The blonde spat with sarcasm. "It's just you and Sakura-chan here 'ttebayo. We're practically siblings already so why bother?"
"Sakura and I aren't siblings."
"Ah, right. You two aren't siblings because you want to make siblings."
"Shut up."
"You didn't deny it, huh?" Naruto flashed a smirk he reserves for teasing the ravenette as he planted himself next to him in the sofa.
"Just shut up. Why are you here anyway?"
"Because it's your birthday tomorrow dattebayo! I wanted to give you a present first." The future hokage grinned so wide Sasuke felt terrified. He can almost read the word 'trouble' in the blonde's teeth.
"I don't need a present."
"Why? Did Sakura-chan give you the best one possible already?"
The last Uchiha didnt bother to hold himself back and punched Naruto in the gut right after he uttered the words.
He'll heal fast, and I don't have super strength like Sakura so he should be thankful I did it in her place.
"Please keep your dirty thoughts to yourself. Actually, dont keep any dirty thoughts at all, dobe."
"What do you mean dirty? I was just asking if you two are formally dating now, you baka!"
Oh. Sasuke fought a blush.
"It's you who's dirty dattebayo. Now I really think you did something dir- NO, STOP PUNCHING! YOU ASSHOLE." Naruto stood up in a comical protective stance. "Hmp. Anyway, here's my gift."
The blonde then sat himself again with a pout, shoving a red box with a messy ribbon in the middle at his bestfriend's chest. The latter looked at him warily in response, but sighed as he figured he'd need to open the gift anyhows.
When he saw what's inside, Sasuke really wanted to be thankful; the box contained 2 shirts with the Uchiha emblem sophisticatedly sewed at the back. However, he cant help feeling horrified to think of even wearing it. See, the shirts were both orange- the same loud orange Naruto apparently likes so much. Regardless of the neat symbol at the back, wearing this color and then walking around in it with Naruto doesn't really seem like a good idea. It was... more than cringey.
"Did 'ya like it?" The future hokage grinned and Sasuke's brow twiched in response. He had no idea what to say. Of course he could easily dismiss Naruto's enthusiasm like he usually did, but this time felt different. His bestfriend looked like he has been looking forward to give him this, and he was the first one to ever give him a present for his birthday after his parents' death. Even though they're used to bickering, he can't break his heart like that.
Especially after everything.
"Sasuke-kun, are you- eh? Naruto?" A soft, excited voice suddenly caught the two young men's attention.
"Oh! Sakura-chan! Did you receive my message?"
Thank kami she came. Sasuke thought. But wait-
"Why are you here already? Was I late?" The ravenette approached her, completely forgetting- or ignoring - Naruto and his previous questions, because he got worried about not being able to pick up the pinkette.
"No, no!" Sakura giggled when he held her hand. She was still not used to him being affectionate. "I just took a half-leave."
"You should have told me."
"I can come home alone, Sasuke-kun."
"Aa, but I still want to-"
"UHM YES EXCUSE ME, HI." the loud blonde almost shouted to gain his bestfriends' attention. "I'm here too, dattebayo! I don't really appreciate you two flirting in front of me, not to mention you just dumped my gift!"
Sasuke froze and shyly let Sakura's hand go. It has been his instinct to hold her whenever he can, primarily because doing so gives him the comfort he craves for, so he didn't realize he just pulled a stunt in front of his bestfriend who will forever tease him about it. "Just shut up, Urusatonkachi."
"What did you say, teme?!"
"I said you're still a dobe."
"Why you little-" Naruto proceeded to close the gap between him and Sasuke.
Sakura just then had to sigh as she watched the latter flash a challenging smirk. The three of them have been through the worst- at least fighting a goddess and each other to death seemed the worst to her. But still, these two idiots would never really get over their habit of bickering and quarrelling, and she feels like she was just born to intervene whenever necessary.
It was a tough job, honestly. To get in the middle of two demigods trying to launch an attack- regardless of its seriousness- is quite dangerous because she wasn't sure if they can stop their momentum. In worst case scenarios, it was either she also need to attack and force them apart, or she just take both their attacks all at once. Both weren't good options no matter the situation.
To her confusion, Naruto stopped in his tracks this time and looked at her seriously before reaching Sasuke's collar. "Oi teme, look at Sakura-chan! She's getting stressed because you're rude! It's bad for the baby dattebayo!"
Woah what?
Sasuke looked hurt and confused when the blonde's words dawned on him. "I- I- we didnt. Who's- whose baby?"
"What do you mean whose baby? It's supposed to be WHAT baby?" Sakura looked confused too.
"Oh, I'm sorry I spoiled the surprise. But... isn't it Sasuke's?" Naruto asked with an innocent facade. Inside, he was laughing so hard because this was so much better than punching the last Uchiha right in the face.
What he didnt consider, though, was that he also offended Sakura who was aching to break his bones until a hand stopped and gripped her wrist.
"Are you... pre-preg-"
Naruto lost it and immediately broke into a mess of laughter. Sasuke has always been in control of his facial expressions, even his words. So seeing a rare sight of him with this look? Priceless. This was the first time Naruto can proudly say he won their bickering by a knock out, and the fact that the ravenette stuttered as he confirmed that him and Sakura haven't done that yet made the whole thing funnier tenfold.
"Wha- No! Sasuke-kun, I am not pregnant. But I do think someone is about to visit the doctor because I'm about to beat his ass." The pinkette slowly turned her head and glared at the laughing boy on the floor.
"E-eh?!" Naruto stopped with a confused face until he realized what was coming. "I was only joking 'ttebayo! I'm sorry, Sakura-chan! I was just teasing Sasuke-"
"Konohamaru will take the hokage cap very early..." Sakura walked agonizingly slow towards the blonde and made sure everyone in the room hears her knuckles crack.
Pregnant, huh?
"O-oi Teme! What are you smirking at? Help me dattebayo!" Naruto nervously yelled. "Sakura-chan I was just joking 'ttebayo huhuhuhu"
"Sakura." The man at the mention finally decided to intervene when his eyes landed on the orange shirts he left at the sofa. At least save the dobe's ass to show appreciation for the present I wasn't planning to ever wear.
"I'm hungry, let's eat."
"Okay, just let me get this idiot-"
"You went home early to get rest. Don't waste energy on him."
This caught Sakura's full attention as she turned towards Sasuke, allowing the nervous blonde on the floor to stand and plan an escape."Well... about that..." she said as she shifted her weight from a foot to another.
Naruto then saw and took the awkwardness as an opportunity to change topics and ride the ravenette's attempt to save his life. "She came home early for a different reason, teme." He smirked.
Of course he knew. That was part of the reason why he came here anyway. To his dismay, Sasuke didnt even spare him a glance. Instead, the said boy raised a brow, questioning Sakura.
"Well... it's your birthday tomorrow."
"Sakura." The ravenette sighed. "I thought I told you I dont need anything?"
"Y-yes, but- okay. I know that. I just thought maybe we can all hangout and get some barbeque. I mean we didnt even properly celebrate your homecoming so..." she explained but strived to avoid his eyes. "I just thought it will be nice if you could also hang out with Konoha 11, you know. You've beeing doing the same routine for the past days and you never got to- I dont know- have fun. So I thought-"
"The days I spent here with you were the most fun I probably ever had." Sasuke furrowed his brows. He didn't even realize he said something sweet, because to him, he was just stating a fact.
"I said stop flirting." The blonde boy complained but no one gave him a damn.
"But- what's so wrong about eating with friends on your birthday? We won't throw a big party or something. We're just going to eat and hang out..."
"Yeah. They're still your friends too, Sasuke. It'll be fun." Naruto decided to try and make his existence acknowledged again by supporting his pink-haired friend. Unfortunately, his friends didn't even seem to hear him.
"Besides, I promise no one from them will force you to speak. You just have to be yourelf. You don't need to prove anything to them now."
"Yeah! That's what friends are for dattebayo!"
With this, Sasuke belives he has no other choice. He knew it will be fun to be surrounded by friends; he just weren't sure if those people still considered him as one. To think he isnt even sure if they ever considered him more than a classmate made it worse.
Nevertheless, in his heart, he trusts and listens to Sakura the most. So whenever she assures him things are gonna be fine, he automatically believes it regardless of the situation.
And so he let out a sigh and nodded. "Fine."
"It's gonna be a very happy birthday dattebayo!" Naruto grinned and had his thumbs up, finally earning some attention from the two.
It's gonna be a different, happy, year for me then. Sasuke thought with warmth filling his chest.
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