no pirates appreciate the treasure (h2oVanoss) Part 2
Part 2
Evan's pov
Tired and dehydrated in the middle of the ocean but I continue to stand tall in the burning sunshine.
"Captain, where are we heading exactly?" The man standing next to me said. "I just want to explore, get further then I ever was...." I trail off and my mind goes to that story that Tom told me.
"Uh, Jean, have ever heard of a guy that drowned in the ocean and disappeared?"
"Hmmm, how long?"
"About 5 years" I said. "Hmmm. I think I do recall a story like that....a family member of mine went out with a guy, forgot his name but he was best friends with a short guy, eyes color of the clear blue ocean and short brown hair"
"I see"
"The guy loved the ocean, but he had beef with some of the guys in the back of the bar....don't know what but I guess they killed him, the family reported it to the Authority but nobody did anything"
I grumbled and sigh. "Sounds you know that guys name?" I asked. "Forgive me captain, but if I can't remember the bastard that went out with my sister, I can't remember his name"
I hummed at him not having something to say back. "I think his name starts with a J, hope that helps you sir"
"It's fine, go fetch me some dying here" I told him.
He excuses himself and walks away towards the deck leaving me alone once again.
No matter what I do, I kept getting myself more attached to this man. I don't know who he is, or how he looks like, not even his name but what I do know is that his eyes are blue, short brown hair and likes the water.
Hours past by and the clouds begun to cover the sun. It was so foggy it covered the water.
"Another storm?" Jean wondered. "I don't think so...the waters are calmed....too calm" I told him. The boat stops in a harsh way making me stumble forward and into the wheel.
"Huh? Oi! Did we hit something?" I asked. The males talked in between themselves and shakes there head nun the less.
"Then go check!" Jean ordered. Everyone runs towards the sides of the ship and stares directly down.
I few thumps where heard and a slash was heard. "Oi!"
"Man overboard!" Someone yelled. I let go of the wheel and tried to walk towards the side to check and I see a floating body.
He gasps and kicks and soon enough disappears under the water.
"What the-"
I spin around and I see another man fall.
"Step away from the edges!" I yelled
"Get back! get back!" Jean calls out.
Everyone stands in the middle and then we where hit once again.
"What the fuck?!" I yelled.
"Your orders captain!" Jean yelled.
"Everyone grave a gun!"
"You hear the captain! Grave your guns and prepare for open fire!" Jean ordered.
Everyone's goes and graves the gun down that where on the side. I graved my own gun and passes one to Jean. "Ready?" I asked.
Jean nods and we stand side by side infront of the wheel. Soon another hit to the center of the ship making everything vibrate. Stomps where heard and everyone lower there guns to the floor.
"Hold fire! Hold fire!" A man coming out of the inside of the ship said. "Jimmy! What the hell man-"
"Water is getting inside and fast!"
Panic arose from the crowd and Jean yelled.
"Oi! Could it be where in Davy Jones' Locker area?" A man said. "Oh don't pull on my bear" jean growls at the man. "Um, we're kinda sinking so....."
"Help the man's get the water out of ship! Patch the ship! Anything to help us stay up above water!" I growled. All man go down with buckets and things that might get the water out.
Jean goes down to check up on everything leaving me alone in the main deck. Humming catches my attention and I look around.
"Mmmm....on top of ol'penis!"
I frowned. "What?"
I laugh echoes around and I start moving in circles.
"Captain! Didn't people tell you that it's bad to go into places your not aloud to go in? Hahaha!"
"Let us out!" A man screamed. I run and tried to open the door that opens the bottom but it was jammed.
Another hit and water starts rising fast.
I finally get it out and a gasp was heard.
"Mermaid!" I man screamed.
"Explosions!" The voice said and another insane laugh escaped there wet lips. Everyone gets out and I run but then the deck cracks making me fall. I get my foot stock on the floor board and Jean looked at me. "Protect the captain at all cost!"
He runs towards me and then and Explosion sends many of my man flying.
Dead everywhere.
I sink down with my ship. I take my last breathe of air and sink with the ship. I tried to get my foot unstuck but it was impossible for me to move it.
My lungs lack oxygen and I panic.
I stopped struggling and I look up. My vision blurry but I managed to see a figure.
With my last bit of air I whispered.
"Help" and my vision slowly fades to black.
????'s pov
Can't belive I'm doing this. I've cost this, to hundreds of man in the ocean. I've killed so many of them. What makes this guy so different. Why should I help him. I came down here to watch him die and all he whispered to me is help?
Does words kinda messed me up. He seemed so calmed yet scared.
I pull his feet out of the hole and pulled him up to the surface as fast as I can.
"Oh, my gut better have a good explanation for making me save this man's life" I murmured.
I got him out of the water and took him to shore. The closes shore, which was back where he came from, great.
Not only is there sharks around here that can dick me over but there's fuckin humans.
I gotta get this man out if the water let him float and leave.
Once I was at shore, I noticed something. This was my home. I use to hang around here. It was still the same, didn't look different at all.
A small smile crawls up my face and I take the man as close as I can.
"Okay, here's your stop. Don't worry I gave you a free ride and an extra life, how lucky can you be mr. Sir captain" I told him.
I was about to leave but I noticed something. This man wasn't breathing.
"Oh hell no, your ass better still be alive! I didn't swim all the way over here for nothing"
I had to get as close as I could to shore and I flopped on top of him.
I sigh and placed both my hands in his chest.
"Okay one, two, breathe!"
"Okay again"
"Fuckin wake the fuck up already, breathe or something you stupid son of a biscuit!" I snapped.
"Maybe if I...."
I make him look directly up and I covered his nose and smashes my lips against his.
Once I did that I froze. I felt myself shiver and my eyes rolled back just a small bit. I forgot I was totally giving this man cpr making myself giggle a litte. I did it again and then he starts coughing out water.
"Shiiiit, gotta go....."
I drag myself until I heard him inhale. I spin and took cover behind a rock.
" saved me?"
"I did" I told him. I only stool up my arm so he was only able to see my hand.
"Your welcome....asshole"
I heard him laugh weakly making me smile a little. "Thank you"
I give him a thumbs up, "Okay. Your back home, you can go and get out of here"
"I...I can't"
"What do you mean you can't?"
"My foot...."
I face palm and I rub my face. "Sorry I can't help you with that, I took you out of the water, I'm not a medic-"
"Well you can't leave me here....Call for help-"
"I can't!"
"Nun of your business why, I just can't do it"
I heard splashing and then grunts.
"What are you doing?"
"Im crawling to you"
My blood goes warm and I shriek. "No stay back!"
"Too late, I'm already here!" He yelled.
"Get back, you scumb!"
"Not a chance"
"S-stop! *gasp* aaah!"
Then guy just belly flops on top of me and he laughs. "Sorry had to see who saved me-....."
His smile was whipped off and I go bright red.
"'s rude to stare-"
"Your...your a mermaid...."
"Mer-man...but thank you for noticing-"
"Hey don't you touch me!"
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