Ambedkar ji helps Anidita?
Anirudh and Bondita reached the court. Harry was already there.
Harry: You are going to loose today.😏
Anirudh didn't listened him. They both enters the hearing room.
The room was decorated grandly to welcome BR.Ambedkar ji.
Shanthi: Bondita, you came? I think today there will be no case hearing. Ambedkar ji is going to visit here. So judge will be busy in recieving him.😐
Bondita: Shanthi, for how many days he will stay in London? 🙂
Shanthi: Why?🧐
Bondita explains her about their plan.
Shanthi thinks...
Bondita: We have to meet him.🙂
Shanthi: Bondita, that's not possible. He will be busy here. Actually for a meeting sake he is coming here. His PA may not allow us.😟
Bondita worries.
Anirudh: Let me try once.😐
Shanthi: Ok!🙂
They waited until the judge's arrival.
A worker asked them to stay out.
Anirudh: Why?🤨
Harry: Don't you know? Your Nation's big Barrister is going to visit this court regarding a meeting. So how can you stay in? Securities are tightened. So stay out until your Ambedkar ji leaves the place.😏
Anirudh: Then why you are staying here?🤨
Harry: Oh Anirudh, how many times can I remind you? I am London's colonel. I am VIP guest in this meeting.😏
Anirudh stares him and takes Bondita out. They stayed under a tree and waited.
Ambedkar ji's car entered the court's gate
Bondita: Sakha babu, I think he came.🙂
Guards asks everyone to move aside. The car was parked very near to Bondita.
Ambedkar ji stepped down from car and enters inside the court.
Bondita: Sakha Babu, he went inside. Now how could we speak to him?😟
Anirudh: Lets wait until the meeting gets over.😐
Bondita accepts. They waited for a long time.
Anirudh: I don't think this plan will work, Bondita.😟
Bondita: Don't lose the hope. We didn't even tried. 😐
Anirudh walks here and there. Bondita prays to God that they should get a chance to meet Ambedkar ji.
After few hours and man comes running towards Anidita.
Man: Sir, Mr.Ambedkar asked you both to come inside. 😊
Bondita is surprised.
Anirudh: Really?😳
Man: Yes!😊
Anidita went inside happily.
Ambedkar ji looks at them. Anirudh and Bondita wished him.
Harry thinks: Oh god, why did he called them inside now?😤
Ambedkar ji: I have seen you somewhere. That's why I called you inside.😊
Bondita smiled.
Ambedkar: You both have been in that tax protest right?🤔
Anirudh: Hn,ji.😊
Ambedkar: I saw you both on paper. You both are really awesome. You both inspired me on that day.😊
Anirudh: Thank you so much. It's our pleasure to hear it from you.😊
Ambedkar: By the by what you both are doing here? Are you working in this court?😊
Anirudh: Ji, we are barristers of India but not working here.😐
Judge: Ambedkar sir, actually they both are accused.🙂
Ambedkar: What?😳
Bondita: Ji, nahi. Pls listen to us for a while. Actually we waited outside just to speak with you.😟
Ambedkar ji looks at them.
Harry: Don't believe them. This women is a cheater, she didn't appeared for her final exams but trying to get certificates.😏😏
Bondita: Nahi ji.😟
Ambedkar: Pls keep silence. Except them everyone stay out for a while.😤
Judge: But sir...🙄
Ambedkar: Do what I said. Or else your soldiers will not be released from India. We will torture them.😤
Judge accepts to stay out.
Ambedkar: Now tell me. What's your problem? Are they saying truth?🙂
Bondita: Ji, actually they are speaking lies. They created fake cases on me and illegally banned my barrister certificates.😔
Anirudh: Hn,ji. We need your help. Pls help us.😔
Ambedkar: First tell me clearly. Then I will think about helping you.🙂
Anirudh and Bondita explains him everything.
Outside the court Harry is furious. He shouts at judge.
Harry: Who is judge here? You or that Hindustani? You obeyed him and came out! Go, arrest Bondita and Anirudh.😤
Judge: Sir, be calm. We can't do anything. If we hurt them then they will not release our soldiers who are in India's prison.😒
Harry: I don't care about them. Arrest and punish Anirudh first. 😤
Judge: We can't listen you. According to government, soldiers are their first priority. And I know well, this case is just useless and fake which is created by you to revenge that man. 😤
Harry: Can't you obey my orders? I am colonel of London.😤
Judge: I am judge of this court. According to law everyone is equal. I can't punish them unless they are proved to be guilt.😡
Harry gets angry.
Inside the court Ambedkar ji is shattered to hear their condition.
Bondita: Please help us ji.😟
Ambedkar: I decided something. They betrayed you right? Come, lets prove your ability. They can snatch your certificates but not your knowledge. They can burn your exams sheets once, but you can write your exam twice. Lets prove them who Hindustans are!😏
Anirudh: Ji, will you pls tell us elaborately?🙄
Ambedkar: Anirudh, ask your wife to write those exams again. This time we will ask all the educators to correct her papers in front of Judge. If she succeed the exam then no one can ban her Barrister certificates. 😏
Anirudh and Bondita are stunned.
Ambedkar: Why Bondita, Did you forget your syllabus?😄
Bondita: No sir.😄
Ambedkar: Means you are ready to prove your potential? 😄
Bondita nods yes.
Ambedkar: Ofcourse you will. Make our nation proud. Get your certificates, work for your nation's freedom. Will you?😊
Bondita: I will fight for our nation, shotti!😊
Ambedkar ji smiled and blessed them. He then went to judge.
Ambedkar: I have heard their crime. If they are really accused then you can punish them according to law but before that you should give them a chance to write her exams again. If she succeed her exam then no one have the rights to ban her certificates.😏
Harry: But...🙄
Ambedkar: Wait! Listen me fully, until her case gets over India will not release your soldiers. Deal? 😏
Judge thinks... Harry asks the judge to oppose the deal.
Judge: Ok, this court accepts your condition. Bondita will be given chance to rewrite her exams again.😊
Ambedkar: Her papers should be evaluated by all the educators around the London.🙂
Judge: Ok, we accept it.
Bondita and Anirudh feels happy. They thanked Ambedkar ji.
Ambedkar: I am waiting for your victory, Bondita.😊
Bondita: I will win! I will make our nation proud. 😊
Ambedkar nods yes and leaves the place.
Anirudh smirked at Harry.
Harry thinks: How can this happen? She will succeed this exam. Oh god, I will not allow this. I should do something.😏
Anirudh holds Bondita's hands proudly and walks out from the court.
What will happen next? Can Bondita succeed her exam?
To know this just stay tuned!❤️
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