A/N: Hi....a lot has happened. GCSEs, summer fete, teacher passing away which put in a bad place for a while, work experience, GCSEs, family wedding, ARMY meet up and did I mention GCSEs? Oh and going Turkey and college :D
The last few weeks...months have been very full and emotionally tiring? Is that the right word? I don't know. But I am here now. I feel really bad because I'm so bad at updating regularly and I had to take an hiatus because of exams.
So I will try my very best to update whenever I can, I am hoping that posting this chapter will force me to write the rest >.<
Anyway here is the long awaited sequel!
PS: I havent proof read yet
Have you ever seen a child and just wanted to coo and gobble them up on the spot because they are so cute? Have you ever wanted to just run up to them and pinch their little chubby pink cheeks? Have you ever seen a child so damn cute that you are baffled about which perfect humans beings came together to exchange genetics to make this child and how in the world they met?
Okay. Times that feeling by a couple thousands. And you might just about know what a little Lucy makes you feel.
Don't believe me?
Ask the guild. Or better yet. Ask Natsu.
He blinked down at the adorable blonde child lightly tugging at his pants. Her large doe eyes innocently twinkling and causing his heart to just-just-just-DIE.
"Uh.." What did she ask again? Oh right. Where are we. "You're at the Fairy Tail Guild."
She blinked at him. "Fairy Tail? But," she frowned" how did I get here? I was at home in bed and-" she paused and her eyes widened with tears "Have I been kidnapped?!"
Mira swiftly jumped in, saving Natsu who looked very lost on what to say, and patted her little head. "No no sweetie. You're father dropped you off here to spend the day."
"My father?"
"Yes. He said he wanted you to spend a day out and thought to bring you here. We are the number one guild in Fiore after all!"
"Really?! That's cool! So your'e a mage?"
While their conversation continued and the guild started to introduce themselves, Natsu watched in almost awe at the smiling girl. She was just so...tiny. The dragon slayer couldn't stop the smile that found its way onto his lips as he watched Lucy comfortably talk with the guild. Even while being small she still fit into the guild so quickly. He wondered what it would of been like if Lucy have joined them when she was small too. Would they have been close from the start. Ha. Of course. Lucy was a weirdo he would always become friends with.
"Natsu! Come introduce yourself."
Blinking out of his thoughts, the pinkette made his way over to the where his chibi partner sat. He squat down to place himself at eye level with the small girl. She was looking at him with interest and wonder and it made him blush lightly.
"Hey Lucy. I'm Natsu Dragneel. I'm a dragon slayer which basically means someone who was brought up by a dragon and has powers like one."
Lucy gasped "A dragon?!"
He grinned "Yup!"
"Thats so-so-so," her little arms went up and down as she tried to rack her brain for the right word to describe what she was feeling. Which was very cute, if I may add. "-incredible! What kind of dragon?!"
"A fire one. His name was Igneel." Natsu told the awed girl, eyes softening with a sad yet nostalgic glint as he remembered his father. "He was the King of dragons."
"Sugoi! So does that mean you are a prince?" she inquired.
Natsu paused, never actually having thought about it. "Well...I dunno I guess it sorta does."
Lucy's brown eyes widened comically as she jumped off her stall and curtsied. "Its an honour to meet you Ouji-sama!"
Laughter rang through the guild as Natsu turned a bright shade of pink. "Ahhhh um you really don't need to call me that. Just call me Natsu." he said, attempting to hide his embarrassment. His mind suddenly imagined normal Lucy, pouting up at him with her pretty lips and calling him Ouji-sama and his face heated tenfold, shaking his head to remove the imagine from his mind. No Natsu no! No thinking about Lucy saying that no!
"Aww okii" The little one nodded with a smile. "Um.. Ouji-Natsu-san?"
"Yes?" He replied swiftly at the small girl, tilting his head.
She peaked up at him with her big eyes, clasping her hand together. "Can Natsu-san stay with me today?"
Natsu blinked in surprise at the small girls request, his hand rubbing on his arm. "Well sure, how come."
"Cause I like you!" She said with such honestly and the brightest smile that it made his chest ache and a smile burst upon his lips.
"Of course!"
A/N: Okay I know its short but im trying to get back into the swing of things :(( please give some ideas for what they can go out and do! I have some but I might get inspired hehe
Also I have a show recommendation peeps!!! Hotel Del Luna! It has one of my favourite actresses in it Lee Jieun commonly known as IU and ugh shes so pretty and cool <3 Its got ghosts and magic and stuff its really good! Maybe ill do a FT fic parody of it....
Anyway thank you if youre reading this, I honestly feel really bad about my absence but I really love and appreciate you so much!!#
Have a great day guys <3 mwah
Let the Fires in our Hearts Burn~
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