😘All I Need😔
All I Need:I wrote this a year ago.. So it sucks and I just tried to change it a bit,, but it sucks,, but i need something,,
Type: Fluff I guess,,
You're a young dancer who does many styles of dance. You dance for fun to any music you listen to. You would dance anywhere. You taught yourself dance and worked hard if it was something new. You were at a park and your friends played music as they watched you dance. You danced and laughed the whole time as people started coming you would do more and more. That is when the song playlist was over, you stopped with a big finish and smiled as people clapped. You then went back and then laid down in the grass.
"Hey, your pretty good." You hear a voice above you say. You look up slightly and see a face you've never seen before. You then sit up and look at a guy.
"I liked those dances, where are they from?" He said. You were a bit quiet and thinking. He then smiled and chuckled. You didnt understand it, why was he laughing?
"Im Minhyuk or Rocky." He says. You then think about it and then your eyes widened a little as you stand up and take a closer look. You then become a bit shocked as you stare.
"You're.. Park Minhyuk.." You say shocked. He smiles as he nods and puts his hand out. You then look at his hand and stare and then shake it a bit shakily.
"I'm.. (Y/N).." You say. He then lets go after a long hand chake, caused by you , and chuckled with a smile looking at you.
"Well, (N/n), I would like to say that your pretty good and we should dance together one day." He says. You then nod with your head a bit down sheepishly listening and freaking out about the nickname he had given you and the request he asked. It was like a blessing. He stared at you a bit before he spoke up again.
"Your cute, well I would really like to know where did you get your dance moves from, they looked really familiar." He said as he ruffled your hair and smiled. You then blushed a little and nodded.
"It's kinda like the Astro choreography mixed with my own dance.. Some of you guys moves were slowed down a bit and speed up more at certain points.." You said. He smiled and chuckled as he bent down a bit so that he could match you.
"Can I dance with you tomorrow." He says. You blush more and then think about it. You then nod. You immediately got a piece of paper from your bag and write where to meet.
"Come here, its an awesome place you'll love it." You said excited a bit. He smiled as he took the piece of paper.
"Consider it a date." He said before winking and leaving. You watched as he smiled and waved getting into his car. You blushed in shock.
"A DATE WITH THE PARK MINHYUK?!" You say talking to yourself in your room.
"What am I supposed to do...." You said over thinking a bit. You then laid down on your bed and calmed yourself down.
"(Y/n).. Calm down.. Your over thinking.. Its just as friends.. Were dancing so it won't matter." You say as you mess with your pillow sheepishly. You then ball yourself up and close your eyes and slowly fall asleep. You didnt want to over think it. The best way was to sleep it off. And it worked, that was until you began to rush to get ready early in he morning.
—The Place
You had gotten there really early still nervous in your new dance clothes.
"(Y/n)? Why are you here so early?" You friend asked you. You sheepishly smiled at him as you just stood there.
"Are those new dance clothes?" He asked. You blush a bit and nod. Maybe it was too noticeable. Maybe Minhyuk would tell you he didnt mean it besides friends, but you didnt know so you looked your best. Even if it was just to get sweaty.
"Does (Y/n) have a date!?" He said. You shook your head nervously blushing. Well YOU WERENT SURE SO!!
"No!!! Its just a little dance with someone.." You say to the beat of your ability. Now you wish that was clarified. He smirks and then nods with a wink.
"Sure!" He says. Before you can say anything else he leaves and starts the music.
"Go ahead and practice a bit. Relieve your nervousness. Its just a guy." He says as he smiles. You face palm but then shrug a 'why not'. You then go on the small higher part of the place. You then began to dance feeling a bit better. As time pass more people ended up hearing the music and coming in watching you. When it was over you had sat on the ground tiredly.
"(Y/n) is already tired. What about the dance with me." Minhyuk said as he stood in front of you. Your eyes widened a bit. You were so tired. But you came here for him so.
"P-Please. That was just a warm up.. I still got lots to do." You said as you drank some water not minding it was Minhyuk. He nods and watches you stand up.
"Let's go." He said. You nod and got ready.
"Follow my lead." He says. You nod and then the music starts. He then starts dancing and you looked at him following his moves but putting more you into the moves. He smiled as he watched and kept doing moves.
When the song was over you and him stopped. You were a bit dizzy and couldn't really balance yourself. He smiled and noticed you weren't well. You then slipped but then he caught you.
"Be careful.." He whispered to you. You blushed and then your vision went a bit blurry and then you shook your head. He then stood you up and smiled. As the two of you were walking off. You felt more and more dizzy and lost your balance a lot. The crowd gasps as you fall down. Minhyuk turns around and goes down to you worried as he shakes you to try and wake you up. But your eyes stay shut as you lie down. He then picks you up.
"You should've just stopped." He whispered into your ear. He then sits you down up right making sure you wouldn't fall as he places you on his back.
"Surprisingly light.." He mumbled as he then went as fast as he could to his car.
"You just need rest, sleep well (Y/n).." He said kissing your forehead and then the car started moving.
"You think she's dead?"
"Please dont tell me Minhyuk bought a dead girl in our house.."
"Guys! Leave her alo- Look she's waking up!"
You opened your eyes to be surrounded by 6 guys. As your vision comes back to you your eyes widened as you stare at all of them.
"Good Morning." Eunwoo says as he smiles. You just stared at him then went on to everyone else.
"W-Where Am I?" You say. They all move and Minhyuk heads towards you and sits next to you.
"Youre in my room, but dont worry, nothing happened! You just passed out from dancing to much." He said reassuring that you were perfectly fine. You then stare at him processing what he had said.
"Your room.. As in.. I'm in a house.. Filled with a bunch of guys.. And not only guys.. But a whole KPop idol group...." You said. Minhyuk and the other guys looked at each other and then nodded. You then scoot away a bit. Minhyuk raised his eyes brow confused.
"Do you know how many people will kill me. There's a good chance that even people from across the world could come all the way here just to hunt me down!" You said. Minhyuk then laughs as he ruffles your hair shaking it a bit with a soft look on his face.
"No ones will hurt you with me here. I'll always stay by your side.. Sound good." He said as he blushed, he didnt seem so confident as if he was scared to say it, maybe he thought youd reject. You blushed and then were a bit taken back.
"Is this supposed to be some kinda proposal..." You say mindlessly. You then looked away realizing what you said. He blushes as he chuckles.
"Maybe, maybe not." He says. You look at him and blush more with a small hum.
"I'm not ready to get married... So I need sometime.." You say unsurely. He then lightly laughs as he ruffles your hair. You then face palmed. You keep saying things without thinking.
"I'm asking you out on a date." He says clarifying it as he laughed lightly. You then make an O shape with your mouth and chuckle sheepishly.
"S-sure.." You say. He then hugs you and smiles. You didn't show it but you were happy and felt you achieved something great.
—A Year later—
You sat in your room watching TV. Minhyuk and the guys had left for a few weeks and you've been bored thinking about it. This year was very busy unlike last year. In just a years time you realized that the two of you were growing apart each second that went by. What did you expect? He was an idol and you knew he was getting the appreciation he deserved, cause theyre great. You lied on the ground and grabbed your computer waiting for him to at least want to talk to you, which you do almost all the time.
"I guess you must be busy huh.." You say as you shut your computer and then get up. Your phone then rings. You look at it then see its him. You go and answer it.
"(Y/n). Have you eaten?" He says. You shake your head. The two of you were having a video call, something you hadn't done in weeks.
"Well eat something, so we can eat together." He says as he smiles. You smile a little bit and then nod as you go to your fridge and grab some leftovers and warming it up. When you were done you sat down and then began to eat as did he.
"Why the sudden call?" You say. He smiles brightly as he takes his time in finishing what he had in his mouth.
"Well, we're going back soon. And I want to make sure youre still okay and healthy so it'll all be like a fun date!" He says. You smile a bit feeling better. You missed the "fun dates" that werent much fun cause he was an idol and you know how those people can be. But it usually did end in cuddles in bed.
"Promise." You say. He nods and continues eating happily looking at you without blinking.
"I promise, when I get back I will take (F/N/L) on a date." He says like a child with his stuffed cheeks happuly. You smiled brightly and happily.
"Isn't it snowing over there? So that limits our place choice right.. So where should we go?!" He says. You sigh as you think about it. You then shrug.
"Anywhere as long as were together okay!" You say. He nods and smiles. Then the guys come in and head straight for Minhyuks getting in his way as they waved to you.
"(Y/n)! Heyy!! Its been so long!"
"How are you!!"
"Nice seeing you!! Did he tell you we'll be back soon?!"
You smiled as our waved to them and then Minhyuk squeezed his way in.
"Okay! I've gotta go!" He says as he blows a kiss to you. You smile and wave.
"Bye!" He says as he hangs up. You smiled still as you put your phone down and ate.
~~A couple Days later~~
You and Minhyuk were having your date today. He told you to meet him at the park. Of course you got there on time feeling happy. But he was no where to be found. You cleaned off the bench and sat down waiting. You grabbed your phone out of your pocket.
'I'm here, where are you?'
'Its really cold..'
You texted him and sat there waiting. He never answered or came after a couple minutes.
"Its okay... He wouldn't leave me... I can stay a bit longer.. (Y/n) fight!" You say lightly as you smile. Your cheeks were red already and you were shaking a bit.
~~2 Hours Later~~
You were shaking all over and cold, you couldn't move because you were to frozen. When you started to close your eyes you saw a figure running your way. You then blacked out.
"Is she dead?!"
"I swear Minhyuk brings the same person every time... He seems like a bad person this way!"
"Look she's waking up."
"(Y/n)? Are you okay?" Moonbin said as he put a cloth on your forehead and making sure to go around because you had a bad fever.
"Why am I here.." You said lightly and your teeth chattered a bit.
"Minhyuk brought you here, we went to the park to make sure you were home because he got worried when you didn't answer his phone calls." Moonbin said. You looked around not seeing him there. You sneezed and then sniffed.
"What phone calls..." You said. Moonbin then grabbed your phone to check if there were any calls.
"Hm... That's weird.. He said he had called you... We saw him too." Moonbin said. Sanha then thought about it.
"Mh! He did call but he called your house phone." He says. You nod slightly then you shakily sit up a bit numb.
"(Y/n) you have to lie down, you have a bad fever and your still a bit numb." JinJin says. You look at him and then continue to get up.
"JinJin.. Take me home please.." You said. The door then opened.
"I'll take you.." Minhyuk says. You look at him and then away.
"Yah, sorry (y/n) I have gotta make food for these foodies here." JinJin said as he smiled sheepishly. Everyone cheered as they left the room with JinJin. You shakily got up and slowly walked still numb. He then went over and picked you up.
"Get off of me!" You said. He didn't listen and continued to carry you to the car as you told him repeatedly to put you down. When you were in the car you hugged your knees as you looked out the window.
"I'm sorry.." He says. You looked at him then away ignoring him.
"There was some business that had to be taken care of.." He says. You look at him and then get sent back a little.
"Business... Oh reaaallyy." You said. He looks a you and nods with guilt in his eyes.
"What were you doing?" You said. He then started driving. You sighed and looked out the window.
"Fine.. If that's what happening now... Then why take me yourself.. Its obvious knowing JinJin he'd have food ahead of time." You said. Minhyuk was still in guilt but didn't have much of it. As you watched the outside you realized you weren't going to your home.
"Hey.. Where are we going?! Take me home! Now!" You said. He didn't pay attention to you and kept driving until hitting a stopping point. He got out and helped you out.
"I got it.." You said. He walked up to a door to a restaurant. You stopped and looked at him. He opened the door.
"Why are we here." You said. He then grabs your hand and takes you in. When you go in you look around. It was a mess.
"Minhyuk.. What is this.. Why are we here!?" You said. He stopped and looked at you.
"This was supposed to be a surprise for you... But then when I was heading to you... They called and said there was a problem.. I didn't think it'll take long.." He said. You look at him and then your eyes become watery.
"So you ditched me and left me for this.. Maybe if I were the one who had left and you stayed here you would understand that I dont want this fancy stuff! I just wanted to be with you!" You said as you sniffed. He then looked down as he put his hand over his eyes. When you were about to leave he grabbed onto you.
"(Y/n)... I'm sorry.. I have just been stressed out lately... Please.. Give me some time.." He said. You pushed him away and left crying. You got a taxi and left. Aftter that things just didnt work out. You both went your separate ways.
—2 Years Later—
"Hey! (Y/n)! Someone's asking for you outside!" Your friend yelled. At this point you had blossomed into a dancing expert, as people called you, and became part of a group. You still think about Minhyuk a lot but try and put it aside most of the time.
You nod and then grab your hat putting it on and putting a mask on as you walked out the room. You slowly walk downstairs a bit curious and thinking about who it would be.
"Hello?" You said sticking your head out of the door. You didn't see anyone. You then go out and stand there looking around. Then you stop as you see a sign near the trees. You go closer and read it.
"Stop, here." You read. You then stood there confused. Then suddenly you felt someone wrap around you. You froze a bit as you stiffened.
"Its been a while.. (Y/n).." A voice said. You then widened your eyes. You turn your head a bit but then you stopped.
"I want to dance with you again. Meet me at the same place.." He said as he let go of you. You then hear running. When you turn no ones there. You then look the way of the running and see someone already going down the stairs. You were too shocked to move.
You went with your gut and went to where you and Minhyuk had danced together. You were sure it was him. No doubt about it. As you walked in, memories. They flooded your brain. The place hadn't change and that made you smile.
"(Y/n) I'm glad you came." You heard the same voice. You turned around to Minhyuk. He smiled as he looked at you. You blinked a bit. Should you he surprised it was him? Or not? You werent sure as you just stared.
"Come on." He said grabbing your hand and going up to the small stage. You couldn't help but blush. Nothing could change the fact that you and Minhyuk happen to have a past. One that could never be erased.
"Follow me." He says softly. You nod and maybe unintentionally smiled as you look at him. The music then started and you and him moved in perfect sync when you caught onto his moves. People were wowed, but you. Your eyes stay on him. The man you used to call yours. Who sought you out.
But why?
In the end you and him ended really close which was his plan. You and him smiled at each other when you were finished and laughed lightly holding hand.
"I missed you." He said as he hugged you. You then smile and slowly hug back. Sweet talk or not. You liked those words.
"I've missed you too.." You say in a small whisper voice as you put your head on his shoulder. He then chuckled and kissed the top of your head. That made you pull away a bit and look at him blushing.
"Be mine." He says. You smile and nod as you hug him again the crowd awws and takes pictures of the both of you.
"I can't believe Minhyuk and (Y/n) are going out! Prefect idol couple!" People whispered were going around and went onto the internet. You and Minhyuk didn't care. You missed each other too much too care. Maybe there will be some conflict with fans and such but.
"No one will hurt you with me here. Ill always be by your side.. Sound good!" You say. He then laughed lightly and nodded. It was his iconic line to you. A line you couldn't have forgotten.
"Im not ready to get married." He says dramatically. You then roll your eyes playfully as you gave him a soft kiss on the cheek.
"Im asking you out on a date." You whisper to him. He then nods and smiles a big smile. You missed that cute smile as you couldn't help but coo and pinch his cheeks and then walk off stage leaving him confused before going after you.
The date was nothing fancy. You just went to your parents house. Had some Ramen together as you took care of the house with your parents out on their own date.
"See this is a (Y/n) styled date. Home and food." You say as you gave him a sharp glare. He then chuckled nervously and nodded.
"I get it.. I wont ever try to impress you by leaving you somewhere for like 2 hours." He says. You then nodded as you soften your look and the two fo you sat there eating Ramen with a movie on, sitting on the floor of the livingroom happily together.
The stories original word count
{2989 words}
After I fixed it and feel confident I made it better.
{3628 words}
Such an upgrade. Proud of myself even if this is still crap because..
What kinda story even is this? Like the original story line was like.. Ew.
It took a bit to fix it.
Anyways I hope you enjoyed!
I tried!
Welp thats all baiii!!
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