The sound of boots hitting the concrete was enough to catch anyone's attention for a moment. But once you spared a glance in that direction, you'd probably stop and stare for a moment.
If the hipster clothing didn't hold your attention long enough, then the tattoo would. A long, blue dragon tattoo that weaved its way down the man's arm was very intriguing to most people, and it was usually what they used to strike up a conversation. Of course, the man's unintentionally hostile response usually scared them off.
Another thing that caught people's attention was his hair. Long, black hair that was pulled up in a neat bun, and occasionally a ponytail. It was kind of attractive to the women that spoke to him, but to their dismay, he wasn't interested in women.
The handsome stranger had many other details and quirks that caught people's eye, but those were the main ones. All of these major details were enough to make one cowboy very curious about him. That cowboy was none other than Jesse McCree.
The first time Jesse saw him was on a peaceful afternoon in the city. He was walking down the sidewalk, politely tipping his hat at any passing stranger that looked his way. He made a few ladies giggle and swoon when he did so, but that was nothing new. He looked across the street, searching for a familiar store. Instead, he saw something even more interesting: a very, very attractive Asian.
First he saw the tattoo. Then the clothing. Then the hair. He let out a low whistle and grabbed the edge of his hat.
To his surprise, the mysterious male glanced over at him. Feeling his heart skip a beat, he waved shyly at him. The other male rolled his eyes and waved back lazily.
Too focused on the man across the street, McCree didn't bother watching where he was going. Because of this, he practically ran into a telephone pole.
"Shit," he muttered, quickly sliding to a halt. Out of the corner of his eye, he swore he saw the other man trying to hold back a laugh. Feeling embarrassed, he moved around the pole and kept walking.
That's when the first raindrop hit him. Then a second. Then a third.
Jesse glanced up, realizing that it had started to sprinkle. "Well then," he thought, picking up the pace. Seconds later, the rain started to pour down.
The streets were quickly clearing out, with people pulling out umbrellas or heading into stores for cover. He held on tightly to his hat, scanning around for an open store. "Should've checked the weather forecast this morning..."
He soon realized that none of the stores around him were opened except a few across the street. Muttering under his breath, he quickly ducked under an awning as the rain started to come down even harder.
Glancing across the street, he noticed that the mystery man was also struggling to find cover. Without thinking, he whistled loudly, hoping to catch his attention. It did the trick, and the ravenet's head whipped around. He saw McCree under the awning and a relieved expression appeared on his face. He started to make his way over.
A minute later, the handsome stranger ducked under the awning with him. He sighed quietly before glancing over at Jesse. "Thank you."
The southerner couldn't help but stare. He was mesmerized by the man's voice and appearance. After a few seconds of silence, he mumbled, "Damn, yer even prettier up close..."
The stranger chuckled, looking out into the rain. "Is that the only reason you called me over, cowboy?" he said in a lighthearted tone.
Snapping out of his thoughts, the brunet found himself blushing. "N-No, not at all!" he sputtered, making the stranger laugh again. "That's just an added bonus. Ya looked like ya needed some cover from the rain."
"Is that so?" he purred, looking back over at McCree. When the cowboy nodded, he smiled and shook his head. "You're lucky you put me in a good mood earlier, otherwise I would've told you off by now."
"Oh?" Jesse said, raising an eyebrow. "I must be a lucky man, then." When he saw the other crack a smile, he grinned and tipped his hat. "The name's Jesse McCree. Mind tellin' me yours?"
The ravenet spared him a sideways glance. "You don't recognize me?" he asked, sounding surprised. When the other didn't answer, he relaxed slightly. "Shimada. Hanzo Shimada, to be exact."
In the back of his mind, the brunet remembered he knew that name. "A Shimada? Don't they run a corporate company around here or somethin'?"
Hanzo sighed and looked back out into the rain. "They do. I don't."
McCree decided not to push any further. "Understood..." he murmured, readjusting his hat. After a few moments of awkward silence, he spoke up. "Say, ya think we could meet like this again?"
"Under an awning in a downpour? It's a slim chance," the ravenet joked.
Jesse rolled his eyes playfully. "Not like that. I meant... Y'know... Out for coffee or somethin'?"
When the Asian gave him a surprised look, he quickly tried to fix it. "If you want to, of course! I don't wanna force you into anythin'-"
He was cut off by Hanzo laughing quietly. "Why, you're too cute..." he said quietly, causing the cowboy to turn red again. Sighing, the Shimada looked back over at him, a faint smile on his lips. "Of course. I'd love to go out with you sometime, McCree."
He blinked, surprised. "Really...?" he asked quietly.
"Sure," Hanzo looked up watching the water drip from the edge of the awning. "You seem sincerely interested in me. And besides, I owe you."
McCree opened his mouth to say something, but the words didn't come out. Slowly, he closed it and chuckled quietly. "It's a date."
"Don't jump to conclusions, now," the ravenet growled, shooting Jesse a glare. But his threats were empty, and they both knew that. Snickering, Jesse lit a cigar. "Whatever you say, pretty boy..." he mumbled, and they watched the rainfall in blissful silence.
A/N: This was a lot longer than it was supposed to be, whoops-
Anyway! I'm really proud of this and am kinda tempted to do a sequel/followup for it. But that'll depend on if you guys are interested in one or not. Either way, another update will come out soon!
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