T W O- L O C K E R B O Y
*** Keith the HomoBro ***
I inhaled deeply. I was stuck in a locker, that's normal. These kids are homophobic buttholes that like to stuff HomoBros like me in lockers. Especially if we are tiny. What wasn't normal, was all the groans I heard. Like, what the fuck? Were people having sex in the Hallway?
Lotor was shaking his head, trying to fold his arms in disgust. "What even is your mindset, Keith?" He asked, trying to punch me. "What? That's what it sounds like!" I said, defensively. He just sighed and disappeared once more. I focused back on trying to get out of the locker.
As I closed my eyes and thought, I was able to slowly pull my arms to the front of my body. I put my feet on the locker door, and with as much force possible, and kicked it. It was hard to do, especially since there was little space between my feet and the locker door, but I kept at it, until I heard a click.
I kicked one more time, even Lotor kicked with me this last time - I could feel it! I'm not crazy, shut up. -, and the locker swung open. As I stood outside the locker, I nearly wanted to celebrate. That is, until I turned around.
What looked like 6 dozens of dead kids came sprinting at me. Lotor sprinted off, not even saying a word. "What the hell, Lotor, wait the fuck up, Man!" "Hell No. I love you, Keith, but you're on your own!" "HOW ARE YOU EVEN LEAVING ME?"
I kept running, hoping I could find some form of a weapon. God damn, Lotor. You're supposed to be my friend, not my betrayer. This is literal ass. I eventually found somewhere to hide, which was a custodian closet, and closed the door. At least this was bigger than a locker.
One word escaped my mouth. "What?" I made a gesture to signify that I was confused, and Lotor appeared to my right. "They are dead. But like to eat the living. I guess the only way to say this is, zombies are real." Lotor said, shrugging his shoulders. I looked at him, deadpanned, and said, "Really? I didn't notice." He rolled his eyes again, "Whatever, Keith."
I closed my eyes, sighing. I tried to think of a plan.
"Give up, Keith. We're stuck, my friend." Lotor said, embracing the fact we'd die. "Shut up, Lotor." I said.
I could feel myself dropping to the floor. "What the..?" I asked myself, opening my eyes. "You need rest, Keith. Even though their are undead cannibals walking around, you'll need sleep. I'll wake you up, if you are in danger." "I- really don't have a choice, so okay."
•••Sleepy Keithy•••
I opened my eyes, jumping as I noticed my surroundings. Blood was everywhere. "Lotor...?" I asked aloud, as I stood up. I started shaking, I looked over to my right, and nearly screamed.
On the ground, laid two dead bodies. One being small, looking to be six years old. The other was someone I held dear to me, the one I hated so much I actually cared for, the one Lotor would constantly say I loved when I denied it.
The other was Lance.
Lance fucking McLain.
I could feel tears pouring down my face, as I scrambled toward him and the other person. As I knelt by him, I grabbed his wrist. That's when I jumped back. Lance jumped up himself, died tears on his face. "...Kei..th...?" He asked, looking at me with big, sad blue eyes. He reached at me, trying to see if I was real, before pulling his hand away, and starting to cry. He moved over toward the smaller body. "Marco...I'm so sorry kid...I told you I would protect you. I was supposed to be your Blue Paladin! I'm so sorry, Marco- I'm so damn sorry!" Lance was screaming as he cried. He was so engraved with grief, he had not noticed himself pulling Marco upwards.
Lance looked up, his eyes widened, and let out heartbroken screech. Marco had been staring at him, his eyes looked dull. What had caused Lance so much heartbreak, was the fact Marco had a huge bite mark in the right side of his neck and it was bleeding badly.
Lance couldn't move, he had been staring at the bite mark. He hadn't noticed the poor kid's dangling right arm. It had been nearly bitten off. Nor had he noticed Marco's very badly damaged right leg.
Marco started giggling, not reacting to the blood dripping from his mouth. He stopped laughing abruptly. "I don feel good Wancey Wance..." He said, before falling backwards.
Lance fell to his knees. He smiled. "Marco... Oh, buddy you had me so worried! Don't do that again, kid." He said, wrapping his arms around him. "I'm thorry, Wance! I didn' mean to make you worry!" Marco said, hugging Lance back.
That's what he manipulated the Marco's body into doing. He was having a conversation with a dead body.
I didn't know what to do. Could I really tell Lance what he was doing?
No...I couldn't... That would be hypocritical. That's what I've been doing with Lotor since-
A group of undead were running towards us.
"Lance! Lance we've got to go!"
"Keith, I can't leave him here, he's too young!"
"Lance, forget about that-"
"Keith you might not care, but I do! I'M NOT GONNA LEAVE HI-"
Lance stared at me, silent for a second. The undead were getting closer. "Lance, please-"
"Let me die with him."
"I promised to never leave him."
"Go save your own life, Keith."
I could do nothing, so I started running away.
I couldn't help myself, I looked back.
And I regret leaving him alone. Lance was screaming, crying as each undead bit into him.
I looked away. "I'm sorry."
•••Awakey Keithy•••
I snapped upwards, my head hit the door. "Keith, I'm sorry, I just wanted you to rest I had not thought that you'd have a night-" Lotor started, but I raised my hand. "It's...fine Lotor." I said, sitting up.
I sat up, and looked around the closet. On the bottom shelf, I saw what I call a blessing.
A freaking knife.
Hell yeah, this was gonna be great.
I looked around the corner, checking for any zombies. After seeing none, I started to walk out from my hiding spot.
As I had been walking, the lights flickered on and off, before they went out completely.
I kept walking, my eyes adjusting to the darkness automatically. It wasn't too dark, but it was dark enough for a young child to not be able to see (because scientifically, young children are more unable to see in the dark then teens and preteens).
A few seconds later, I heard a screech in front of me, then I heard crying, and then I heard another scream. I raced toward the sound, wielding my knife like a broad sword.
I threw the knife, hearing it collide with something. Now closer, I grabbed the knife, and aimed for the neck of the zombie, using way more strength then intended, and cut the thing's head off.
I looked down at the person on the floor, who I immediately recognized as Lance McClain. My best fucking friend, who I love to be around. My most absolutely favorite person I more than like to be around. My most favorite amazing human being whose company I enjoy the most. My- wait, I think you guys get it.
"Lance, you okay?" I asked. He looked up at me, clutching his shoulder. "K-Keith?" He asked, stuttering slightly.
I nodded, "Yeah, it's me. But as I asked, are you alright?"
"Y-yeah. I'm okay, just a little sh00k." Lance said, smiling a little. He then looked behind him, telling that kid I saw in my dream to come closer. "Keith, this is,," "Marco." I cut him off. He blinked, then looked at me strangely, "You know him?" I shook my head, "Uh... No? The name just popped into my head."
Marco blinked, then gasped, "OH! You must be the wed Paladin!" He said, before hugging me. I blinked, confusedly. Lance just smiled, mouthing, "just go along with it." I shrugged, pushed him away gently.
"Hey, we should get going." Lance said. "Where were you two going?" I asked. "We were going to find someway downstairs without getting eaten. But with the lights off, all hope of doing that dropped tremendously." Lance answered. "Woah, where'd you learn a word like that?" I asked, jokingly. He rolled his eyes, "My favorite Pidgeon."
"But in all seriousness, the power thingy is upstairs, so if we want to turn the lights back on, we need to get up there." I said. Marco gasped, then started jumping up and down, and said, "I towd (told) you we wewe (were) supposed to go up thewe (there)!" He looked triumphant. Lance laughed.
Oh fuck, this is why I'm gay. Stop being so fucking cute, Lance.
"Alright, Alright. You were right, lil' buddy. C'mon, let's go." He said, picking Marco up. Marco hung on to him tightly, smiling brightly.
Oh fuck, I can't even. Two adorable boys in the same room. One I'm gay for, and the other I met a minute ago and is a tiny fucking ray of sunshine. Stop being so fucking adorable, you two.
I crouched down and grabbed my knife, putting it in my pocket. Shut your fuck, I don't care if that's not safe, it's convenient for me. "That's not saf-" Lance started. "Shut your Quiznak, it's convenient for me. God, people just don't understand." I cut him off, doing a dramatic emo hair flick.
Lance just snickered. "Alright, Sasuke Uchiha." He said. Before I could open my mouth, Marco said/asked, "¿¿¿I thought he was Keith???" The kid was genuinely confused, I almost started laughing, and Lance looked defeated.
"Oh, forget it! Alright, let's get going, guys." Lance said.
I nodded, while Marco smiles and said, "Awwighty!"
We started walking, me guiding the way, since I was the one most used to the dark.
We only spoke sometimes to fill in the silence, caused by all of our terror put together, as we walked down these endless hallways.
As we walked, I noticed Lance slow down a bit. "Hey. You alright?" I asked. He nodded, saying, "Yeah... Just a little.. Tired." He coughed a bit, but managed to shake it off. He stopped completely, causing me to stop as well. "C-could you...carry Marco for me?" He asked, his voice sounding weak. "Okay.." I took Marco from him, "Are... You sure you're alright?" I asked. He just nodded.
I can tell something is wrong. And I'm pretty sure it had something to do with his shoulder.
I shook my head, trying not to think the worst. "Let's...keep going." I said, Lance nodded.
We kept moving, Lance slowing down sometimes. What was wrong with him? Why was he acting like this? Did he... Did that zombie bite him?
Oh, God I hope not. For Marco's sake.
We reached the stairwell, and I had to put Marco down. Marco was smiling and held Lance's hand, even though he had just woken up. He looked at Lance, but then looked away. He looked confused, and a little... sad? I didn't look back as I walked up the stairs, bracing my knife as we walked in case a zombie popped up.
We made it to the top, then started walking towards the hallway. That's when I heard a slight growl. I turned around, and held up my knife. And all I saw was Lance, shaking slightly facing the other way.
I held my breath, as I tapped his shoulder. He turned to look at me, a look of confusion on his face. "What..?" He asked. I let out a sigh of relief. "I thought... Never mind." I said, shaking my head, "Come on, let's go." He nodded, turning back the way we were moving. I turned back around and kept walking.
I heard a voice in the distance, saying, "Hold on, if he's alive, he might be all the way on the first grade floor, wouldn't he? We need to find the light thing so we can go down there... Stop zombie scoffing at me, asshole."
I was confused for almost a second, but then my eyes widened in realization. There were other survivors. Well, I mean, duh. But still, more people! I started walking toward where I heard the voice.
"What..? Footsteps? You thinking- they're human?" I heard the voice ask.
Marco looked ecstatic. "I know that voithe (voice)!" He said, not too loudly but apparently loud enough.
"It's..? M..." I then heard footsteps sprinting our way, then stop only ten feet away. I saw a blue and white light shine. (That guy must've found his soulmate or something.)
His gaze went from me, to Lance, then to Marco. That's when he smiled. He sprinted towards Marco. Before Lance and I could do something, Marco sprinted toward the guy as well, then jumped into his embrace. "Powo (Polo)! I thought I wouwdn't (wouldn't) get to thee you again!" Marco said. Polo, I'm guessing he's Marco's brother, smiled. "Marco, I thought I wouldn't see you again." He said.
They laughed and hugged more before Marco pulled away from the hug. "Where's Darco?" He asked, smiling brightly. Polo's smile faded quickly. "Well...he got..." Marco seemed to catch on, as he lowered his head. He started to cry a little. Polo noticed this and immediately tried to cheer him up. "H-hey now, don't do that. He's still alive, he's just a bit different." He said, before looking behind him, and called out, "Marquis! Come over here and talk to Marco... Well, even if you can't talk correctly, come here and comfort our brother, you fucker!" He didn't make an effort to censor him self, which made Lance look a little crossed. I just shook my head.
Wait, I didn't hear a voice say anything back.. Was this Darco, uh Marquis??, person his soulmate or something? But then he just said they were brothers. Not that I'm judging, y'know.
After a few seconds, Darco - Marquis?? Seriously which one is his name? - came from around the corner. He smiled, but then looked down immediately. I gripped my knife, as I glared at him.
The fucker was a zombie.
I would have went to attack him, but I didn't simply for the fact that he's Marco's brother.
Marco looked at him, and jumped. "Wh... D-Darco?" He called, quietly. Darco faltered at the look of fear on his brother's face. "M...arc...o..." I heard him mutter Marco's name, before backing away a bit. Polo stood up, holding Marco's hand. He looked down and whispered something to Marco, making the little guy shake his head. "Nuh- uh." He said, then looked back at Darco.
He ran up to hug him, smiling as he did, as Darco looked surprised for a second then smiled and hugged his little brother back.
I was about to say something, but before I did, I looked over to my right, and noticed Lance was gone.
"..? Lance? Where the hell..?" I asked out loud, as I turned around.
"What's wrong Keith?" Marco asked, coming up next to me. "Lance just did the disappearing act." I said, unconsciously. Marco looked confused. "He disappeared." "Oh."
Where the hell could he have gone? Worry clouded my mind, how the hell did he get away so quietly?
All I know, is that I need to find him. Fast.
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