Ch | 94
Noah Silas Anderson
Chapter Ninety-four: "Dancing with the devil"
This is stupid.
"Hello?" She answered the call the third time.
Nevermind, I take that back.
I sat up on my bed. "Hey, Brooklyn."
"Hi, Noah," she said, her voice sounding uninterested but willing.
"Um..." I now had to think of what to say because I didn't think I'd get this far. "How's Texas?"
"Hey, Noah!" I heard what sounded like Daniel yelling in the background.
Brooklyn smacked her lips at him. "Texas is fine, Noah. Is everything okay, why are you calling me?"
I scratched my shoulder and thought up something else. "I just wanted to talk, I guess." Oh my God, she's going to hang up.
There was this long pause and I banged my head against my pillow, regretting calling in the first place.
After, like, thirty seconds, Brooklyn spoke again. "Oh. Hi. How are you?"
She didn't sound like herself, but I'll take it.
Relieved our conversation didn't end there, I walked over to the window and stared down at the traffic.
"Uh, g-good. I mean, I'd be better if you were here." I bit my knuckle and waited for a response, hoping she wouldn't tell me off.
"Hello? You there?" I asked when she didn't reply.
"I'm here," she responded.
"Oh," I paced along the area rug. "Did you hear what I said?"
"I have to go, Noah. Bye."
"Oh. Well, it was nice talkin' to you-"
She hung up.
"I'm surprised you have space left on your body," Sky laughed, removing the needle. I yawned, sitting back in the chair, my hat covering my eyes as I was about to fall asleep.
I didn't have anything planned as far as getting another tattoo. Hell, I was surprised she found somewhere to put it, too. I just needed what I call "ink therapy." Some women go shopping when they're upset, other people drink to cope. Me, I get tatted.
"Still don't want to cover up those guns?" She asked, referring to my arms. I looked up them with pride and shook my head.
"Well, you're all done," she said, finishing with the plastic wrap around my shin. It was a small, basic tattoo that said "keep going" and my right leg mirrored it in the same spot with "go harder."
"Appreciate you," I told her, going for a fist-pound. She smiled and tossed her gloves in the trash.
Ever since Sky got married we'd been actually good friends, it weirded me out but she was cool about everything and we got along fine. In a way, she became like a sister. Eh, no, maybe like that cousin you only see at annual family gatherings but you like, look forward to seeing them and you hang out the whole time. Yeah, that's it.
Except, I think - I know - I'm only keeping her company because Brooklyn's gone. Plus, Gael is with his family and Cassie's mom was in town so I let them have that quality time.
My father and Em were spending Christmas with Asia's large family. I know I'm missing some good food but I wasn't in the mood for meeting a bunch of people and smiling in everyone's face.
"Why aren't you with your family, where's your wife?" I asked Sky.
She looked up. "Why aren't you with yours?"
"Touché," I laughed. "Well, everyone's busy."
"Ah, so you resort to me? I feel special."
"I didn't mean it like that."
"Well, that's what you said. I'm charging you triple next time," Sky chuckled, pulling her pants up.
"So what are you doing today? This?" I looked around as I followed Skylar to the kitchen.
"Probably getting high," she said with a shrug. "I got shrooms, you want in?"
I curled my face. "Hell no. You still do that shit?"
"You say it like it's a bad thing," she sassed, prepping the tea.
I shook my head and yawned again. "Ima go. Thanks again, Sky."
"Yo, Noah," Frank stopped me from doing my homework in the office at his gym. He had returned from the phone call he took.
I looked up at him standing in the doorway in front of another man.
I closed my textbook and said, "What's up?"
"Someone's here for you," Frank told me, stepping to the side.
"Sup, my guy?!"
"Vincent," I chuckled, slapping his hand. "What're you doing here?"
"Came to rescue you from, uh, what's that? Homework?"
I looked back at the cluttered desk and rolled my eyes. "Big test tomorrow."
Vince flicked his wrist. "Don't worry about that shit. You ready to go?"
"Go where?" I asked, following him anyway.
"Noah," Frank called my name. I stopped in the hallway and looked at him.
He signaled me back over without Vince.
"I don't want to act like your dad here, but-"
I cut him off. "Then don't, I'm fine. Vince is cool."
"That was your father on the phone a couple minutes ago, he said he wants to see you. He said you haven't been home in a while," Frank told me.
"He has another kid to worry about, I'm grown. But I'll call him. See you tomorrow, Frank."
"Noah," Frank called me again and I grunted, getting annoyed.
"You have a test tomorrow, don't forget. I'm not writing another note to your professor, covering this up."
"I'm gonna do it, damn. Get off my back about it," I huffed, grabbing my backpack.
"Don't worry," Vince stepped in to say, smirking. "He's in good hands."
Vince closed the door and walked us to outside where his Cadillac SUV was parked.
"You didn't answer me, where are we going?"
"Zane wants to see you," he said, pulling off. Vince looked in the mirror at me and added, "And when Boss wants something, he gets it. You don't question it."
I climbed from the back where he threw my stuff inside and got in the passenger seat.
"Aye, how'd you find me?" I asked him, opening the sunroof.
Vince exhaled. "You're annoying," he said. "You ask too many questions."
"Only like four. I'm hungry. Is there gonna be food wherever we're going?"
Vince took me to some hotel. We went up to the presidential suite where I was shocked to see what Zane had done with the place. About a dozen models paraded around in their swimsuits and I wasn't complaining.
"Hey," one of them said, walking by me.
Vince laughed as my eyes followed her across the room.
"Don't hesitate to take your pick. They're here for your entertainment," Vince chuckled, patting my shoulder.
"Where's Gael?" I shouted after him.
Vince shrugged, walking backwards. "He's somewhere around here. You know Gael."
I know what that means.
I was a few drinks in, enjoying the party as it progressed. It seemed like a movie, my life right now.
Zane had given Gael and I everything and I thanked Courtney for it. She was so into Gael, she introduced us to her boss one day at the club she worked at and he took a liking to us. It's hard to believe we've only known him for two months.
Zane treated us like kings. I always knew I deserved to live like this.
Whenever I wasn't in class or busting my ass at Frank's, Zane was showing us a whole new world. He wine and dined us, putting me onto foods I've never heard of at restaurants I couldn't pronounce. He listened to me talk about Rick and how he was going to lose the house since his new wife couldn't keep a job and he was struggling with drugs. And guess what Zane did? Gave me a loan for him. It wasn't a ridiculous amount of money, Rick could pay it off eventually, if he got his shit right.
Because I was fed up with my Dad - we were constantly fighting - I wanted to move out. Zane put me in an apartment - number 305 at The Beach Plaza. Gael, too.
When my car was fucked up, Zane gave me a new one - my yellow Hummer. He said it fit me more than that little old pickup truck I was driving.
He was more of a father figure than Frank who'd been getting on my nerves. See, unlike Frank, Zane didn't overstep. He didn't want to be father or own me, he was just showing us a good time. We had fun and he was a genuine guy I'd gladly do anything for because I know I could never repay him for all he's done. I owed him one.
"-Aww! He's just a baby," one of the models shrieked, rubbing her wet hands down my chest as I sat outside of the indoor pool.
I was high, just vibing, living in the moment. I took a small dose of X (ecstasy) with the girls but it wasn't, like, some mind-blowing experience. I just felt really good.
"No, he's all man," another whispered, turning my face to meet hers.
"I'll be the judge of that," the first girl said. I think her name was Nalani, she's Hawaiian, or something foreign. What can I say? I like me some exotic women. She was thick and her hair was long and dark like her skin. The other girl is...
"What's your name again?" I asked the model in the snakeskin bikini.
"Whatever you want it to be," she cooed back, kissing my jawline.
"He's mine, Steph!" Nalani rose from under the water and grabbed my arm. Stephanie, yes, that's her name!
"Ladies, ladies," I chuckled, throwing my arms around them both.
"I don't mind sharing if you don't," Stephanie said softly to Nalani.
Nalani chewed her lip and gestured Stephanie into the water. Steph got in and they kissed right in front of me.
My head tilted, watching them. This is every guy's dream.
"You coming in?" Asked Stephanie, and Nalani giggled.
I shook my head and grabbed each of their hands, helping them out of the water.
"Carry us!" Stephanie exclaimed and her friend agreed, clapping.
I put all that work in the gym to use and threw them over my shoulders. The girls gasped and giggled and I wasted no time going to find a room.
"Noah," I heard a voice call. It was probably Vince, I just ignored him.
"Noah!" Vince busted in the room, making both girls scream and cover up.
I tossed my head back and cursed under my breath, my jaw clenching.
"Can't you see I'm a little busy," I gritted at him, hoping he'd get the hint and leave.
"Zane wants to see you," he said. "And you shouldn't keep him waiting."
Jesus fucking Christ, I can't ever do anything!
"Hurry back," Stephanie piped. "Don't make us wait too long!"
"We can entertain each other until he comes back," Nalani suggested, peeling the sheets on Steph's porcelain body down.
I stopped in the doorway and watched them makeout with each other until Vince yanked my sweaty body away.
"Stop manhandling me," I pushed his body weight across the hall.
"I don't think I'll like you too much," he said to me.
I reached down my shorts and curled my face. "I don't like you either. Who cockblocks someone like that, you could've waited?"
When he didn't respond, I said, "This better be good..."
Vince pushed me inside the room and I was faced with Zane standing there, smoking his cigar. Gael was there, too, I was happy to see him after all this time apart.
Ronnie shut the door and, like Vince, held up the far corners of the room like they were top flight security.
I ground my teeth and swayed back and forth, trying to land in a comfortable stance.
"Damn, you couldn't give me like thirty more minutes," Gael joked. I chuckled and slapped Gael's hand as a greeting.
Zane puffed smoke from his cigar, removing his hand from around the woman next to him. "Baby, let the men here talk in private," he said. She walked in front of him and Zane slapped her ass on the way out.
"You boys been with me for two months now and I take it as if you like this lifestyle. Am I wrong?"
I shook my head like my leg."This is cool. Thank you."
"Hell yeah," Gael agreed.
"I did more than enough for you both and now it's your turn to prove yourself to me. Show me you're capable of this lifestyle." Zane said, "Which includes working for me."
I looked around through my dilated pupils and nodded. "Are you kidding? I'd do anything for you, what is it?" Gael agreed.
"I'm going to let you in on a little secret of my life and everything in this room better stay between us because I'll know." Zane put out his cigar. "I have a business, running and cleaning money in my club. No questions asked, you're going to work for me, but I need you to get rid of someone trying to cross me. Vince and Ronnie were in your shoes a couple of years ago, but they made the right choice. I hope you do too."
Gael gulped hard enough for me to hear. He looked at me and then started laughing. Shit, I couldn't help it either, thinking Zane was kidding.
"Something funny, son?" Zane asked.
"That wasn't a joke?"
"Fuck that, what is this, a spy movie? I got two girls waiting for me in the other room. You're funny, Zane," I cackled, trying to walk out. Vince stopped me, his big ass holding up the door.
Gael just laughed. Zane said, "Does it look like a joke? I've been straight up with both of you since you walked in my club, so cut the drunk shit. You're going to do as I ask, and continue getting the benefits. Am I clear?"
"You're asking us to get rid of someone. The fuck do we look like? Hit men? Nah, I'm good." Gael insisted, crossing his arms.
My jaw clenched. "Yeah I'm out."
Zane raised his voice but didn't put any fear in my heart. "You're not going anywhere. Unless you can pay me for everything I've done and bought for you. Can you?" He looked between Gael and I.
That's when Ronnie and Vince showed the guns on their hips. Fuck.
"You know we can't," I barked, growing agitated.
"Is this what this was?" Gael opened his arms. "You buy us shit that we didn't ask for, taking us places for us to work for you and get rid of people."
"So, it looks like you both don't have a choice. Starting today, you'll be working for me until I say your debt is paid. You'll do as I ask, when I ask, and if you don't, there will be consequences. I assume you boys value your lives?" Zane made clear.
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