The First Night
"Hermione, Love, Love of my life, it's time to wake up," Ron said softly as he gently shook Hermione's shoulders.
She woke up with a small groan but when she remembered that it wasn't morning and that she had just taken a nap, she properly woke up, knowing that she would get to go back to sleep soon.
Once she was awake, she got off of Ron's chest and the bed before stretching some beside the bed while Ron woke Harry up.
"Harry, wake up, it's time for dinner," Ron said in the same soft tone as he gently shook Harry's arm.
Harry's eyes opened slowly and he blinked a few times before looking at Ron properly.
"Good afternoon sleepy head," Ron said with a soft smile. "Did you enjoy your nap?"
Harry nodded as he sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.
Tears began to build in his eyes before falling out of them as be bit his lip to keep it from trembling.
Ron immediately grew concerned and confused. "What's wrong? What happened? Are you okay? Does something hurt?" He rapid-fired questions, wanting to know how to help Harry.
"I've never slept that good before and I'm still sleepy," Harry said through quiet cries.
"Aww baby," Hermione cooed with a small smile, finding his words sad but also adorable.
She and Ron both hated that he was treated so poorly that he wasn't able to get good sleep but she also found the way that he was still tired enough to cry about it adorable in a sad way.
"Would you like to go back to sleep then? We can skip dinner and eat an extra big breakfast tomorrow morning if you'd like." Ron said gently, his tone soft and soothing as he gently wiped the tired tears off Harry's face.
"Y-yes ple-please please." Harry choked out with a small nod.
"Okay, would you like a hug first?" Ron asked, knowing that any time any of his siblings or even himself was crying, they wanted to be held or at the least hugged as a way of comfort before they would be able to calm back down.
Harry nodded so Ron picked Harry up and hugged him close in a gentle yet firm embrace.
"You're okay, it's okay, you can go back to sleep, baby." He whispered to him as Harry hugged him back and rested his head against Ron's shoulder.
Ron continued to whisper reassuring words to Harry as he bounced him gently and held him close until Harry fell back asleep.
Once he was sure Harry was asleep again Ron turned to look at Hermione.
"That was horrible, I never want to see him sad ever again." He stated as he looked at his girlfriend with unshed tears in his eyes.
"Aww, Love. I know you don't, and I don't want to either but you already know that little kids emotions change as quick as the snap of a finger. He's okay, he's just sleepy." Hermione said as she got back on the bed and hugged Ron as best as she could without disturbing Harry.
"I know, I just- I feel so protective over him. I mean the thought of seeing him like this, knowing what all his shitty family has done to him over the years- I- it makes me mad." Ron stated, his words coming out in a bit of a jumble through his frustration.
"I mean he's my best mate, he's our best mate *he corrected quickly* but when he's like this, he's so young and helpless. It's so weird because I want to take care of him and be like a father to him but at the same time I know he's my mate and that when he becomes his normal age again that it will be weird having me be like a father because we'll be the same age again." He rambled and ranted as his embrace around Harry tightened some, holding him closer as he began to sway him side to side again.
"But then again I wouldn't care because I know he deserves to have parents who actually care about him and I think that it might be a little weird for us to be those parents for him but at the same time, we're better than nothing. I mean he has Sirius and Remus but he doesn't see them frequently enough for them to truly be parents to them. But then again the age for us and him are the same so it will be weir-" Ron's seemingly never-ending rambling was cut off by Hermione kissing him on the lips softly.
"Ron, Love, I know your brain is running a million thoughts a minute but I need you to take a breath." She said softly when she pulled away from the kiss.
Ron did as he was told, he stopped talking and instead took a few deep breaths.
"Good job, now, I know how you're feeling. I feel the same way, I want him to have proper parents with him too and for now, I believe that we are the best option for him at this age at least. Once he grows older then I believe that your mother, Remus, and Sirius are the better options but I also believe that that doesn't mean that we have to stop parenting him fully. I believe that we can still keep him under our wing in a way but do it in a more friendly way than the parental way that we are doing now. Does that make sense?" She asked, not knowing if her mild rambling made sense in the end, she was still a little tired herself after just waking up from her own nap.
Ron nodded, "Yes, it makes sense. You're right 'Mione, we should be his parental figures for now and then once he gets closer to our age we'll let the real adults take over. I'm just so worried he'll think of us differently once he's back to his normal age." He said with a sad smile.
"He probably will think of us differently but that doesn't mean anything bad. I believe that he'll be closer to us when he's back to normal because we'll have shown him yet again how much we love him and care about him. I think he'll be even more appreciative of our friendship, I don't think anything negative will come out of it. Try your best not to worry about it too much, alright Love?" She said as Ron gently placed Harry down to lay down on the bed and hugged a pillow instead of keeping him in his lap.
"Alright," he said with another small nod before he stood up beside the bed and stretched, his back and knees popping from lying down for so long. "I'll try not to think about it too much Love." He said before giving her a soft kiss on the forehead.
She smiled at him and his small act of affection, "Would you like me to call a house elf to get us dinner so we don't have to leave Harry alone and so we can still eat some dinner?" She asked making Ron's eyes shine.
"Yes please, I hadn't even thought about that! I really didn't want to miss dinner but there's no world where I'm leaving Harry here alone or you in here with him alone. I don't want to be without either of you so I was just going to miss the meal. You're such a genius." He said with a large grin making her laugh lightly.
"I just suggested something of common sense Ronald." She said with a laugh as she got off the bed and stood in front of him.
"Well, I don't always use mine so I'm glad you use yours." He said before hugging her tightly, kissing her cheek, and then pulling away from her so she could call for the house elf without them seeing the display of affection.
Normally, Hermione would be against having House Elves doing anything, she still believed they would be better free than working for wizards but she made the exception for now.
After Hermione had asked the House Elf for food and had gotten two trays of it, the two of them began eating while Harry continued to sleep peacefully.
Soon they were done eating and put the trays on the coffee table to take away tomorrow.
They changed into their pajamas before Hermione waved her wand over Harry, making him change into pajamas too.
Then they lay down next to each other with Harry between them and got comfortable under the covers.
"Goodnight Love, sleep well," Hermione told Ron before yawning.
"Goodnight My Love, you too. Love you" Ron answered before yawning as well, catching her contagious action.
"Love you too." She said softly before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep once again.
Ron on the other hand stayed awake a little longer to continue thinking about what normal age Harry will think of him and Hermione after this is all over.
1,525 Words! Sorry I post these chapters at such weird times, I just post whenever I'm motivated to write😅
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