Once the interview was over, Haru handed her a box full of fan letters when she was back at her dressing room. "These are from your fans present today. The car is waiting at front for you, miss Park. We'll escort you when you're ready," he announced. The makeup artists and the hairstylist were packing everything, and Aidee helped them. She wanted to be fair and help everyone who helped her. Once everything was packed, she was escorted to the car and driven to their hotel. She was sitting in the middle of the van, for security measures, so she took the chance and opened the box of fan letters.
The first one was a pink envelope, with her name in golden glitter. She smiled. She just wanted to look over them for a while. Oddly, she could feel the fondness of them, the happiness they radiated. The envelopes were from all colors, different styles and lettering, all full of joy and hope and love.
All except for one.
It was a blank envelope, with her name made up with random magazine letters. It looked dirty and crumpled. She wondered tremendously what it held inside, and her curiosity getting the better of her, she decided to open it. Her eyes widened at the first content of the letter.
It was a piece of a news paper, where the heading of the article read, "FOREIGN COUPLE KILLED IN POST OFFICE: ONLY A GIRL SURVIVED" in big black letters. The article was glued onto the letter, and she intently stared at the picture attached. It was a sort of collage, with a picture of her crying, surrounded by policemen, and the other photos were of her deceased parents. By now, she was a living earthquake.
Her breath hitched, stuck in her throat. It seemed like the van was getting smaller and closing in on her, and the heat was up another thirty degrees. She read the last letters, scribbled in red ink, all in caps.
■ ■ ■
"Hello?" Seokjin picked up the phone. He was laying on his bed, in his shared room with Yoongi. The later looked intently at his hyung, seeing the caller ID as Haru, Aidee's lead bodyguard. "She what?!" Seokjin exclaimed, sitting up and shoving his covers away, looking for his shoes. "What hospital?!" After a few seconds, he hung up. "What's wrong?" Asked Yoongi, getting up as well. "Aidee is at the hospital. Haru drove the van after one of her bodyguards saw she was having a panic attack. Come on, let's go! We'll call the others on the way!" Yoongi burst up from his seat and looked for his shoes, grabbing their rental car keys and running out the door. Seokjin took out his phone in a jitter and texted on the Bangtan group chat.
Namjoon: wAIT WHAT
Hoseok: What HAPPENED
■ ■ ■
When Seokjin and Yoongi got there, the nurse took them right to Aidee's room. The two bodyguards were sitting outside while Haru was inside, looking after the teenage girl. They could see her through the small window of her room's door; crying, shaking and moving back and fro on her bed, knees to her chest, mumbling something underneath her breath. They rushed in, slowing down once Yoongi opened the door. They slowly walked closer to her, capable of hearing her murmurs, her soft spoken whispers for her parents and to wake up from the nightmare that occurred; from the hell about to be unleashed. "M-mami, P-papi... Dejenme despertar... Despiertenme... Porfavor..."* With great caution, Yoongi put a hand on her shoulder. Or rather tried. Once he laid his hand on her, she flinched, hiding her face in between her legs. "No quiero morir, no quiero morir, no quiero morir,"** she repeated constantly. Seokjin gulped, and got closer to her. "Sweetie, my angel, my life, my universe," he started, getting her attention. She stared at his dark eyes, full of worry, love and comfort, while in return, he stared at empty, frightened, dull ones. "You're going to be okay. We're here, we'll protect you. Nothing is going to happen." He managed to hug her, and she returned his hug, shaking. When the rest of BTS arrived, she had been sedated and slept. The police arrived soon after.
"Why is the police here?" Asked Namjoon, looking at the two agents. The door to Aidee's room opened, and Haru stepped outside. Jungkook and Yoongi were inside her room, while the others were outside. "I called them," Haru announced, taking out the threat letter Aidee received. Taehyung took the letter, Jimin looking over Tae's shoulder. He had recieved threats as well, but none had been like this. One by one, they all read and saw the letter, finishing at the hands of one of the policemen. "We'll look into this," one of them said, putting the letter on an evidence ziploc. They asked for them to go to the police station to get some testimonies, and Hoseok volunteered to stay with Aidee. Jungkook, Yoongi and everyone else left, leaving Hoseok alone in her room.
After an hour, she decided to wake up, her anxiety episode all gone. "How do you feel, sunshine?" Hoseok asked, leaning on her bed from his chair. "I dunno. Okay, I think. And tired. And hungry." Hoseok smiled. "I'll tell Yoongi to get you food," He whipped out his phone and texted his hyung. "Where are they?" Aidee asked, rubbing her eye. "They're with the police, giving testimonies and stuff. Yoongi was let go, so he's coming now," Hoseok explained, smiling at her. "What's going to happen now?" "Well, sunshine, they'll put extra security wherever we go and look for finger prints, I guess. You're going to be just fine. No one is gonna hurt you." Aidee smiled while Hoseok placed his hand over hers. "Hobi oppa, can I tell you something?" Aidee asked, whispering, incase Yoongi would suddenly enter. Hoseok lunged his seat a bit forward, leaning and nodding. "You can tell me anything, sunshine. I'm the only one of us that can keep a secret." Aidee laughed at his statement, knowing too well it was true.
"Oppa, I've accidentally called Namjoon, Seokjin and Yoongi 'appa'." Hoseok lost it. He laughed loudly, earning being hit in his arm by Aidee. "It's not funny! I dunno if I should call them that, much less in public." Hoseok smiled and stopped laughing, looking at her deep in the eyes. "Sunshine, you can call us whatever you want. Oppa, samchon, appa. As long as it's not halabeoji. And all of us know the kind of connection you have to Yoongi hyung, Seokjin hyung and Namjoon. It's completely okay." A minute later, Yoongi bursts inside the room, hands full of bags with food. "I'M HERE SHORTCAKE! I BROUGHT YOUR FAVORITE BURGER KING VANILLA MILKSHAKE AND ITALIAN SANDWHICH!" he exclaimed. "Yay food!" She smiled as he set the bags down, cupping her face. "You okay? Are you hurt? The police are investigating who I have to kill." Aidee chuckled, and in a day, she was admitted out of the hospital. Just in time for the AMAs preparations.
■ ■ ■
The police updated the kpop group within a day, after Aidee's release. The suspect was a man on an airplane back to Korea, so they called the korean police department and are taking care of him. Just in case, they tripled the security at the AMAs and every interview they were doing afterwards.
"Okay, my dress is ready, shoes are ready, accessories laid out... I feel like I'm missing something..." "Yeah, your chillax button. Dee, you have everything for later today. It's three in the morning. Get some sleep," commanded Jungkook to his little sister. Like always, they shared a hotel room, and had just arrived from the general practice for the AMAs. "But I can't, Kookie oppa! Taylor Swift is coming! She's been my inspiration since I was a kid! I know all her songs!!" Aidee ranted, flopping down on her bed. Jungkook smiled. At least she wasn't thinking about the letter, or so he thought. The main reason she couldn't fall asleep was the fear of having someone break into her room. Even if the guards were patrolling the whole floor at that moment. "Hey, I want you to do something," Jungkook said, looking at her with a smile. "What?" "If we win the award, say something. A small speech, in Spanish. Just so everyone can see the real you." "But this is the real me," Aidee retorted, sitting up once again. "This is the idol you. Show them who you were before all of this. Touch their hearts, just like how you touched ours." Aidee threw a pillow on his face. "Stop being so gross and cliche!" Jungkook laughed and threw her the pillow back. "Haven't you noticed? You were so shy around us at first, now you're so extroverted!" Aidee caught the pillow before it hit her face and hugged it, "Yeah, because it's you guys. I'm still really shy around people I haven't met, and I'm awkward. Being in crowded places gives me the creeps, hence why I'm so stressed." "You'll get used to it while being an idol... By the way, I have to tell you something..." Jungkook hesitated, sitting up straight. Aidee tilted her head over to the side, so as to wonder, a motion for him to continue. "Namjoon hyung told me I should tell you at the right moment, and since you're stressed now, I guess it won't do much harm..." Aidee patiently waited for him to continue. What was he gonna say? It couldn't be worse than the letter she had recieved. Nothing could top that. Except, maybe one thing.
"After our trip with the trainees, you won't get to see the boys anymore."
"What," Aidee instantly muttered out. "wHAT?!" "WHAT!" Her voice grew louder as she stood from her bed and pointed her pillow at her oppa. "Jeon Jungkook, explain." He gulped and rapidly answered, "It was Bang PD's idea. He wants the boys to concentrate without the girls interrupting them. Take note that girls aren't supposed to train under Big Hit, Sumin being the only exception. However, when he met you and saw what you and Jisoo hold as talent, he decided to partner up with a company to create a girl group. NOBODY KNOWS THIS! Don't you dare say a word about this to anyone!" Aidee nodded, and asked, "But why separating us from the boys?" "He wants them to be focused on their debut for 2019. You'll move schools in January, to a specialized school in Seoul where the kin of former idols study. Sons of actors, MCs, singers, even backup dancers all study there. And you and Jisoo will too."
"Ahh shit," she muttered, sitting down on her bed. "I heard that!" Jungkook exclaimed. "So I won't see my best friends for a whole year?" "Not entirely. You're allowed to see them in the hallways and say hi. Nothing more tho, or they'll get a warning." "Wait, what?! Jungkook!" "All I'm saying, Aidee, is that they're not the only ones trying to debut under my company. There are 20 trainee boys in total, and the top 5 will be able to debut. Even a single warning will ruin their profile. They're not going to be able to talk to us anymore. Heck, the only reason why they talk to us is because of you." Jungkook sat aside Aidee and side hugged her. It sure was alot to take in, and he knew it too. Not being able to speak to your guy friends until they debut is a hassle. "Am I allowed to speak to Jisoo and Sumin?" Jungkook nodded, and ended up rocking both of them to sleep.
* "M-mom... D-dad... Let me wake up... Wake me up... please."
**"I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want tk die"
Alright so I want to make a few things straight:
1. I live in Puerto Rico.
4. Yes, my parents are cops, and sooner or later will have to work at said riots.
Why is this all happening?
In a very brief summary: the governor was part of a group chat that ended up calling certain politicians/famous people names and made fun of things that happened in certain situations (i.e., when a policeman entered a bank and shot someone, they called him a bad word, during hurricane Maria, they did a bunch of stuff) so basically the group chat's 800 pages ended up being leaked, so now the people want him to resign being a governor.
There, that's most of the drama.
Yep, there are a bunch of memes and videos about it, but what I want y'all to take into consideration when you watch the riots where they throw stuff at policemen, is that tHE BOTTLES THEY WERE THROWING HAD GASOLINE AND THEY SET POLICEMEN ON FIRE like seriously guys they're JUST PEOPLE doing their freaking jobs to get paid. Jesus.
Anyways, I'll make a book about all the riots or smth later on.
Peace out, lovelys~♡
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